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Òåñòû III óðîâíÿ ⇐ ÏðåäûäóùàÿÑòð 2 èç 2
! Complete the sentence. Botany is derived from the … * German * English * +Greek * French * Kazakh
! Complete the sentence. “Botany” is for … * a study * a herb *+a science * a world * a man
! Complete the sentence. Plant consist of roots, …, leaves. * +stems * solids * soils * fungi * steps
! Complete the sentence. Biennials live … * 3 years * 1 year * 5 month * 3 days *+ 2 years
! Complete the sentence. Annuals live … * 3 years * +1 year * 5 month * 3 days * 2 years
! Complete the sentence. Algae, fungi, one- celled bacteria are…… * Moss Plants * Pteridophytes * Spermatophytes * Seed plants * +Thallophytes
! Complete the sentence. Mosses, Lichens, liverwords are * Thallus Plants * Fernlike Plants * Spermatophytes * +Bryophytes * Pteridophytes
! Complete the sentence. Spermatophytes are vegetables, grasses, most trees and ….. * Molds * Lichens * +Shrubs * Fungi * Algae
! Complete the sentence. Medicinal plants are Valerian, Althea and…… * +Ginseng * Radish * Carrot * Potato * Lemon
! Complete the sentence. Roots and rhizomes are gathered, washed or …. from earth. * collected * +freed * hold * cut * sold
! Complete the sentence. Subterranean organs are roots and……... * Leaves * Flowers * Fruits * +Rhizomes * Calyx
! Complete the sentence. The good example of aggregate fruits is….. * sweet pea * +butter cup * poppy * pineapple * fig
! Complete the sentence. Simple fruit is …… * pineapple * mulberry * hop * +poppy * butter cup
! Complete the sentence. Composite fruit is ….. * sweet pea * butter cup * poppy * hop * +fig
! Complete the sentence. Solid form isn’t … * +salve * capsule * tablet * globule * lozenge
! Complete the sentence. Semisolid is …… * lozenge * globule * infusion * decoction * +suppository
! Complete the sentence. Liquid isn’t …… * extract *+ointment * solution * infusion * mixture
! Complete the sentence. Liquid is ….. * lozenge * capsule * suppository *+solution * salve
! Complete the sentence. Compressed solid mass of medicated material is ….. *+ tablet * friction * salve * syrup * decoction
! Complete the sentence. A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous container is ….. * extract * ointment * suppository * tincture * +capsule
! Complete the sentence. A base which melts at body temperature … * liniment * powder * mixture * capsule * +suppository
! Complete the sentence. …. is made by boiling a medicinal plant with water. * a tincture * ointment * pill * +decoction * suppository
! Complete the sentence. An alcoholic or hydro – alcoholic solution at nonvolatile drugs of plant is …….. * extract * +tincture * capsule * ointment * pill
! Complete the sentence. In the drug cabinet the letter “A” is for … * +poisonous * effective * strong * unpoisonous * weak
! Complete the sentence. Every bottle or box has a ………. with the name of the medicine stuck on it. * signature * prescription *+ label * powder * stick
! Complete the sentence. Strong effective drugs are kept in the drug cabinet having the letter….. * A * +B * C * D * E
! Complete the sentence. Medicines and medical items are sold at …. * backery * laboratory *+chemist’s * shop * office
! Complete the sentence. There are …… departments at a chemist’s. * one * +two * three * four * five
! Complete the sentence. Today all prescriptions in Kazakhstan are written in ……. *+Latin * Greek * Kazakh * Russion * English
! Complete the sentence. …… is difficult to use and remember. * +chemical name * physical name * brand name * official name * generic name
! Complete the sentence. The private property of the drug company and copy right is …… * generic name * official name * chemical name * +brand name * surname
! Complete the sentence. …… should be used as the language of prescriptions. * +generic name * physical name * brand name * official name * chemical name
! Complete the sentence. In prescription there is the name of the drug and the … * address * telephone number * label * +dose * letter “A”
! Complete the sentence. Ampicillin is the … of a well known antibiotic. * brand name * trade name * +generic name * signature * chemical name
! Complete the sentence. The directions to the patient as to how he should take the medicine is called ….. or “signature”. * medicine * drug * +label * prescription * dose
! Complete the sentence. Shapes of leaves are ovate, elliptical, cordate, lanceolate and….. * thin * thick * square * curved *+orbicular
! Complete the sentence. The place on the stem at which leaves appear are called ….. * +node * internode * radix * whorl * angle
! Complete the sentence. When leaves are arranged one after another they are called … * opposite * deccusate * ovate * +alternate * radical
! Complete the sentence. Clusters of thick primary roots are called …. roots. * primary * +fascicled * fleshy * tap * thin
! Complete the sentence. Carrot, radish are …. roots. * primary * tap * +fleshy * fascicled * adventitious
! Complete the sentence. A primary root that grows much longer that any of its branches is called… * primary root * tubers * fleshy root * adventitious root * +tap-roots
! Complete the sentence. … grow on plants which need extra support for their stems. * fascicled roots * tap-roots * fleshy roots * +adventitious roots * primary roots
! Complete the sentence. Two appendages called …. often grow on either side of the petiole at the spot * lamina * petiole * branch *+stipules * blade
! Complete the sentence. A leaf consists of a blade, …. and stipules. * +footstalk * calyx * stigma * petiole * flower
! Complete the sentence. When the divisions extend nearly to the base or to the…, the leaf is partite. * margin * +midrib * cleft * serrate * leaf-blade
! Complete the sentence. When the divisions extend about halfway down, the leaf is called…, * margin * midrib *+cleft * serrate * leaf-blade
! Complete the sentence. When the projections lie regularly over each other, like the teeth of a saw the leaf is …. * margin * midrib * cleft * +serrate * leaf-blade
! Complete the sentence. If the margins have no division, the leaf is …. * cleft * partite * serrate * dentate * +entire
! Complete the sentence. If there are slight projections, the leaf is ….. * +dentate * margin * entire * cleft * serrate
! Complete the sentence. The part of the stem between two nodes is … * axis * +internode * node * plantain * margin
! Complete the sentence. Botany …. the arrangement and classification of plants. * holds * applies * devides * studys * +studies
! Complete the sentence. … takes the prescription. * medicine * liquid * +patient * drug * soil
! Complete the sentence. …. usually grow under the ground. * leaves * +roots * fruits * flowers * liquids
! Complete the sentence. A doctor administers me …. *+pills * plants * leaf * skin * headache
! Complete the sentence. A daily cream is useful for … * pills * plants * leaf *+skin * headache
! Complete the sentence. Pteridophytes include the… *+mosses * algae * fungi * shrubs * flowers
! Complete the sentence. There are …. departments at every chemist’s shop. * 5 * 4 * 3 * +2 * 1
! Complete the sentence. The …. consists of 6 parts. * bacteria * pistil *+flower * fruit * chemist’s
! Complete the sentence. Corn completes their life cycle in a ….season. * double * extra * +single * many * twelve
! Complete the sentence. There are…. important groups of plants. * 1 * 2 * 3 * +4 * 5
! Complete the sentence. The science of …. studies the arrangement and classification of plants. * Mathematics * Geography * Chemistry * Philology * +Botany
! Complete the sentence. …. grows under the ground. * fruits * flowers *+rhizomes * milberries * leaves
! Complete the sentence. …. usually absorb water and minerals. * leaf * liquid * calyx * flower * +roots
! Complete the sentence. Medicinal plants are very valuable by their… * flower and roots * rhizomes and pericarp * calyx and roots * +roots and rhizomes * salve and plaster
! Complete the sentence. Drugs commonly divided in … categories. * 1 *+ 3 * 5 * 2 * 4
! Complete the sentence. …. has consistency thinner than ointment. * salve * powder * plaster * infusion * +liniment
! Complete the sentence. Roots and rhizomes supply plants with … from the soil. *+nourishing salts * nourishing fruits * money * sun * moon
! Complete the sentence. Botany is a field of …. * technology * roots *+medicine * surgery * building
! Complete the sentence. A leaf is produced from … or branch. * +stem * root * rhizomes * calyx * solids
! Complete the sentence. Each carpel gives rise to …. * seed * calyx * +fruitlet * corolla * germen
! Complete the sentence. Poisonous drugs are kept in the …. with the letter “B” * refrigerator * shelves * wardrobe * table * +drug cabinet
! Complete the sentence. … is substance incorporated in a base. * solution * +suppository * powder * fruits * flowers
! Complete the sentence. When more than two leaves are produced they are …. * linear * vertical * alternate * +verticillate * nodes
! Complete the sentence. Usually the …. contains of six parts. * leaf * root * rhizomes *+flower * fruit
! Complete the sentence. … is usually green and consists of a blade. * root *+leaf * rhizomes * flower * room
! Complete the sentence. Plants differ greatly in length of … * +life * death * sun * moon * day
! Complete the sentence. Each fruit contains one or more …. * fruit * root * plants * flower * +seeds
! Complete the sentence. The stamens and … form the most essential parts of a flower. * calyx * stamen *+pistil * blossom * stigma
! Complete the sentence. The blade of a leaf is attached to a stem by a … * blade * footstalk * stipules *+petiole * leaflike
! Complete the sentence. … are divided into parts, including roots, stems and leaves. * Thallophytes * Seed plants * Moss plants * Thallus plants *+Fernlikeplants
! Complete the sentence. TheleavesofPlantain, Belladonna are … * compound * half way * midrib *+simple * complex
! Complete the sentence. A salve is used for mollifying, healing and …. * taking * drying *+soothing * cutting * boiling
! Complete the sentence. Usually the outer-most circle of the flower is called the …. * +calyx * corolla * filament * stamen * stamina
! Complete the sentence. When leaves are situated opposite, they are … * ovate *+decussate * linear * lanceolate * cordate
! Complete the sentence. The leaf-blade of the compound leaf is divided into many… * leafstalk * dentate * cleft * entire *+leaflets
! Complete the sentence. The pharmaceutist checks up the … of a drug. * address * age * telephone *+dosage * date
! Complete the sentence. Plant …. studies the form and structure of plants. * semiology *+morphology * philology * taxonomy * bryology
! Complete the sentence. When the divisions extend about halfway down, the leaf is called … * mid-rib * partite * serrate * blade *+cleft
! Complete the sentence. An ointment is useful for the… * skeleton * eyes *+skin * hair * heart
! Complete the sentence. … items are sold at a chemist's shop. * Technological *+Medical * Office * Food * School
! Complete the sentence. Aggregate fruits are formed when each … gives rise to a fruitlet. * +carpel * ovule * flower * seed * calyx
! Complete the sentence. The flat, green part of a …is called the blade. * root * rhizomes * flower * blade *+leaf
Òåñòû IV óðîâíÿ ! What is the State language in Republic of Kazakhstan? * + Kazakh * Russian * English * Turkish * Ukraine ! When was the RK law on languages adopted? * +1996 * 1995 * 1991 * 2005 * 2009 ! What is the RK law on languages based on? * program * +constitution * regulations * relations * project ! What language is used in RK equally with Kazakh? * English * Turkey * + Russian * German * French ! What language is used in RK international activity? * Russian, English * Russian, German * Kazakh, Turkey * Kazakh, French * + Kazakh, other languages due needs ! What languages is all documentation in RK state bodies and organizations carried out? * + Kazakh, Russian * Kazakh, English * Russian, English * Russian, German * Kazakh, French ! What subjects are obligatory in educational institutions due to ”RK law on languages”? * Russian, English * Kazakh, English * + Kazakh, Russian * Kazakh, German * Russian, Turkey ! What language is the means of interethnic communication in RK? * Kazakh * English * German * + Russian * Turkey ! What is the language of business, communication and integration into global economics in RK? * Russian * German * Kazakh * + English * Chinese ! What bodies provide necessary conditions for development of state and other languages in RK? * Parliament * Mazhilis * Ministry of education and science * Ministry of Public health * +All state organs ! What does the State program on developing languages provide? * state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Russian * +state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Kazakh * state language priority, phased transfer of office work into German * state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Turkey * state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Chinese ! What does the RK law on languages consist of? * +present law, other normative legal acts * present law, other state programs * present law, other regulations * present law, other international programs * present law, other regional programs ! Whom is application of RK law on languages extended for? * citizens of Kazakhstan * citizens of Kazakhstan, foreigners * citizens of Kazakhstan, persons without citizenship * +citizens of Kazakhstan, foreigners, persons without citizenship * persons without citizenship ! What languages are necessary to develop due to “Triunity of languages” project? * +Kazakh, Russian, English * Kazakh, English, German * Kazakh,, English, Turkey * Kazakh, Russian, German, * Kazakh, Russian, Chinese ! What does the intro ductio n of “Trilingual teaching in KazNMU” program suppose? * stage by stage development of teaching 1 language * stage by stage development of teaching 2 languages * + stage by stage development of teaching 3 languages * stage by stage development of teaching 4 languages * stage by stage development of teaching 5 languages ! What is the subject of “RK Law on languages ” regulation? * +social relations * national relations * ethnic relations * international relations * family relations
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