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Vocabulary of the text


Lesson 1. Catering


Work in pairs and discuss what catering services are available in Ukraine.


Catering, providing food and drink for transients, has always gone together with accommodations. Food services are a feature of hotels. The typical modern “packaged hotel” includes a restaurant, a coffee shop for quicker and less expensive meals, and a bar or cocktail lounge. Many larger hotels have several restaurants, often featuring different kinds of foods, as well as different prices. Hotels also normally provide room service – food and drink that are brought to the guest’s room. In addition, catering is usually provided in the hotel’s recreational areas. The poolside bar and snack bar, for quick food, are normal parts of the service at a resort hotel.

Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs outside the hotels are a standard feature of the resort scene. Indeed, many resorts could not really operate without them. They provide not only catering, but also some kind of entertainment for the tourist who is bored with the limits of hotel life. In some areas, like Miami Beach, they have sprung up without any apparent design, but in others, like the Costa Smeralda, they are carefully coordinated features of the total plan. In cities, like New York, London, or Paris, restaurants and other catering establishments that serve the resident population obtain additional business from the tourists who flock to those cities.

Food, in fact, may be one of the reasons why people travel. Many people go out of their way to visit France, for example, because of the gourmet meals that are served there. Similarly, the excellent restaurants of Hong Kong constitute one of its principal tourist attractions.

It should also be pointed out that many grocery stores, delicatessens, and liquor stores make money from tourism. This is true in large tourist cities like New York and in resort areas like Miami Beach. There is usually a food store at or near most marinas and camping areas.

The accommodations and catering service industries employ large numbers of people. At a luxury hotel, there may be as many as two or three employees for every guest room. At a large commercial hotel, there are usually about eight employees for every ten guest rooms.



Vocabulary of the text


Exercise 1. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:


accommodations, packaged hotel, coffee shop, cocktail lounge, featuring different kinds of foods, poolside bar and snack bar, spring up, flock to the cities, gourmet meals, grocery stores, marina.



Exercise 2. Match terms with their definitions.


catering activities that amuse people
accommodations a place at which boats can dock
marina a place for gambling
gourmet a lover of good food
luxury hotel places at which travelers can obtain a bed and usually food
entertainment a place where people gather for recreational purposes
snack bar services where the public can obtain food and drink
resort five-star hotel



Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:


1. What does the typical modern “packaged hotel” include?

2. What else do hotels normally provide?

3. What is a standard feature of the resort scene?

4. Who do catering establishments serve in big cities?

5. Why is food considered to be one of the reasons for traveling?

6. What establishments make money from tourism?

7. How many people do the accommodations and catering service industries employ?

8. Why is tourism so attractive to developing countries?



Exercise 4. Translate into English:


Заклади ресторанного господарства при готелі можуть бути представлені різними типами: ресторан, кафе, бар, буфет, їдальня, закусочна. Ресторани можуть розташовуватися на поверхах, на даху, мати вигляд літнього внутрішнього подвір’я, зимового саду, оранжереї тощо. Більшість готелів поряд з ресторанами мають невелике кафе, завдяки якому вдається розширити асортимент десертних страв та напоїв. Бари – найпоширеніші типи закладів ресторанного господарства при готелі. Залежно від місця розташування, бари можуть класифікуватися як вестибюльні (lobby-bar), ресторанні, допоміжні, банкетні, при басейні, фітнес-центрі, сауні, міні-бари в номерах готелю тощо. Буфети здійснюють продаж і з споживанням на місці обмеженого асортименту холодних страв, бутербродів, напоїв, булочних та кондитерських виробів та солодких страв. Їдальні найчастіше зустрічаються в курортних готелях. Вони призначені для обслуговування населення на місці сніданками, обідами та вечерями.



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