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IY рівень. Розкажіть про політичну систему України.
Самостійна робота № 14
Тема: Столиця України. Основні питання, що розглядаються: 1. Столиця України – одне з найстаріших міст Європи. 2. Пам’ятки Києва. 3. Підприємства міста Київ. 4. Київ – культурний та політичний центр України.
Література: 1. Ярцева А.В. Английский язык. Устные темы для учащихся 6-11 классов и абитуриентов. – Харьков: «Ранок», 1999. – 37с. 2. Мясоедова С.В. Английский язик. Разговорные темы. – Харьков: «Мир детства», 1998. – 15с. 3. Гужва Т.Н. Английские разговорные темы: для абитуриентов и учащихся средних школ, лицеве и колледжей. 3-е издание, испр. и доп. – Киев: Тандем, 1999. – 140с.
Студент повинен знати: 1. Історію столиці України. 2. Пам’ятники Києва. 3. Основні політичні та культурні заклади Києва.
Студент повинен вміти: Розповісти про столицю України та висловити точку зору з цього питання.
The capital of Ukraine is one of the oldest cites of Eastern Europe. It's also the largest city of the country. It has a population of 2, 6 million people and occupies an area of 790 square km. According to the Rus' Primary Chronicle the founders of Kyiv were the Brothers Kyi, Schek and Khoriv and city was named after the eldest Kyi. Kyiv is famous for its beauty, for the variety of its green landscape, for its wonderful broad avenues, lots of chestnut trees and flowers all over the place. Tourists are attracted by numerous places of historical interest in Kyiv such as Kyiv - Pecherskaya Lavra, St. Sophia's Cathedral, the Golden Gate, Andreyevskaya Church, and the monument to Prince Vladimir, Askold's Grave and others. A large part of Ukraine's industrial output is produced by Kyiv's enterprises: motorcycles, tape-recorders, excavators, industrial machines, electrical equipment, audio and video equipment, furniture, clothing etc. Kyiv is the major transportation hub of Ukraine. It has 5 railway stations, an airport and an important river port. Kyiv is the cultural and academic centre of Ukraine. Research institutes, the National Scientific Library and the main Astronomical Observatory are located here. The main professional theatres in Kyiv are: the National Opera, Ukrainian Drama theatre, Russian theatre, the Puppet theatre, the House of Organ and Chamber Music and others. Kyiv is the important political center of our country. It's the seat of Supreme Council and the Cabinet of Ministers. Kyiv is also the center of Ukrainian film and mass media. In 1928 the Dovzhenko Artistic Film Studio was founded there. The Studio of Chronicle and Documentary Films, the Studio of Popular Science Films is also located in Kyiv. Kyiv has had radio stations since 1927. TV programs are broadcast daily from a new TV center.