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ІY. Уявіть, що до вас приїхав друг з Великобританії. Розкажіть йому про українську святиню Софійській собор.



Самостійна робота № 16


Тема: Пам’ятки Києва: Верхній Київ.

Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Пам’ятки Києва.

2. Історія Софійського собору.

3. Історичні пам’ятки Києва.


1. Ярцева А.В. Английский язык. Устные темы для учащихся 6-11 классов и абитуриентов. – Харьков: «Ранок», 1999. – 37с.

2. Мясоедова С.В. Английский язик. Разговорные темы. – Харьков: «Мир детства», 1998. – 15с.

3. Гужва Т.Н. Английские разговорные темы: для абитуриентов и учащихся средних школ, лицеве и колледжей. 3-е издание, испр. и доп. – Киев: Тандем, 1999. – 140с.


Студент повинен знати:

1. Історичні пам’ятки Києва.

2. Архітектурні споруди Києва.

3. Лексичний мінімум.

Студент повинен вміти: розповісти про архітектуру та пам’ятки Києва.


As you leave St. Sophia's Cathedral, turn left into Volodymyrska street which opens into St. Sophia Square. The equestrian statue standing in the square's centre is in ho­nour of the great Cossack Hetman, politician and military hero, Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595—1657). It was designed by well-known St. Petersburg sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin and was erected in 1888 through donations.

Follow the street running down the right-hand side of the square with the statue to your left and a small park to your right. This street (3 blocks) will lead you to Saint Michael Square. The square takes its name from the Mykhailivsky Zolotoverkhy Monastery (St. Michael's Monastery of the Golden Roof) and the Cathedral with the same name, which used to stand here. Saint Michael was considered Kyiv'spa­tron and is depicted on the coat of arms of the city. The Cathedral, as well as the Monastery, was founded on this site by Kyiv Prince Sviatopolk in 1108. It survived the brutal Mongol invasions and the years of Polish and Lithuanianrule, but, unfortunately, not the Soviets. The Cathedral was de­ stroyed in 1934—35 to make way for the building of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party on your left. Today this massive structure houses Ukrainian go­vernmental offices.On your right is the upper entrance to Kyiv's funicu­lar (cable car) built in 1905. It is a quick, exciting and inexpensive ride down to the Podil (Lower Town), the old trading quarter. This two minute trip will give any child a thrill and provide an excellent view of the Dnipro River and the Left Bank of the city. Funicular leaves you at Poshtova Ploshcha (Post Office Square). There you will find the Poshtova Ploshcha Metro Station, as well as the Kyiv Richkovy Vokzal (River Station).

Now let's continue our excursion of Kyiv's Upper City. On St. Michael Square notice the stone and metal statue dedicated in 1993 to the memory of more then 7 million Ukrai­nian peasants killed by the Stalinist regime during the Great Famine of 1932—33. Turn right off the square to Three Saints' Street. Here is the Refectory (1713), a white stone church with a single wooden cupola. Once it was the part of St. Michael's Monastery of the Golden Roof.

On your right, as you head down Three Saints' Street, is St. Alexander's Catholic Church, named after the Russian Emperor Alexander I. It was built in 1817—1842 to commemorate the victory over Napoleon. Its style is similar to Saint Peter's Ba­silica in Rome. During the Soviet period the Church wasdras­tically modified and used as a planetarium. Its reconstruction has recently been completed.

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