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PROCEDURE add_employee( ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7
p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE); PROCEDURE get_employee( p_empid IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_sal OUT employees.salary%TYPE, p_job OUT employees.job_id%TYPE); END emp_pkg;
b) Implement the new ADD_EMPLOYEE procedure in the package body as follows: i) Format the email address in uppercase characters, using the first letter of the first name concatenated with the first seven letters of the last name. ii) The procedure should call the existing ADD_EMPLOYEE procedure to perform the actual INSERT operation using its parameters and formatted email to supply the values. iii) Click Run Script to create the package. Compile the package.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY emp_pkg IS FUNCTION valid_deptid(p_deptid IN departments.department_id%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN IS v_dummy PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO v_dummy FROM departments WHERE department_id = p_deptid; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END valid_deptid; PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_email employees.email%TYPE, p_job employees.job_id%TYPE DEFAULT 'SA_REP', p_mgr employees.manager_id%TYPE DEFAULT 145, p_sal employees.salary%TYPE DEFAULT 1000, p_comm employees.commission_pct%TYPE DEFAULT 0, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE DEFAULT 30) IS BEGIN IF valid_deptid(p_deptid) THEN INSERT INTO employees(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, job_id, manager_id, hire_date, salary, commission_pct, department_id) VALUES (employees_seq.NEXTVAL, p_first_name, p_last_name, p_email, p_job, p_mgr, TRUNC(SYSDATE), p_sal, p_comm, p_deptid); ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20204, 'Invalid department ID. Try again.'); END IF; END add_employee; /* New overloaded add_employee procedure */ PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE) IS p_email employees.email%type; BEGIN p_email: = UPPER(SUBSTR(p_first_name, 1, SUBSTR(p_last_name, 1, 7)); add_employee(p_first_name, p_last_name, p_email, p_deptid => P_deptid); END; /* End declaration of the overloaded add_employee procedure */ PROCEDURE get_employee( p_empid IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_sal OUT employees.salary%TYPE, p_job OUT employees.job_id%TYPE) IS BEGIN SELECT salary, job_id INTO p_sal, p_job FROM employees WHERE employee_id = p_empid; END get_employee; END emp_pkg; /
c) Invoke the new ADD_EMPLOYEE procedure using the name Samuel Joplin to be added to department 30.
EXECUTE emp_pkg.add_employee('Samuel', 'Joplin', 30);
15) In the EMP_PKG package, create two overloaded functions called GET_EMPLOYEE: 15a) In the package specification, add the following functions: i) The GET_EMPLOYEE function that accepts the parameter called p_emp_id based on the employees.employee_id%TYPE type. This function should return EMPLOYEES%ROWTYPE. ii) The GET_EMPLOYEE function that accepts the parameter called p_family_name of type employees.last_name%TYPE. This function should return EMPLOYEES%ROWTYPE.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_pkg IS PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_email employees.email%TYPE, p_job employees.job_id%TYPE DEFAULT 'SA_REP', p_mgr employees.manager_id%TYPE DEFAULT 145, p_sal employees.salary%TYPE DEFAULT 1000, p_comm employees.commission_pct%TYPE DEFAULT 0, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE DEFAULT 30); PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE); PROCEDURE get_employee( p_empid IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_sal OUT employees.salary%TYPE, p_job OUT employees.job_id%TYPE); /* New overloaded get_employees functions specs starts here: */ FUNCTION get_employee(p_emp_id employees.employee_id%type) return employees%rowtype; FUNCTION get_employee(p_family_name employees.last_name%type) return employees%rowtype; /* New overloaded get_employees functions specs ends here. */ END emp_pkg;
15 b) In the package body: i) Implement the first GET_EMPLOYEE function to query an employee using the employee’s ID. ii) Implement the second GET_EMPLOYEE function to use the equality operator on the value supplied in the p_family_name parameter
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_pkg IS PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_email employees.email%TYPE, p_job employees.job_id%TYPE DEFAULT 'SA_REP', p_mgr employees.manager_id%TYPE DEFAULT 145, p_sal employees.salary%TYPE DEFAULT 1000, p_comm employees.commission_pct%TYPE DEFAULT 0, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE DEFAULT 30); PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE); PROCEDURE get_employee(p_empid IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_sal OUT employees.salary%TYPE, p_job OUT employees.job_id%TYPE); /* New overloaded get_employees functions specs starts here: */ FUNCTION get_employee(p_emp_id employees.employee_id%type) return employees%rowtype; FUNCTION get_employee(p_family_name employees.last_name%type) return employees%rowtype; /* New overloaded get_employees functions specs ends here. */ END emp_pkg;
-- package body CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY emp_pkg IS FUNCTION valid_deptid(p_deptid IN departments.department_id%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN IS v_dummy PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO v_dummy FROM departments WHERE department_id = p_deptid; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END valid_deptid; PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_email employees.email%TYPE, p_job employees.job_id%TYPE DEFAULT 'SA_REP', p_mgr employees.manager_id%TYPE DEFAULT 145, p_sal employees.salary%TYPE DEFAULT 1000, p_comm employees.commission_pct%TYPE DEFAULT 0, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE DEFAULT 30) IS BEGIN IF valid_deptid(p_deptid) THEN INSERT INTO employees(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, job_id, manager_id, hire_date, salary, commission_pct, department_id) VALUES (employees_seq.NEXTVAL, p_first_name, p_last_name, p_email, p_job, p_mgr, TRUNC(SYSDATE), p_sal, p_comm, p_deptid); ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20204, 'Invalid department ID. Try again.'); END IF; END add_employee; PROCEDURE add_employee( p_first_name employees.first_name%TYPE, p_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, p_deptid employees.department_id%TYPE) IS p_email employees.email%type; BEGIN p_email: = UPPER(SUBSTR(p_first_name, 1, 1)||SUBSTR(p_last_name, 1, 7)); add_employee(p_first_name, p_last_name, p_email, p_deptid => p_deptid); END; PROCEDURE get_employee( p_empid IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_sal OUT employees.salary%TYPE, p_job OUT employees.job_id%TYPE) IS BEGIN SELECT salary, job_id INTO p_sal, p_job FROM employees WHERE employee_id = p_empid; END get_employee; /* New get_employee function declaration starts here */ FUNCTION get_employee(p_emp_id employees.employee_id%type) return employees%rowtype IS rec_emp employees%rowtype; BEGIN SELECT * INTO rec_emp