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B) do some activities to know the words on the topic better
1) fast a) урочиста подія 2) Easter b) свято, частування, бенкет 3) annual c) феєрверк 4) nationwide d) подарунок 5) Shrove Tuesday e) Великдень 6) feast f)піст 7) solemn occasion g) щорічний 8) fireworks h) у національному масштабі 9) gift і) святкування, веселощі 10) festivities j) Жирний Вівторок, «Тещині Млинці» 11) to proclaim k) відзначати 12) to celebrate 1) увічнювати 13) to observe m) святкувати 14) to commemorate n) проголошувати 15) to mark о) додержувати, дотримувати
Match the names of the holidays given in the box with their descriptions: a) St. Valentine Day; b) Thanksgiving; c) Columbus Day; d) Victory Day; e) Guy Fawkes Day; f) Easter; g) Shrove Tuesday; h) Christmas; i) Women's Day; j) Memorial Day; k) Martin Luther King's Day; 1) Independence Day; m) Halloween; n) Mother's Day; o) Veterans' Day.
1. This day commemorates a black clergyman who fought tirelessly for the rights of the black citizens. The world was shocked when he was assassinated in 1968. By vote of congress, the third Monday of January is now a federal holiday. 2. This day commemorates the plot to blow up some government building. 3. This day commemorates the Italian navigator who landed in the New World on October 12, 1492. Every year on the second Monday in October a huge parade is held in the biggest city of the country. 4. On this day people send special cards to somebody they love and also give them symbolic gifts. It is not an official holiday, but usually observed by all romantic people. 5. It is the annual festival commemorating the birth of the Savior and observed by Orthodox Church on January, 7 and by other Christian churches on December, 25. 6. This holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November to recall the goodness of God in blessing the Pilgrims with their first good harvest. 7. These are Pre-Lent spring festivities usually accompanied by making and eating pancakes. 8. This holiday is marked on the evening of October 31 preceding All Saints Day and is especially loved by children who on this day enjoy wearing strange costumes and getting treats. 9. It is the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence adopted in 1776 celebrated on July, 4. 10. An annual holiday that is held on November, 11 to commemorate the end of the World War I. 11. This holiday originated as the day of struggle for women's rights. 12. This holiday is the chief Christian feast which celebrates the resurrection of Christ and is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon that comes after the spring equinox 13. This holiday is celebrated in May, 9 and is a solemn occasion on which people remember all those who gave their lives in the Great Patriotic War to liberate their country. 14. This holiday gives children their chance to show their love and respect to their mothers. 15. A national holiday that commemorates the victims of the Civil War (1861-1865) Sort these holidays into the table according to the countries they are celebrated in.
Read, translate and learn the following:
holy, adj. come true sweetheart, adj. (subst. n) religious, adj. proclaim, v congratulate (on), v nowadays, adv. commemorate, v play a joke custom, n expectation, n errand, n long-term dream observe, v ridiculous, adj. unsuspectingly, adv.