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The parsing of gerunds


Gerund. – A Gerund is a mixture of verb and noun. To parse it you have to show three different things about it in its verb-character, and one thing about it in its noun-character.

(a) In what form it is, – whether Present, as going, or Perfect, as having gone.

As Verb (b) What kind of verb it is, – whether used Transitively or Intransitively.

(c) In what voice it is, – whether Active or Passive.

As Noun (d) In what case it is, – whether Common or Possessive.



(1) He is fond of swimming in the sea, and was pleased with himself for having swum out far from the shore.

Swimming – (1) as Verb; Present form. Intransitive verb; (2) as Noun; Common Case (Accusative case after the preposition “of”).

Having swum – (1) as Verb; Perfect form. Intransitive verb; (2) as Noun; Common Case (Accusative case after the preposition “for”).

(2) Deceiving others amused him, but he disliked being deceived himself.

Deceiving – (1) as Verb; Present form. Transitive verb, Active voice; (2) as Noun; Common (Nominative) case. Subject to the verb “amused”.

Being deceived – (1) as Verb; Present form. Transitive verb, Passive voice; (2) as Noun; Accusative case after the verb “disliked”.

The form ending in -ing may be either (a) followed by the preposition “of”; or (b) used in the plural number. In such cases it is a pure noun, and should be parsed like any other noun. It has no verb-character whatever; and hence, it is qualified by an adjective, while, in its other uses, the gerund is qualified by an adverb.

(1) The second hearing of the case was postponed. Gerund, Singular number. Common (Nominative) case. Subject to the verb “was postponed”.

(2) I am much pleased with my surroundings. Gerund used as a Common noun. Plural number. Common (Accusative) case after the preposition “with”.

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