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А) инфинитивы, определите их функции и переведите предложения;

б) предложения на правила согласования времен и переведите их:


Text E. The Lecture on Muscles


Yesterday the students of our group came to the Institute to listen to a lecture on muscles. The lecture was attended by all of us. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Smirnov. To listen to it was very interesting..Prof. Smirnov was the first to tell us about the anatomical terms.

The names of all the muscles in the body and all other anatomical terms were established at three Congresses in Basel ['ba: zsl], Jena ['jeina] and Paris. In 1895 the Basel Nomina Anatomica' was introduced; in 1935 it was greatly changed at the Congress of Anatomists in Jena. In 1955 the IV International Federal Congress of Anatomists in Paris established new universal anatomical terms, the so-called Paris Nomina Anatomica.

In his lecture Prof. Smirnov said that the body was composed of about 600 skeletal muscles. The students learned that in the adult about 35%-40% (per cent) of the body weight was formed by the muscles. According to the basic parts of the skeleton all the muscles were divided into the muscles of the trunk, head, and extremities.

When Prof. Smirnov spoke about the form of the muscles he said that all the muscles were divided into three basic groups: long, short and wide muscles; the free extremities were formed by the long muscles; wide muscles lay on the trunk; the walls of the body cavities were formed by wide muscles.

Some muscles were called according to the structure of their fibers, for example radiated muscles; others according to their uses, for example extensors (разгибающие мышцы) or according to their direction, for example oblique (косая).

When Prof. Smirnov spoke about the structure of the muscles he said that the muscles were formed by a mass of muscle cells, the muscular fibers were connected together by connective tissue, the blood vessels and the nerves were in the muscles.

Great research work was carried out by many scientists to determine the functions of the muscles. Three basic methods of study were used: experimental work on animals, the study of the muscles on a living human body and on the corpse.

Their work helped to establish that the muscles were the active agents of motion (движение) and contraction.



1 the Basel Nomina Anatomica - Базсльская анатомическая терминология



XIII. Form the adjectives from the verbs by the suffix '-ive':


connect, act, collect, relate, contract, protect

XIV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meanings of the words in bold type:

1.1 found an interesting article on eye operations in this journal. 2. The found article was written by the well-known eye doctor. 3. The group of scientists found their method on numerous experiments. 4. The researchers found out that infectious diseases were caused by different agents. 5. Robert Koch was the first scientist who found the agent of tuberculosis.

XV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words 'which', 'who':


1. The new universal anatomical terms which are now used all over the world were established at the IV International Federal Congress of Anatomists in Paris in 1955. 2. The muscular fibers which are connected together by con­nective tissue and a mass of muscle cells compose the muscle. 3. Prof. Smirnov who delivered the lecture on muscles introduced the new material on muscular motion and contraction.

XVI. Give the English equivalents of the words in brackets:


1. Two new subjects were (введены) in the second term. 2.1 (разделил) the text into two parts to learn it better. 3. After his disease the patient changed greatly because his (вес) became less. 4. There are many (кровеносных сосу­дов) in the human body. 5. We can walk, ran and jump because of the (сокра­щение) of the (мышц). 6. Our blood is (состоит) of white and red (клеток крови). 7. Research work helped the scientists to (установить) the agents of many diseases.

XVII. Make these sentences interrogative. Translate them:


1. The atlas on Anatomy was composed by R. D. Sinelnikov. 2. These children will be given vitamin therapy. 3. The chest of the patient is examined by the doctor. 4. At this clinic the operations on the skull are carried out successfully.

XVIII. Pick out the sentences in Past Indefinite Passive:


1. Dissecting the corpse the students separated one muscle from the other. 2. On the corpse one muscle was separated from the other by the students. 3. The doctor was treated by many specialists as he was badly ill himself. 4. The doctor treated his patients successfully.

XIX. Pick out and translate the sentences with the Infinitive used as an attribute:


1. He can perform this operation in the morning. 2. My friend was the last to come to the lecture. 3. He wants to determine the direction of muscular fibers. 4. Microbiology is one of the most interesting subjects to study.

XX. Translate into English:


1. Медсестра сказала, что у меня слишком маленький вес. 2. Терапевт обнаружил, что у больного кровяное давление на правой руке выше, чем на левой. 3. В своей лекции профессор сообщил, что кровеносные сосу­ды делятся на артерии, вены и капилляры. 4. Врач был уверен, что в этом случае можно легко установить причину заболевания.

XXI. Read Text F. What do paragraphs two and three deal with?

Text F


In the adult the muscles form about 35-40% of the body weight. All the muscles are divided into the muscles of the trunk, head, and extremities.

Long, short and wide muscles form three basic groups. The long muscles compose the free parts of the extremities. The wide muscles form the walls of the body cavities. Some short muscles, of which stapedius [st9'pi: djas] (стре-мечковая) is the smallest muscle in the human body, form facial musculature.

The structure of the muscular fibers is different in different groups of muscles. The muscles consist of a mass of muscle cells. The muscular fibers are connected together by connective tissue. There are many blood vessels and nerves in the muscles. The muscles are the active agents of motion and contraction.


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