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Way A. Choice 1-a.


She tried to kill me. Why should I help her? To be honest, I have to leave her here. I don’t owe her anything but an arrow in the face. I really can turn around and go away.

Choice 2:

a) Go away

b) Help her

Choice 2-a:

I turn around and go into the woods. Sophie left me here with nothing. I made enough for her. Now I will think only about myself.

After a couple of minutes I stop. Deep breath. I swear, I really have to leave her… but I can’t. I’m not that piece of shit.

I’ll help Sophie, even though she doesn’t deserve it.

Choice 2-b:


I can’t leave her just like that. I’m not that type of person. Yes, I made terrible thing, but… I’ll help her. I think Soph deserves a helpful hand.


Next two hours I spend, gathering nuts, fruits, edible berries and roots – enough for couple of days for her. In addition, I decided to leave her my plastic bottle with fresh water. Anyway, I have another one.

I lay food and water in the corner of the shelter. That’s all.

I think I have to stay and say hello to my dear cousin. She will be soooo glad to see me. Of course, I’m kidding. But, it will be better, when she will know that she’s not alone on this island.

I’m sitting in silence, looking outside the shelter. Right side of my face is turned to Sophie, so she won’t see my injury.

After half an hour, Soph slowly wakes up.

Sophie: …auuuuuummm… Where am I?

Me: Good morning, sleeping beauty.

Sophie: …

Sophie: …Wha… What? CUZ?

She quickly gets up.

Me: Surprise… Yes, I’m alive. Again, both of us, you and I, stranded here… What a twist of fate…

She panicky tries to get away from me.

Sophie: No… No! It just cannot be truth!

Me: Relax, Soph. I found you three hours ago. I’m not going to hurt you.

She slowly calms down.

Sophie: But… How…

I stand up and go out from the shelter. Sophie carefully comes closer.

Me: Honestly, I’m not glad to see you again… As well as you are not glad to see me. I left you some food and water. Your old bow is inside the shelter. Farewell, Soph. Don’t try to find me.

Me: And… Good luck. Try not to die. I don’t want to dig a tomb for you.

Sophie: …umm…

I head back to my home. I don’t have any water, so I must hurry up.

Walking near the boar’s trail, I hear oinking. What a luck! There is a young boar trapped in my hunting pitch. It seems it weights almost 40 kilos! Feast today!

I quickly kill the boar and get it out from the pitch. It’s not too heavy for me, so I can take it to my camp in one piece.

Maybe, I should share it with Soph?

Nah… She definitely doesn’t deserve it.


I just continue fighting for my life during a several days. I not gonna do anything about Soph. She survived than and even kind of saved my unthankful ass, so, I think, she is doing well. Why I should take care of her? To get an arrow into another eye? No, thanks.

One lovely morning I’m sitting near the Soph’s statue, playing the panpipe, which I made several month ago, thinking about my life, as suddenly…

Sophie: Hey! What the fuck is it?!

My beloved cousin appears from the jungle like a thunderstorm. She goes directly to me with bow in her hands and lightings in her eyes.

I stand up and turn to her. She is little shocked, when see bandage instead of my left eye, but it seems she still looking for fight.

Well, I’m not going to bend under her.

Me: Nice to see you too. If you have problems with your vision, I can tell you, what it is. It’s your statue.

She explodes.

Sophie: You are fucking perv! Not only that you rape me, you made my statue to masturbate on it! You… you… Fuck you, bloody bastard!

Me: Well-well, how sweet to hear it from the sister-of-the-year…


Wow, I have a perfect reaction. Her arrow flies near my head.

Next moment situation is completely different. Soph is very silent and very calm, looking on the edge of the arrow, which I point directly to her face. My bow is excellent, and I am a perfect archer. I can kill her right now.

Strange feeling. I feel, I really can’t hurt her. What do I do?

Choice 3:

a) “Put the bow down, Soph! ”

b) Put your bow down.

Choice 3-a (-1 Relations):

Me: Put the bow down, Soph!

Sophie: You… you won’t shoot…

I add more steel to my voice.

Me: I said. Put. The bow. Down. NOW!

After a short hesitating, she throws her bow on the ground.

Me: Now lay down all your arrows.

She does as I say.

Me: Very well. Now you can pick up a bow and take your ass away.

Sophie: But…

Me: Do as I said. And think about your manners!

She slowly takes her bow and leaves the bay. I point my arrow to her until I can’t see her anymore.

Choice 3-b (+0 Relations):

Me: Right now, I wanted to kill you and you wanted to kill me. Several years ago it would sounded like nonsense.

I slowly put down my bow and discharge it.

Me: What a mess… What a horrible price for our deeds…

I look right into her eyes. It seems she begins to understand, what I want to say.

Me: What happened, Soph? How could we go to this?

She discouraged looks down.

Me: If it is a price for what I’ve done, I don’t want to live with it. And it doesn’t matter, what I feel about you. You are my kin…


Me: You are free to shoot, Soph…

I turn around. I don’t hear anything but her breath. She’s not going to shoot me.

Sophie: Cuz… Wait…

I don’t listen to her. I leave her there alone.

What, the hell, is going on? I really didn’t expect she would react like this. Honestly, I didn’t expect she would find the statue. But, sooner or later, it was going to happen.

Have I made the correct choice?

What does she really think?

What I’m gonna do?

What will be the end of our story?

Damn… I hate this type of questions. Complicated questions. But answers… answers could be very simple. As well as very tragic.

I will better think about something else.


Another week pass with nothing to happen. We both just live on this island, not seeing each other. I can’t say I don’t like this kind of life. Quiet and peaceful.

Couple of times I see Soph on the beach while fishing, but I always leave faster, than she can come to me. Or even notice me.

Nothing can last forever. I know it very well. But I don’t want to face her. I not wanna make decisions. Don’t want to afraid for my life.

Everything happens suddenly. I’m just sitting near the fire in my camp, cooking a fresh-caught fish for lunch, when I suddenly hear a sound of bowstring.

Carefully I use my knife as a mirror to look besides me. Yep, that’s Soph, taking aim at me. Holy crap. Do I have to say something?

Choice 4:

a) Surrender.

b) Tease her rudely.

c) Say nothing.

Choice 4-a (-1 Relations):

Me: What are you waiting for, Soph? Let’s finish with it.

Sophie: I… I will shoot you!

Me: Go on… I’m sick of it. If you want to kill me, do it now.

Sophie: …

I shout.

Me: What, the hell, are you waiting for? Kill me now! Don’t make me waiting! Release an arrow into my head! I don’t have time to dodge your arrow!

Sophie: Cuz… turn around.

I stand up and slowly turn around. She looks right into my face, and then put her bow down.

Sophie: Actually, I don’t want to kill you.

Choice 4-b (-2 Relations):

Me: Aim carefully, Soph. I won’t give you one more chance.

Sophie: Three years ago you weren’t so brave ass.

I stand up, turn around and look into her face.

Me: Three years ago I haven’t got so wonderful scar from my dear cousin.

Sophie: Ugh, shut up.

Me: As wishes your ass, ma’am.

Several moments of silence.

Sophie: Tell me I won’t regret leaving you alive.

Me: You don’t know me anymore, Sophie. If I wanted to make you any harm, I would do it first day. You were completely helpless.

Sophie: I’ll take it as “I’m so sorry, Soph, I will never hurt you”.

Me: Well… I don’t care.

She slowly put down her bow.

Choice 4-c (+0 Relations):

I sit for a minute, enjoying last moments of my life. Sophie is quiet. Finally, I decide to say something.

Me: You perfectly know, that I know, that you are here.

Sophie: But you don’t know I’m going to kill you.

Me: I know it. You are pointing your arrow at my head. What are you waiting for? You know, I don’t need time to pray.

Sophie: I thought, you would beg for mercy.

Me: If you want so, you can consider I did.

I slowly stand up and turn to her.

Me: Well…

Sophie: Why should I leave you alive?

I sight.

Me: Cuz, I don’t want to find a motivation for you. Sometimes “I don’t know” is enough good answer. Why I saved you when I found you? Why I gave you food and water? Why I didn’t kill you? Now I don’t know.

Me: Actually, I know. You are my kin. I don’t want to make you any harm. If you are not that type of person… Well, kill me and let’s finish with it.

Soph slowly put her bow down. I can’t believe it. Is… is she smiling?

Sophie: I think, you right, cuz. Sorry for that.

Sophie: You… you changed.

I know it. She left here a nerd, but now I’m bronzed muscular guy, covered with several scars. My hair is short – I cut it with my knife. Vest and shorts, made of boar skin, as well as my bow, complete the impression of stern Robinson.

Me: Yep. Three years of this kind of life can change anyone. And you are almost the same.

Sophie: Thanks…

Me: Are you hungry? I can share with you my lunch. It’s enough for both of us.

Sophie: Thank you, it sounds great.

The fish is almost done. After couple of minutes, I carefully remove it from the skewer onto two clay plates and pass one of them to Soph.

Me: Here you are. Bon appetite.

Sophie: Thanks. Wow, you have real plates…

Me: Yes, handmade by myself. Clay, which I found on this island, is very useful.

She carefully tries a fish.

Sophie: It’s so great… This is the best meal I tasted on this island.

I don’t say anything but “…uhhhum…” busy with my fish. Sophie smiles and begins to eat.

We finish our lunch in five minutes. After that, we are sitting near the fire, not looking into each other. I feel that I have to say something.

Ugh… I almost forgot how to make conversations…

Choice 5:

a) “Sorry about what happened near the statue.”

b) “How it’s going? ”

c) “A penny for your thoughts? ”

Choice 5-a:

Me: Soph, listen… About what happened near the statue… I’m sorry... I know it looks weird, but…

Me: I was alone here for a year. Completely alone. I was almost insane from lonely and regrets. So I haven’t found a better way, that build your statue. To share my thoughts with you.

Sophie: It’s OK, cuz… Honestly, it’s me, who responsible for shit that happened there… I’m sorry, man. I didn’t think about what you feel.

She sobs.

Sophie: Actually, I didn’t think you are alive.

Me: It’s OK. Forget about it.

We are sitting in silence for a minute. When I’m almost ready to say something else, Soph suddenly asks me…

Sophie: Cuz… What did you want to say me?

Me: Pardon?

Sophie: Uh... To my statue?

Me: Well…

I’m not sure she will understand me. Shall I tell her the truth?

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mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.016 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë