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Mark 1.

I head back to my home. I don’t have any water, so I must hurry up.

Walking near the boars’ trail, I hear oinking. What a luck! There is a young boar trapped in my hunting pitch. It seems it weights almost 40 kilos! Feast today!

I quickly kill the boar and get it out from the pitch. It’s not too heavy for me, so I can take it to my camp in one piece.

Maybe, I should share it with Soph?

Yes… I owe to her even much more than this boar. I’ll share with her all food I find here.

If I’ll die from hunger… well, it would be my redemption.


Several days pass our first meeting. During the day, I hunt boars and fish, during the night I take the most part of my food to the Sophs’ shelter end leave it there.

I feel terrible. I lose my energy. I need more sleep. I need more food.

I just hope that one day Sophie will forgive me.

One ordinary morning I wake up after a dark dreamless sleep. I feel pain inside of me. Not physical pain. Pain in my soul.

I have to talk the statue. I have to say how sorry I am.

I come out my cabin and go into the jungle.

Regrets… Regrets and memories hunt me every second.

I don’t want to live like this. I’m tired.

I think about suicide during all the way. It doesn’t seems so bad, but… I have to take care about Sophie.

Finally, the bay, the statue.

/only if you are on Hiding way /

I stand in the jungle for a while, listening to a forest. I have a strange feeling, that I’m not alone.

I’m not sure. Should I go to the statue?

Choice 3.0:

a) Stay in the jungle.

b) Go to the statue.

Choice 3.0-a (Hiding way):

I stay in the jungle for some more time.

I’m definitely not alone.

After several minutes, I see Sophie.

She comes out the forest and goes to the statue. She walks around it with angry look on her face.

Did my statue make her angry? But why?

Suddenly, Sophie makes a curtsy near the statue. She looks on the plank for a minute and then carefully touches it.

I got it. At first, she didn’t understand, why I made the statue. But now it is clear for her.

Sophie stands up and look into the forest. She looks embarrassed. She stands near the statue for a several minutes.

I think she waits for me. But I can’t face her right now. I am not ready yet.

Finally, she leaves the bay.

I wait several minutes, and then go to the statue.

I feel peace when cutting “I AM SORRY” on the plank.

Sophie understood me. And this is wonderful.

/to the Mark 2 /

Choice 3.0-b:

I come closer, walk around the statue and fall on my knees.

Me: Sophie… Forgive me, Sophie… I’m so sorry.

I am almost crying, while cutting “I AM SORRY” on the plank.

Me: I can’t go through it, Soph… I just can’t…

As suddenly…

Sophie: Hey! What the fuck is it?!

Soph appears from the jungle like a thunderstorm. She goes directly to me with bow in her hands and lightings in her eyes.

I stand up and turn to her. It seems she is looking for fight.

Me: Soph, I can explain…

She explodes.

Sophie: You are fucking perv! Not only that you rape me, you made my statue to masturbate on it! You… you… Fuck you, bloody bastard!

Me: Soph, listen! I was completely alone here for months… I felt terrible for raping you… I was close to killing myself!

Sophie: You definitely had to, you, freak!

She turns around and start going into the forest.

I feel broken. Is there any possible solutions? What do I do?

Choice 3:

a) Suicide.

b) Stop Sophie and talk to her.

c) Propose Sophie to kill you.

Choice 3-a (-1 Innocence):

I am looking at Sophie until she disappear in the woods.

She is right.

Suicide is an option. It is an exit for me.

Soon, very soon I will be free.

I take my knife and cut my final writing on the plank.


Then I take off my quiver, bow case and knife sheath.

I will draw myself. I hope, Soph won’t see my body.

I go into the sea and start to swim away from the island.

Away, and away, and away…

I feel I’m losing energy…

I can hardly mobilize my power to make one more pull…

I feel water covers me…

Farewell, Sophie…

Sophie: … NO! NO! DON’T DIE!...

Sophie: … Cuz, please, don’t die…

Sophie: … I’m sorry for saying that shit, just don’t leave me here alone…

Sophie: Cuz! Wake up, cuz!

I feel pain in my chest. What… what happening?

Am I in the hell? I thought it would be much worse.

Sophie: No, no, no! Don’t die!

I feel… a kiss? What the hell?

Pain in the chest. Again…

Me: …< cough> …< cough> …

My lungs just burning… I feel water in my mouth.

I hear Soph says something…

Another pain attack in my chest.

I cough again, clearing my lungs from water. After several tries, I finally open my eye.

Light… bright light… shadow… light again.

The sky… the sun… Sophie…

Wait, what?

Sophie: Cuz! Thanks God, you are alive!

I recognize myself lying supine on the beach. My vest is undone; I feel Sophies’ hands on my chest.

Sophie is standing on her knees near me, looking into my face.

Did she just saved my life?

Me: …< cough> …< cough> …

I roll over and cough during a minute or longer, decisively clearing my lungs from the water.

After spasm ends, I take a deep greedy breath of fresh air.

Sophie: Cuz, are you OK?

I sit down on the sand, trying not to look at Sophie. However, I notice she is concerned and embarrassed.

Me: Why did you save my life?

Sophie: I…

Me: Why haven’t you just let me die? I could be free now…

Sophie: Man, you… Did you want to suicide?

I look into her face.

Me: Yes…

Are that tears in her eyes?

Sophie: O my God… Cuz, why?

Choice 3.1:

a) “You wished so”

b) “You left me nothing to live for”

c) “I couldn’t go through what I’ve done”

Choice 3.1-a:

Me: Soph… After what I’ve done… I blamed myself for all these years… I was begging for redemption. And God send you here…

Me: For me everything is clear… You are my redemption… so my life belongs to you.

Me: You told me that I had to kill myself. I tried to… Unsuccessfully.

Me: I should poison myself…

Choice 3.1-b:

Me: Soph… The moment I saw you here again, I told myself, that I would save your life even at cost of mine.

Me: All these days I lived only for you.

Me: And today you said I had to kill myself. And I understood…

Me: You don’t need me. I’m only a drag. I always make everything terrible. I saw it. I have nothing to live for…

Choice 3.1-c:

Me: Soph… Every day here I remember what I’ve done to you… And I can’t forgive myself. I can’t forget it.

Me: All I had – an illusory hope, that you forget me. That you forgave me. However, today that hope died.

Me: And I can’t live without that hope. I can’t go through what I’ve done…

Sophie: Cuz… don’t tell that horrible things.

Sophie: I… I don’t know what happened with me near the statue… I was so angry…

I see tears run down her face.

Sophie: Cuz… I didn’t think how you feel… I didn’t think your last words then were truly… I didn’t think you are actually sorry.

Sophie: And I said terrible things… Cuz, I’m sorry!

Me: You don’t need to be sorry, Soph. It’s just my blame. I response for all what happened…

Sophie: Cuz, I’m sorry! I promise, I’ll never say that again!

She leans forward and hugs me.

Choice 3.2:

a) Hug her

b) Don’t hug

Choice 3.2-a:

I awkwardly hug her. It’s so nice…

Me: I’m so sorry, Soph. I’m so sorry…

Choice 3.2-b:

I gently get free from her hugs…

Me: Soph, I don’t deserve this… I… I just can’t…

Me: I’ll better go…

Sophie: Do you need help?

Me: No, no, I’m fine.

Sophie: Promise me you won’t try to suicide again.

Me: … I promise…

I stand up and go into the jungle. I’m so tired.

Sophie… She didn’t really wanted me to die… I didn’t expect that…

Does it mean she forgive me?

Choice 3-b (+0 Innocence):

I quickly run to Sophie and grab her hand.

Sophie: Don’t touch me, perv!

Me: Soph, please, just listen to me.

Sophie: Stay away from me, or I swear, I’ll kill you!

She tries to brake free, but I don’t let her go.

Me: OK, Soph! You can kill me again, if you want! But for the Gods sake! Let me say what I want! And then just kill me in any way you want. I won’t resist!

Sophie looks embarrassed.

Sophie: … Well… fine… but do it quick!

I look into her eyes.

Me: Sophie, listen…

Me: I know I’ve done to you terrible and unforgivable thing… You were in your right, when you tried to kill me…

Me: I know only one thing – I can’t forgive myself for what I’ve done… This island became my prison, and every my day is filled with regrets and guilt.

Me: I couldn’t keep it inside. I needed someone to share my feelings with. Or something. I built this statue just to say…

Me:...I am sorry, Soph…

Me: And I say these words to the statue every day. Every day I beg for forgiveness. Or for redemption. I hoped you would hear my words.

Me: I would take any price for my redemption. Any price…

Sophie looks at me thoughtfully. I think she understood me.

Sophie: How can I know you don’t lie to me?

Me: Just walk around the statue and look at wooden plank in front of it.

After a short part of hesitation, she does as I said. I slowly follow her.

Sophie: What… what is it?

Sophie: “I am sorry”, “I am sorry”, “I am sorry”…

Me: Every day I cut “I am sorry” on these plank. Every day I remember about what I’ve done... I am so sorry, Soph… If only I could change it…

Sophie: I see…

She turns to me and look into my face. She is confused and embarrassed.

Sophie: Cuz… I have to say sorry… I didn’t expect that from you. I thought about you like a bloody perv.

Me: You had fucking perfect reason…

Sophie: Yeah… I’ll better go… It’s… It’s kind of your shrine…

She turns around and disappear in the forest.

I stay there, looking at her trace…

Did she understand me? Maybe…

Did she forgive me? I don’t think so…


Choice 3-c (+1 Innocence):

Me: Sophie, wait!

I quickly run to her and grab her hand.

Sophie: Don’t touch me, perv!

Me: Know what? I am fucking sick of it!

Me: If I raped you, it doesn’t mean I’m not sorry about it!

Sophie: Live me alone!

She tries to brake free, but I don’t let her go.

Me: No, Soph, you will listen to me, because this is my last words!

` Me: I am sorry for what I’ve done to you. I will never forgive myself, and I don’t ask for forgiveness. But I’m sick of that shit you tell me! I don’t want to listen it anymore!

Me: You want me to die? Fine! I’m not afraid of death!

I take my knife and put it in Sophie’s arm. Then I rest the edge of knife against my chest just in front of my heart.

Me: Here you are, Soph. Just do it.

Sophie: Cuz, I…

She tries to put the knife away, but I carry her armed hand and don’t let her do it.

Me: What the fuck are you waiting for? I’m here! I surrender! Just push the knife! Let’s finish it now!

Sophie: No, cuz… Oh my God! Don’t do this…

Me: What, Sophie? What? You just said I had to kill myself!

I slightly push the knife and rip my vest.


She cries. I suddenly calm down.

Me: OK, Soph, I’ll let you do it by yourself. Just look at me.

She fatalistically looks in my eye.

Me: You want me to die, right? I bet you do. You killed me once. Without hesitations. Just do it again. It’s just the same.

Me: It’s so easy. Just push the knife. And you’ll kill me.

Me: Nobody knows… nobody will blame you. I give my life in your hands.

Me: Just kill me, if you want so…

Sophie: Cuz…

Tears run down her face. I let her hand free and she immediately throws the knife away…

Sophie: Cuz, I don’t want you to die! I… I…

Sophie: I don’t know why did I say that shit! I’m sorry!

Choice 3.3:

a) “It’s OK”

b) “I response for what happened”

c) “If you’ll change your mind, you can find me here”

Choice 3.3-a:

Me: It’s OK, Soph. I know how it looks like. But I made this statue only to say you that I’m sorry.

Sophie: R-… Really?

Me: Look at the plank in front of the statue. I write “I AM SORRY” on it every day.

She do as I say. I can see how confused she is.

Sophie: Sorry, cuz. I… I was so stupid.

Sophie: I mean… Masturbate on the statue… it’s so weird… And I thought about you that way.

Me: Yep, indeed. Shame on you!

Choice 3.3-b:

Me: Uh… forget about it…

Me: It’s me, who response for what happened. For ALL what happened.

Me: But, to tell truth, I made this statue for other reason. I wanted to tell you I’m sorry. In any way. So, I write “I am sorry” on the plank near the statue every day. You can go there and see it.

Sophie: R-… Really?

She do as I say. I can see how confused she is.

Sophie: Sorry, cuz. I… I was so stupid.

Me: Eh, that’s OK.

Choice 3.3-c:

Me: Well, if you’ll change your mind, I will be here.

Sophie: Cuz! I’ll never try to kill you again.

Sophie: At least if you won’t…

She inconveniently falls in silent.

Me: Don’t worry about that shit. I had my lesson.

I touch the bandage on left eye.

Me: By the way, I made that statue to say that I’m sorry. You can read this on the plank near the statue.

Sophie: R-… Really?

She walk around the statue and look on the plank. I can see how confused she is.

Sophie: I was so stupid… I’m sorry, cuz.

I slightly nod to her.

Me: Well, I have some business today. Have a nice time, Sophie. Goodbye!

Sophie: Bye, cuz…

I turn around and go into the forest.

Well, Sophie couldn’t kill me. That’s a good sign. Moreover, she said she’s sorry for that weird things she said to me.

Did she forgive me? I’m not sure, but… Chances are good.

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mylektsii.su - Ìîè Ëåêöèè - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.026 ñåê.)Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ Ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ìàòåðèàë