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Way C. Choice 1-c.⇐ ÏðåäûäóùàÿÑòð 42 èç 42
I have to help her. I’m sure, at my place she would do the same. Maybe… I go into the jungle to collect firewood and something edible. It takes not much time for me to supply a good bundle of branches and sticks. Also, I take several fruits and nuts, that turned up to me. Enough is enough. I come back to the shelter and put everything I found near it. After several seconds of thoughts, I add my bottle of water. Sophie will need it, and I have another one in my camp. OK, now I have to try to catch a fish. Sophie lost many energy in the sea. She needs something to eat. I use occasional crab as a bait, and, after a several tries, I managed to spear a big grey fish. Yep, this one is edible. I caught couple of them earlier. I return to the camp and make a fire. When embers are ready, I gut the fish and spit it. Well, all it need now – half an hour over the embers. I sit near the fire, cooking a fish. I think savory smell can wake Soph. Should I go and check her? Nah… just let her sleep. She is tired. And I have to look after the fish. It’s almost done. After several minutes, I check the fish with my knife. No blood. It’s done. I remove the fish from the skewer to the palm leaf. It’s for Sophie. Me? O, I’ll be fine with that bananas I found in jungle. I don’t eat much on breakfast. I remember about one thing. I used a coconut oil as a sun cream. It is also good for your skin, if you suffer from sunburns and salty water. So, I think, I can make some oil for Sophie. I open a coconut and smash its’ flesh for a while to get a homogenous paste. It contains bulk of oil. Good for your skin. May be I should put it on Sophie right now. She is badly sunburnt and I bet it’s very painful. The oil can alleviate her suffering. On the other hand, it’s nasty a bit… After all what happened between us… Am I sure that I supposed to do this? Ah, come on, dude, you must help her! It’s your duty. It’s just like she would be wounded! Like a patient and a doctor. Honestly, in the best case, I am a nurse. O, nurses… … Don’t think about weird stuff, you, filthy animal! I slap my face. Ouch, that hurts. I can’t waste time. Let’s go. I go into the cabin and sit near Sophie. She is in the light sleep. She will wake up every minute. Should I… Dude, you already made your choice. The man gotta do what the man gotta do. I carefully put some oil on her face and gently rub it in. She moves slightly, but doesn’t wake. That’s good, I guess… Well, let’s continue… I put an oil on her hands and start to rub it. Her T-shirt… It’s completely ragged… I can rip it off and cover Sophie with oil… Shit, it even sounds wrong… I touch a bandage on my left eye. No way I’ll do it. She can take care about it when she will wake up. I will take care of her legs. I star rubbing oil in carefully and gently. It doesn’t takes much time until I hear Sophies moan. Sophie: … ummmmm …. I immediately stop. Is she waking up? I look into her face. Yes, she is waking. I wait until she will open her eyes. Sophie: Where… where am I? She didn’t recognize my face in the shadow. Well, I guess I won’t tell her where exactly she is right now. Let’s wait with it. Me: You are in safe. Here… you have to drink. I bring a water bottle to her lips. Without hesitating, she take it and begin to gulp down the water. I leave her alone and come out the shelter. There is some coconut paste in a shell. What do I do with it? Well, I think I’ll put it near the fruits. I think everything will be OK with it. My hands are in oil… Uh, OK, I’ll just mop them of my shorts. That’s it. I hear Sophie comes out the shelter. I look into the ocean, so she can’t see my face. Sophie: Hey… Who are you…? Where are we? Me: You should eat something… You need an energy. I hear her step forward. Sophie: Wait… This… I… Sophie: Cuz… Is that you? Me: … Me: Yes… It’s me. Sophie: Oh my God… I turn around just in time to see she is falling and catch her. Damn. She fainted! I carefully lay her down in the shadow and gently slap her face. She immediately comes back to life. Me: You should eat something right now. You lose your power with every second. Sophie: Stay… stay away from me… Me: Sophie, listen… I don’t want to make you any harm. But I can’t leave you alone before I’m sure you safe. Just eat something and I’ll go away. Sophie: Uh, if it is the only way… I help her to stand up. She gives me a darkly look and go to the fireplace. Me: I caught a fish for you. Sophie: And you want me to eat it? No way! Me: Shit! I’m worrying about your life! Sophie: Oh, really? Then I’m going to starve to death! I stare at her for several seconds. Is she kidding me? Me: Fuck. Whatever. Just go to hell. I turn around and head to the jungle. Three… two… one… Sophie: Hey, where are you going? Me: Do you care? I’m living you alone, as you want! You are a big girl, you don’t need my help. Sophie: Ugh… OK, sorry for what I said. Don’t leave me right now. Shit… I don’t want to stay with her. It will be a piece of crap. She needs some time to make her mind to the fact I’m alive. Choice 2: a) Decline rudely. b) Decline gently. Choice 2-a (-1 Relations): I turn to her. Me: “Cuz, stay away from we! ” “Cuz, stay with me! ”… Shit, will you make your decision? Soph looks shocked. Sophie: … What? Me: Soph, I have fucking busy day. And sitting here with spoiled child won’t offload it any way! Sophie: Fine! Just go away! Me: See you later. May be. Choice 2-b (+0 Relations): I turn to her. Me: I accept your apologize. And sorry for that shit I told. I just worry about you. Me: However, I have to go. I have to hunt, to find food, to supply firewood… Lots of businesses… Me: For now, I made everything I could for you. Just eat good, have a rest and drink a lot – and you will be OK. Sophie: Fine… If you really worry about me… I’ll do as you say. Me: Of course, I do! I’ll be back at the evening. Will bring some food. Bye. Sophie: See you later, cuz. I go into the jungle and head back to my home. I don’t have any water, so I must hurry up. Walking near the boars’ trail, I hear oinking. What a luck! There is a young boar trapped in my hunting pitch. It seems it weights almost 40 kilos! Feast today! I quickly kill the boar and get it out from the pitch. It’s not too heavy for me, so I can take it to my camp in one piece. Also, I can share it with Sophie. It will be enough for both of us. Sophie… it doesn’t seem she glad to see me alive. What did I do wrong? No, not three years ago. Then I completely was a freak. I know about it. But now… I think I’ve done everything correct. OK, OK, in the end I was pissed off. Choice 2-a: But wait a moment, she started it! What was I supposed to do? To let her sit on my neck? No way! Choice 2-b: But, in the end, I apologized for that! It’s OK, right? I hope next time Soph will be more… friendly? I think about her during all my way to the camp. I think about us. I really want to start it over. This time I’ll do everything right. I promise. It takes several hours to cut the boar’s beef into pieces and smoke the meat. However, while meat was smoking, I managed to swim for half an hour and have a short rest. Good day, I guess. Let’s hope Sophie won’t spoil it. I take my spear, knife, bag with several good pieces of smoked meat, wrapped in palm leafs, inside, and go to my favorite fishing place. Generally, I don’t like going through jungle – it is too heavy and slowly, but during couple of years I managed to cut a trail through a jungle, so I can save more than half an hour when going this way. Of course, there is no sense in scrapping through wildwood, so after getting to a fishing place I continue my way along the shore. Sunset is close. I check the time using sun and my palm. Four fingers between sun and horizon. I have an hour of daylight. Enough to reach Soph’s camp. I already can see a smoke of her campfire. It’s almost dark when I finally see her shelter. However, I can’t find Sophie anywhere. Damn… Where is she? Me: Sophie! Where are you? Soph! No answer. Me: Soph! I turn around and see her swimming in the sea. She yells to me. Sophie: I’m here! Don’t worry! I wait when she gets out the water and comes closer. Sophie: Hi, cuz… She looks very embarrassed and uncomfortable. Soph wears only her bikini and shorts. It seems she got rid of her ragged T-shirt. Me: How are you? Sophie: I’m OK. Thank you… She doesn’t look in my face… Me: Glad to hear that. Hey, I have some meat for you. How about dinner? Sophie: Sounds good… I’m little hungry… We go to the camp. It seems there is an invisible wall between us. Both of us feel really uncomfortable. Shit… What can I do? I take almost all meat a brought and give it to Sophie. Me: Here… This is for you… It’s smoked, so it wouldn’t become rotten for several days. Sophie: Thank you. It’s so kind for you… Me: You are welcome. I sit near the fire and skewer the last two pieces of meat. Despite the fact it is smoked, it would taste better if I will grill it during five-ten minutes. I see Sophie comes to me, holding something in her hands. Sophie: Hey… I found several potatoes in jungle today. We can bake them over the embers. Me: Good idea. We don’t say anything while our dinner is cooking. Moreover, we eat in silence. I finish my part first and wait for Sophie. It’s very awkward and I consider about leaving right now. Finally, Sophie finishes her dinner. Sophie: Oh, thanks God. It was perfect. Thank you, cuz. Me: C’mon, it’s nothing. Sophie: But… You gave me all meat you had, isn’t it? Me: I hunted a boar at the morning, so I have several pieces for rainy day… Anyway, don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself. Sophie: I don’t have any doubt about that. Me: So, what happened with you? I mean, how did you turn up at the living raft in the middle of the ocean? Sophie: Plane crush… What an irony... It was my first flight since I was rescued from the island… Sophie: I’m… sorry for refreshing you memories. Me: It’s OK. How long have you been in the ocean? Sophie: Let me see… Two days and three nights. I lost any hope… And then I woke up in our old shelter. What did you do with me? Me: You were sunburned. I decided to put some coconut oil on you. It protects the skin. Sophie: O… Thank you for that. And for saving my life, I guess. After what happened… Sophie: I mean, at your place I would pull me away in the sea and leave there… Me: I don’t know what to say… We sit in silence for a while. Me: Soph… Sophie: What? Me: I… May be it is not perfect time to say, but… Me: I will say it. And I am going to say it only once, so please, listen to me. She raise her eyes and look at me. I see she is waiting. Sophie: OK… Me: Sophie, I am very sorry for raping you then. I made the worst thing I could do to you. I was fucking freak. I am so sorry. Me: I can’t change past, but if only I could… Me: And I don’t blame you for trying to kill me. You were in your right. I deserved those things, what happened. Me: If you don’t want to see me anymore – just say it. This island is big enough for both of us. I will never disturb you. Me: Maybe it is late to say, but I am so sorry, Sophie. Sophie: Cuz, I didn’t expect that… I… I don’t know if can forgive you… At least yet. You… I mean you were completely piece of shit. Me: I understand that, Soph. I’m not going to hurry you with your decision. Anyway, I live at the eastern edge of the island. You can find me whenever you want. Sophie: Cuz, I don’t expel you… We shouldn’t avoid each other till the end of our lives. I just said I can’t forgive you so fast. Sophie: Come and see me tomorrow. I’d like to talk to you more. Me: No problem. We both dive in silence. It isn’t so uncomfortable as at the beginning, but it can’t last long. I should say something or leave now. So, what do I do? Choice 3: a) Say goodbye and leave. b) Ask about her life. c) Ask about her feelings. Choice 3-a (+0 Relations): Me: It is late. I have to go. See you tomorrow, Soph. Sophie: Good night, cuz. I stand up and head to my camp. Tomorrow will be an important day. Choice 3-b (+0 Relations): Me: So, Sophie… How… How were you on the big land? How it was, the ordinary life? Sophie: It was… Not so easy. But I bet it’s nothing comparing to your life. I’m sure you have gone through so many troubles, that mine will cause nothing but laugh. Me: Soph, I won’t laugh, I promise. Please, tell me. Sophie: Well… I don’t know, why it happened… Because of I used to starve or because those terrible things that happened here, but… After I returned home, I began to eat. A lot. Sophie: I just couldn’t help myself from eating… in six months I put on twenty two kilos. Me: No way! Sophie: It’s true, cuz. I was so sexy and became so fucking fat… I simply couldn’t look in the mirror. Me: Shit! That was… a psychological problem, right? I mean… it just couldn’t be caused by month of hunger, I guess. Sophie: Yep, it was. I had to go to the therapist. I used to be on sever diet for next one and half years and do lots of exercises. Luckily, in the end I lose my weight. Me: Crap… Soph, sorry for that… It’s definitely me who response for your problems… Sophie: Forget about it… You had bigger problems because of me. At least, I was at home and you were abandoned in forgotten island. Me: That’s definitely not true. I made my own choice to stay here. Sophie: What are you talking about? Me: Well, when you were leaving the island… I saw you. I saw the ship. And I had more than enough time to make I signal. But I didn’t do that. I decided to stay here. I thought it would be better for both of us. Sophie: Shit… Cuz, I thought you were dead! Me: I know. Sophie: No… Why… You could return to home. Me: Technically, yes. But… I just couldn’t do it... You are not responsive for that. Me: Then I knew there is no way I can go home with you. Sophie: And what about now…? Me: I don’t know yet, Soph. It’s too early to judge about it. Sophie: Well… We sit in silence for a while. Finally, I decide there is no sense in staying. Me: It is late. I have to go. See you tomorrow, Soph. Sophie: Good night, cuz. I stand up and head to my camp. Tomorrow will be an important day. Choice 3-c (-1 Relations): Me: Sophie, what… what did you feel? Sophie: What? Me: What did you feel when you were at home? Sophie: What is the kind of that question? Me: Uh, you know… Things that happened here. How did they change you? Sophie: I… I don’t think I changed a lot. Me: Really? I mean, if I killed my cousin… Something in her face changes very fast. Me: Soph, I’m sorry… Sophie: Go away! Me: Sophie, I… Sophie: Just go away! What, the hell, is wrong with you! Sophie: I don’t want to see you! She push me. I stand up and go back. Shit… I shouldn’t be so obstinate. I am a dumbass. I go home in silence, filled with memories and thoughts. Wrong turn again. Another mistake. I hope it won’t be fatal.
I take an early start next morning. Sophie wants to see me, and I have to do all my daily routine in couple of hours. What do we have today? I have some meat, so I don’t have to worry about it. However, I ran out of firewood and edible roots. I have to restock. After an hour of search, I find bushes of potato. Good luck. I harvest them and plant dozen of potatoes in the same place. It’s my survival strategy – once you harvest, you plant. Thanks to it, I can be sure that one day I won’t left here without any potato. In the end, I have my bag full of potatoes, so I need only to find some firewood. Not a big business – I am in the middle of wildwoods! During my way home, I gather up enough amount of sticks and branches. If only I had a good axe or saw… I put all I found inside my cabin. Time to go to Sophie. But, first, I should inspect my aqueduct. I’ll make a detour to the north during my way. It will take half an hour as maximum. I take my bow and start walking along my aqueduct, carefully inspecting it. I made it of bamboo and clay two years ago. It was long and difficult work, which took several months. But now I have fresh and clear water in my camp. I can take a bath of fresh hot water whenever I want. And it is wonderful. I go deeper in jungle, following my aqueduct. It seems everything is OK. Nice. I stop. I am in the middle of the island. Aqueduct runs three hundred meters from this point and ends – or begins – near the stream. I completely replaced this section in previous month, so, I guess there is no sense in continuing my inspection. Nothing can be wrong with a new part. I find the sun. It’s not late morning, eight or nine o’clock. Sun now at the southeastern part of the sky. I have to look at the sun and then turn right. I’m not sure I can choose the correct direction of movement, but, in the end, I’ll reach the sea shore. It easy to find Sophie’s camp from the beach. I start my way. The jungle is frightening but at the same time so incoming. Honestly, after these years I feel much more confident in the heart of the forest. Really, people, three years ago I would piss my pants if I turned up here. Now, walking through unknown part of wildwood I feel nothing but exciting. Exciting. Ardor. Adventure thirst. Freedom. No fear. I am strong. I am an animal. Dangerous and wild animal. I’m ready to kill anyone who dare me. My blood boils. Bow in my hand. I can hear anything. I smell the boar, which was here half an hour ago. I hear every bird on the trees. I see every leaf. I feel light breeze on my skin. I increase my speed. What a perfect feeling! I don’t notice how I managed to pass all the way. Next moment I just realize that I’m standing in the sea, looking over the horizon. I know this place. It’s just near Soph’s camp. I turn around and see Sophie, who stand next to me with worried look on her face. Sophie: Cuz… What’s up with you? Me: O… Hi, Soph. Sophie: Dude, are you all right? You just came out the jungle near my camp and run to the shore. You didn’t put any attention on me and my yelling to you. Me: Ouch… Sorry, Sophie. I just lost in my thought. Sophie: Never do this again! You scare me so much! Me: I promise… I kind of frightened too. The last thing I remember – I’m running through jungle. Sophie: There was something threating your life? Me: No, I didn’t run from anything… I had a… feeling… It was as I had grown wings. It was like I’m a wild animal… It was a freedom. Sophie: Man… What, the hell, are you talking about? Me: … Me: … Forget about it. Now ever I see it’s stupid. Sophie: Hah… Is there any… you know, interesting grass in the jungle? Me: No. At least, I don’t know about it. Sophie gives me a crooked smile. Sophie: Really. Don’t lie to me, cuz. It’s not fear if you get kicks without your cousin. Me: Do you mean I was under weed? If you wanted to hurt me, consider you did. Sophie: Oh, c’mon, cuz, don’t be so childish. I’m just kidding. Me: No way! I was offended! You must beg me for forgiveness! She push me in shoulder. Me: Ouch! Sophie: You can’t catch me! Ha-ha-ha! She turns around and runs to her shelter. O, Sophie, do you want to play? Well, let’s play. I stand and look at Sophie until she notice I am not chasing her. She stops and looks at me unpleased. Me: Argh! I suddenly sprint. Sophie squeaks and tries to run away, but I’m faster. I’m like a cheetah chasing a deer. Sophie has no chance. I catch her within ten seconds. We both fall on the sand. Me: I win! Sophie: O, you are so strong and fast hunter, cuz. Would you like to get down of me? Me: Nope. You are my prey. You belong to me. She tries to break free, but I don’t let her go. Our eyes meet and I feel something… strange. Like a spark. I roll over and let Sophie go. I hope I didn’t push it too far. Sophie: Thanks. Ouch. She stands up. It seems everything is fine. Phew. I lay for a minute and then stand up too. Where is my bow? I turn around and see Sophie with my bow in her hands. She pretends she is aiming at me. Sophie: Hands up, cuz! Of course, she has no arrows, but why don’t we play some more? I submissively put my hands up. Me: OK, OK, wild and dangerous predator was caught by the brave amazon. What next? What is my fate? Sophie: You will be my pet. I’ll chain you up near my shelter and you will protect my sleep. Me: Oh, no way! I would better die! I want to be free! I turn around and run away, trying to escape. Sophie: Thowng. You are dead, cuz! I fall on the sand, pretending I am dead. Me: … And he laid there, breathless but free… Sophie: I’ll made a carpet of your skin. She comes closer to me and lends me an arm. Sophie: Stand up, cuz. I take her hand and get on my feet. Sophie gives me back my bow. Sophie: You have a perfect bow, cuz. Me: Yep, thanks. Sophie: Are you good in using it? Me: Of course! What type of question is it? Sophie: How about small competition in archery? Me: Sure, why not? Sophie: Sweet! I’m going to kick your ass, cuz! Me: You’ll cry and beg me for mercy, Soph! Sophie: Challenge accepted! We go to her camp, where she takes her bow and arrows. Sophie: We need a target, right? Me: I’ll take it over. I cut the several coaxial rounds on the nearest tree. Nice. I measure twenty feet and draw the line on the sand. Me: OK, twenty feet, five arrows. One shot is yours, one shot is mine. Lady’s first. Sophie: O, this is soooo kind. She smiles at me and makes her first shoot. Seven. She is not at her best condition. I can easily get ahead. On the other hand, I can give up. She is a girl, in the end. Choice 4: a) Play with full force. b) Yield the palm. Choice 4-a: Me: My turn. I release an arrow. Bull’s eye! Me: Yes! Sophie: No way! Five! Me: Another bull’s eye! Sophie: It is not the end! Damn! Eight! Me: And I’ve got nine! Sophie: Shit! Eight again. Me: And… Eight! Sophie: Six! Shit! Me: Bull’s eye! Again! Sophie: Damn… I really shouldn’t give up archery… Choice 4-b: Me: My turn. I aim carefully. Me: Six! Damn! Sophie: No way! Five! Oh my… I aim more carefully. And… Me: Four… Sophie: Hey, cuz! That is not fair. You aren’t doing your best! Don’t even think about yielding the palm! Choice 4.5: a) Play with full force. b) Continue giving up. Choice 4.5-a (+0 Relations): Me: Well, if you want so… Sophie: Of course I do! Eight. Me: Bull’s eye! Sophie: Damn! Another eight. Me: And… Eight! Sophie: Six! Shit! Me: Bull’s eye! Again! Sophie: This is what I call an honest competition! Congrats, cuz! Me: Thank you, Soph. Choice 4.5-b (+1 Relations): Me: What are you talking about? Sophie: You just can’t hunt boars for three years and shoot in four! Me: I can. Sophie: Well… I have an eight. I should play more carefully. I’ll better reduce the gap. Me: Nine! Sophie: Another eight. Me: And… Eight! Sophie: Six! Shit! Well… I’m not going to win. I release my last arrow in the target. Me: Four again. Sophie: I won? No way! Thank you cuz, but… You didn’t do your best, right? Me: How could you even think about it? She gives me her beautiful smile. Sophie: C’mon, cuz… It was obvious. And this is really kind. Thank you. Sophie: But I want to see your skills. Could you shoot just for me? Without competition? Me: Well, OK. I remove my arrows from the target and return to the line. Sophie: I’ll count your scores. I shrug my shoulders and take aim. Thowng. Sophie: Wow! Bulls’ eye! Second arrow… Sophie: Nine! Third… Sophie: Bulls’ eye again! Fourth… Sophie: Another bulls’ eye! And the last one… Sophie: Nine! Sophie: Oh my God! That was awesome! Me: Thank you, Soph. Sophie: Man, you are a perfect archer. Me: Thanks. But archery wasn’t my hobby. I had a simple choice – hunt or die. Sophie: That is so sad… Me: Yep… I had to improve my skills to be safe. You know, boars very rare die from one arrow. Even ambushes couldn’t help the situation. Me: I got several perfect scars before I became good archer. Just look… I show her a scar on my left leg. Sophie: Oh my God… Me: The first one. Boar torn my calf. It was running right at me and I jumped to the right. Not fast enough. I killed that boar by a miracle. Sophie: Damn… it was really dangerous… Me: Yep, it was. Sophie: No, I mean, living here. In general. I… I can’t imagine what did you came through… Me: Honestly, that wasn’t so terrible. At the beginning – yes, it was hard. But, somehow I could… Sophie: Cuz… She embarrassed looks down. Sophie: Tell me what happened… After I shot you… Please… Me: Well… I sit on the nearest log. Sophie, after short part of thinking, sits next to me. Me: At first, I was sure, that I am dying. Me: Darkness… Darkness everywhere. Me: I came to life only at the early morning. It was high tide. Water woke me up. Me: I could see an arrow, sticking out from my left eye. It was the worst view I ever saw…
Me: I got on my feet and ran into the jungle. When I got in the deep forest, I removed an arrow from my head. I still remember that pain… Me: For several days, I was hiding in jungle, eating occasional fruits and trying to remember any medicinal herb. I wonder how I managed to survive. Me: You know the end of the story. I saw you were leaving the island and decided to stay here. Sophie looks at me. Sophie: What… what happened next? Me: That is a very long story. For couple of weeks I stayed in your shelter, until my wound healed a little. I was very weak, I harvested roots and tried to find fruits – it was all my food. I was losing forces with every day. Me: When I had no more headaches, I decided to go away. I couldn’t stay here. Every second I remembered about what I’ve done. I took your bow and arrows and went into the jungle. Me: During several hours, I crossed the island. I found some fresh water and fruits to eat. It wasn’t enough for me, but I didn’t have more. Me: I went out the jungle at the eastern part of the island. It was pretty good for me. I decided to stay there. I made a small shelter. Me: Next week I found a turtle at the beach. It was laying eggs. I ate it. It was first time I ate meat in many days. Sophie: A turtle? Me: Yes. They lay eggs here every year. That time they saved my life. I didn’t hunt them anymore. Me: Anyway, I lived on the eastern part of the island for several months. It was very hard and dangerous. I hardly had anything to eat, I didn’t have enough water, I couldn’t hunt boars or catch fish. Me: Every moment I thought about what I’ve done to you. I couldn’t do anything to save my life. I thought I don’t deserve this. And one day I understood one simple thing: it can’t go that way. Me: I said to me: “Dude, you have two options – you can forgive yourself and start to fight for your life or you will better kill yourself now.” I decided to forgive myself and forget about what happened. Sophie looks at me darkly. Sophie: So easy? Just forget about all? Me: No! Of course no! I couldn’t just throw it away of my head. In the sign that I remember about my mistake, I promised to make… Uh… It’s… It’s weird… Sophie: What? Me: Promise you won’t get angry. Sophie: Just spit it out! Me: I promised to make your statue as soon as I get better. Sophie: What? My… My statue? Me: Yes… After three months of training and searching for a right place, I made statue of you. Sophie: … Sophie: Unbelievable… Me: You are not angry with me? Sophie: Angry? Why? Me: Honestly, I don’t know… I think it looks weird. I’m completely alone on the island, and one thing I have – your statue. I won’t wonder if you would take it ill. Sophie: Wait, did you do with the statue any nasty stuff? Me: What? Jesus, no! It’s… It’s… I just talk to it sometimes. Nothing more, I swear! Sophie smiles at me. Sophie: I believe you, cuz… Please, show it to me. Me: Do you really want to see it? Sophie: Of course! Nobody did for me anything similar. I didn’t do it for her, but… I’ll better not tell Soph about it. Me: Well, if you want… I’ll show you. Let’s go. Sophie: Really? I was ready you would refuse. Let’s go! We stand up. Me: Through the jungle or along the beach? Sophie: Uh… I’ll prefer a beach. Me: OK. Follow me. We go along the beach for one and half an hour, chatting about some senseless stuff. It is so good. Just to talk to Sophie like nothing happened. I missed it so much… Finally, we are near the bay. Me: OK, we are almost there. I’ll lead the way. We go around the massive rock and take to the beach near the statue. Me: Here it is. Stone Sophie… My only companion for more than two years… Sophie: Wow… Can I come and see it closer? Me: Of course. She comes around the statue and carefully looks at it for couple of minutes. I stay where I stay. Soph needs some time. In the end, Sophie looks at me at says. Sophie: Cuz… It’s so beautiful… She gently touch statue’s face. Sophie: It’s… it’s perfect… Me: Thank you, Sophie. To be honest, original is better. She blushes. Sophie: C’mon, cuz… Sophie: How could you make it? It’s very moral of me! How could you remember my face? Choice 5: a) Tell Sophie you had a lot of practice before. b) Tell Sophie that every night you saw her in your dreams. c) Tell Sophie you couldn’t forget her because she is so beautiful. Choice 5-a (+1 Relations): Me: Well… I had many clay and a lot of practice… Me: Before I made this statue, I made like twenty prototypes. They were awful… Sophie: Really that bad? I smile. Me: Yep. Looking at them, I could say my hands are growing from my butt. Sophie: No way! Hahaha! So I’m lucky I hadn’t see them. Me: Indeed. We look at each other for couple of minutes. It’s embarrassing a bit. Sophie: Well, I think I’m going back. Are you going with me? Me: No, I don’t think so. I have things to do today. It’s time to go. Sophie: In that case, see you later. Bye, cuz! Me: Take care, Soph! She smiles to me and goes back along the beach. I look at her until she turns into a little figure on the shore. Then I head to my camp. Everything seems to be OK. Choice 5-b (+1 Relations): Me: It wasn’t so hard. Every night I saw you in my dreams. Sophie: What? In dreams? I guess about what kind of dreams she thinks. Shit… Is she really that spoiled? Me: For God’s sake, Soph! Not that dreams! Shame on you! It were nightmares mostly. Sophie: O, in that case… Sophie: Huh, I’m sorry I thought about you that way. Sophie: But I shouldn’t say it that way. No offends? Me: No offends. … Sophie: But cuz, the statue is beautiful. You could be an artist at home. Me: Yep, on this island I discovered so many talents in myself. It’s because of stress, I guess… Sophie: May be… We look at each other for couple of minutes. It’s embarrassing a bit. Sophie: Well, I think I’m going back. Are you going with me? Me: No, I don’t think so. I have things to do today. It’s time to go. Sophie: In that case, see you later. Bye, cuz! Me: Take care, Soph! She smiles to me and goes back along the beach. I look at her until she turns into a little figure on the shore. Then I head to my camp. Everything seems to be OK. Choice 5-c (+0 Relations): Me: You are the thing I never could forget. Sophie: What do you mean? Me: You are so beautiful… Sophie: Cuz… This is not that thing I want to hear. Me: Soph… Sophie: I… I have to go… Me: Soph, wait… Sophie: See you later, cuz… She turns around and quickly goes along the beach. Me: Take care! Shit… I shouldn’t say that. Posttraumatic syndrome, I guess… Wait, what the hell? After three years? No, no. I just said that before thinking and she didn’t understand me. Damn… I have to be more careful. Anyway… I have some things to do today. Let’s go home…
Several days pass with nothing extraordinary to happen. I spend some time with Sophie, trying to be nice to her. Our relations are still slightly tense, but I do my best to return it to norm. Sophie does too, and I very appreciate it. I don’t think I could do it by myself. … I wake up after a long and comfortable sleep. Sun is rising over a horizon, sending it first rays to me. What a lovely morning! I have a breakfast of fruits and smoked pork. Well, I’m running out of meat. It could mean only one thing. It’s fishing time! I go through the jungle to a fishing place, humming a simple tune. I have excellent mood. The road goes by insensibly. Just a minute ago I was at my camp and – voila – I’m just near the fishing place. I can’t see on the beach any crab which I could use as a bait, but it isn’t fatal. I have some baked potato and meat for bait. I chop the food and throw it into the water. Come here, fishy, come here! I find my fishing spear and take off my clothes. After that, I climb on the rock and look into the water. No way! There is no fish down there. I should wait some more. So, I am here. Standing naked on the rock with spear in my hand. I look at myself. Shit, I’m looking cool. And I know what could do the view better. Catchy song! I think I know perfect song for this moment. Should I sing it? Of course I do! Anyway, I have nothing more to do. Let’s go! I prepare myself and catch a rhythm. Me: Catching ladies, my delight O yes! Here it is! Me: Water, water in the sea Water, water soaky cloud I like this song. This moment is so pleasant. Stand on the rock, full of power, prepared to jumping and sing a song – it is unforgettable feeling! Me: It smells like fish, I take a sniff Some are bigger, some are small I almost scream last part of the song, overfilled with feelings. What a moment! Me: Water, water in the sea Fish on - release the spawn After the last words, I jump into the water upside down, carrying my spear in stretched hands. Bull’s eye! I speared something alive and big. It tries to escape, but I quickly come up, carrying my spear in left hand. Yep, I caught I enormous filefish! This is the biggest one I ever saw! I want to go to the shore and kill the fish, when suddenly… Sophie: Hi, cuz! I look up. My cousin stands on the rock and looks down at me with friendly smile. Me: Hey… Morning, Soph! Does she know I am naked? Sophie: I didn’t know you listen to Lindemann. So, she was here for a enough time to hear the song. Of course, she saw me naked. Me: Hey, did you peek after me? Sophie: C’mon cuz! I didn’t want to! I just heard your song and then went to the beach. I didn’t know you like to sing naked. Sophie: By the way, you have excellent butt. Me: O… Thank you, cuz. I add as much sarcasm as I can. It seems Soph got it, and decided to change the topic. Sophie: Hey, what is the water like? Me: Excellent. Wanna some fish for breakfast? Sophie: O, this is so kind… Me: Catch it! I throw my spear with fish on it on the rock. Sophie wasn’t ready for it, so she almost failed to catch it. In the end, fish push her with its’ tail. Sophie: Ouch! Shit! I listen to some romp upstairs. Sophie: Cuz, it’s alive! Me: Yes, I know. The knife is near my clothes. After several minutes, Soph appears on the rock again. She looks little angry for fun. Sophie: Hey, cuz, what the shit? Could you kill the fish before throw it at me? Me: With what? Of course, I could try to kill it with my dick, but it would take really big piece of time. She looks at me little shocked. Ouch… God, please, make her understand this is just the stupid joke. Sophie: Hahaha, cuz… Your sense of humor is awful. Thanks God! Me: It is because of stress. You see, this water is only thing that protects my honor. So I am little nervous. Sophie: Really? So what can we do for you to be less nervous? Choice 6: a) “Well, you could take off some of your clothes.” b) “Ehm… Pass me my trousers? ” c) “I should face my fear. How about swimming together? ” Choice 6-a: Me: Well, you could take off some of your clothes. In that way we will have equal reasons to be stressed. /check our Relations. If it is equal 1 or 2, we have good turn, if it is lower than 1, you lose 1 Relations point and have bad turn / Good turn: Sophie: Like this? What the hell? I was just joking! Next moment I see her bra flying into the sea. Shocked, I look back at Sophie. She looks at me with naked boobs and winner smile. And naked boobs. Sophie: So… Do you feel better now? Me: Jesus! Sophie! It was just a stupid joke! Sophie: Yep. It is fun, isn’t it? I stare at her, with no idea what to say. I feel I turn red. Sophie: Hahaha! You should see your face, cuz. Me: Soph… Sophie: Don’t tease me if you are not ready to face consequences, cuz. She winks to me. Sophie: By the way, I saw your python. Sophie: And now, if you don’t mind, I gonna take back my bra. She jumps into the water. Before she is back, I am already on the shore, completely dressed. Shit… That was… was… weird. I didn’t think Sophie will do it. Sophie: Hah, you are little pussy, cuz! Me: Soph, c’mon. It isn’t fun anymore… Sophie: Fine. Bad turn: Sophie: Ugh… I almost forget how nasty you can be. She disappears. After several seconds, I see my trousers flying into the ocean. I try to catch them, but occasional wind take them and lend directly at my face. Phew… I should do my laundry more often. Sophie: Get dressed, you, filthy animal. I take on my clothes and go to the shore. Sophie looks angry. Sophie: Cuz, what the hell? Me: Soph, I’m sorry. After years alone, I can’t feel your mood and understand, when I can cross proprieties and when I shouldn’t do it. Me: I thought you are in a good mood and you will understand one more stupid joke. I made a mistake. I am sorry. She calms down. Sophie: Well… I forgive you. But don’t even think of talking this to me again. Me: Of course… Crushed a bit, I dress up. Choice 6-b: Me: Ehm… Just pass me my trousers, I guess? Sophie: Hah, ho way I’ll touch them! You should come out the water and put them on by yourself! Me: Sophie, please… Sophie: Nope! Me: Ugh… Could you turn away at least? Sophie: Of course. I’ll even close my eyes. Me: O, it’s so kind… Sophie: OK, I can’t see anything. Go, go, go! I go out the water and run to my clothes. Of course, I fail to put on my trousers at first time and almost fall on the sand. Damn! Sophie: Hey, are you ready? Me: No, not yet. Sophie: Hurry up. Finally, I succeed. I quickly put on my shorts. Me: I’m done. You can turn around. Sophie: Finally! Choice 6-c: Me: I have to be brave. I should face my fears… How about swimming together? Sophie smiles. Sophie: I like the way you think. She takes a short run and jump into the water. Sophie: Uh, the water is wonderful! Me: I told you so, didn’t I? Sophie: Of course. So, should I beware? Me: From what? She winks at me. Sophie: There is a huge water snake down there, isn’t it? I sniff and dive down. Sophie is much more spoiled then I thought. I nip her when I swim by. Sophie: Ouch! We swim together during twenty minutes, having fun. Finally, I decide that enough is enough and swim to the coast. Sophie: Hey, where are you going? Me: I want to put on some clothes. Don’t even think about picking after me. Sophie: C’mon, cuz. I already had enough time to see whatever I wanted. She’s a little bitch. I go to the shore and dress up. Sophie: Are you ready? Me: Yes, you can come here. She goes out the water and comes to me. Sophie: Man… Me: What? She looks awkward. Sophie: You are different now. You are not that person I knew. You changed. Of course I did. I had simple choice – change yourself or die. I’m alive, so… She left here a nerd, but now I’m bronzed muscular guy, covered with several scrams. My hair is short – I cut it with my knife. Vest and shorts, made of boar skin, as well as my bow, complete the impression of stern Robinson. Me: Yep. Three years of this kind of life can change anyone. And you are almost the same. Sophie: Thanks… Sophie: Cuz, you are awesome… I want to tell you something. Me: What is that? Sophie: Promise you won’t take it ill. Me: Em… OK, I promise. Sophie: You are fucking hot. I know how it sounds, especially from your cousin, but… If here was any other girl instead of me, she would fuck you right at these place. Choice 7: a) Compliment her. b) Tease her. c) Thank her. Choice 7-a (+1 Relations): Me: Em… Thank you… Me: To be honest… I hope you won’t take it ill too… Me: Sophie, you are such a beautiful woman. Sophie: Uh, cuz… She turns red. Me: I am happy that you are here. Sophie: Thank you, man… She awkwardly looks down. Sophie: I am very glad to hear this. Choice 7-b (-1 Relations): Me: Hey, babe, do you want me? Sophie: What? Me: Soph, you are attracted to me! Sophie: No! What the? Of course, I’m not! Me: You are. I see it. Sophie: I AM NOT! Wow, she becomes really angry. I think I’m right. But there is no point in fighting. I’ll better take a step back. Me: OK, fine. Just calm down. Sophie: How could you even think about it? Me: Well… at least one of us is very spoiled. Sophie: What? Me: Never mind. Choice 7-c (+0 Relations): Me: Thank you, cuz… I didn’t expect that. Sophie awkwardly smiles at me. Me: I never thought about it. I’m glad to hear that. Sophie: You are welcome, cuz. We stare at each other for a minute. I think I should invite Sophie for a lunch. Me: Hey, Soph. Knock-knock. Sophie: Who is there? Me: A lunch at my home? Sophie: Sure! I cannot wait to see your home. Me: Nice! Let’s go? Sophie: Let’s go! Through the jungle or along the beach? Me: Let’s go through the jungle. I paved the trail to my home, so we can enjoy shadow and cold. Sophie: That’s nice! We go through the forest, chatting. We have an excellent time. I didn’t notice how much I missed it. Sophie: Cuz? Me: Yep? Sophie: What do you miss the most? Me: What do I miss? Sophie: Yes, you know, from the back home. Me: Well… Choice 8: a) Food. b) Family and friends. c) Your computer. d) Tell Sophie you missed her the most. e) Nothing. Choice 8-a (+0 Relations): Me: I think it will be food. Sophie: Yes, I got it… Me: You see, I just want some food that doesn’t try to kill me. Haunting is very interesting but also very exhausting. I’m a kind of tired. Sophie: Yep… I miss the food too… Sophie: All these hamburgers, tacos, pies, sweets… Me: Sweets… I could kill anyone for piece of chocolate. Sophie: Ha-ha-ha… Choice 8-b (+0 Relations): Me: I miss family and friends… Sophie: I understand… Me: I want to see mum again… But I broke her heart. I even can’t imagine what she felt when she knew what I have done. Sophie: Man… No one knows about what happened. Me: What? Sophie: Everyone think you died in the plane crash. I told the truth only to my therapist. It was necessary for my therapy. But it’s a patient confidentiality. She won’t tell anyone. Me: Soph… I don’t know what to say. Me: Thank you. Thank you very much. You are awesome. Sophie: I thought it was better for all of us. Me: Thank you… I hug her. After several seconds, she hugs me too. Choice 8-c (+0 Relations): Me: I think it is my computer and the internet. Sophie: Dude, seriously? Me: You didn’t get it. I’m not talking about games, movies and porn. I need it for other reasons. Me: I need information to survive. Which medical herbs grow here, how to make good traps, which fish are edible, et cetera… All this I need to know. Me: If I had computer, I could find information I need. Sophie: O… I didn’t think about it this way. Sophie: Sorry. For a minute, I considered you a nerd. Me: Never mind. And I miss music a much. Sophie: I didn’t know you are a music lover. Me: I didn’t know it too. Choice 8-d (+1 Relations, unlocks Special ending): Me: I don’t know… May be it looks weird, but you are the one I missed the most. Sophie: Seriously? Sophie: I mean… I didn’t expect that. Especially after what happened… She looks surprised. Sophie: Did you really miss me? Me: Yes… I don’t know why… But all this time I felt that I need you. I wanted to see you again. Me: Soph… I’ll do everything for you to be happy. Sophie: Cuz… This is so sweet… Sophie: Thank you a lot. /Only if your Relations equal 1 or more/ Sophie: I made something for you. Give me your hand. I give my hand, and she puts a bracelet made of shells on my arm. Her hands on my arm feels so pleasant. Sophie: Here you are… Me: Sophie… Thank you… She stands just in front of me. We look into each other eyes. Her hands are still on my arm. I feel attraction between us. I don’t know, why do I do it. I’ll go all in. Looking in Sophies’ eyes, I take a step forward and kiss her. Not like you kiss your sister. The OTHER way. She answers my kiss ardently. That feels awesome. This is the best moment of my life. After a minute, we break. Sophie: Wow, cuz. That was cool. I’m out of breath. She smiles at me. Choice 8-e (-1 Relations): Me: I don’t miss anything. Sophie: What? Sophie: I mean… That isn’t right! You can’t not miss anything. Me: I can. I know there is no way I’ll be back home. So there is no point in missing something. Me: After that horrible night, I’m alone. Forever. I burnt all the bridges. Me: And that’s how things are going. Sophie: No, cuz! That’s not right! That’s not right… Sophie: You can’t be so cold! We continue our way in silence. Finally, outer woods and my camp. Me: Home, sweet home. Sophie: So this is the place where you live… Me: Yep. Sophie: Looks nice. Me: Thank you. Sophie: Could you make me an excursion? Me: Sure thing! I show my camp to her. Me: So, this is my cabin, this is a fireplace. The big stone thing near it is a stove, where I smoke meat. Sophie: Wow, that’s amazing. Me: The best part is forward. That’s an aqueduct with fresh drinkable water. It starts in jungle and ends near that rock near my cabin. Sophie: Man, why did you finish it near the rock? Me: Cause I hollowed out a bath in that rock. Sophie: A… A bath? Me: Yep. We can’t see it from here, but if you come closer… Sophie: Cuz… May I take a bath? Please-please-please! Me: Of course, why not? Sophie: Thanks! You are the best. She leans forward and hugs me. Me: We should have lunch first. Anyway, it takes a long time to fill the bath with water. I go to bath, plug it’s drainage and open an aqueduct. Water stream starts flow into the bath. Me: Well, it will take almost an hour. Let’s cook the fish. Sophie: Let’s go. We make fire and prepare lunch together. If I’m not wrong, we never done this before. It’s such… I don’t know… good? Peaceful? Anyway, I like it. We cook filefish over the embers and finish it just in time the bath is full. Me: So, would you like to take a hot or cold bath? Sophie: Hot, I guess. But I’ll have to wait until sun will heat up the water, won’t I? Me: No, there is other way. It won’t take so much time. I find several stones and heat them up over the embers. Then I carefully take them with couple of sticks and throw into the water. Me: Voila! Here you are some coconut oil. I use it instead of soap. Sophie: Thank you. /The most important moment. If our Relations equal or lower than 0, we have Bad final, if higher that 0 – we have Good final /