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Cross-Cultural Interaction. 1 Study the phrases and situations used in Complimenting and Showing Appreciation:

1 Study the phrases and situations used in Complimenting and Showing Appreciation:

a) Мы делаем комплименты,

А англичане и американцы, на удивление,

«Платят» и «дают» их – “pay”/ “give” a compliment.

Причем по поводу вещей разных.

Какая у вас улыбка прекрасная! – Your smile is nice!

Какие ваши дети умные! – Your children are cute!

А в доме уют. – You have a beautiful home!

А наша реакция на комплимент,

Мы не говорим “ Thank you ” в ответ.

Какая блузка красивая ваша! – What a nice blouse you have!

Да я ее купила на распродаже! – I’ve bought it on sale!

А что вы сделали с волосами своими? – What have you done with your hair?

Вы выглядите как фея! – You look like a fairy! и т.д.

b) Если вам понравилась прическа,

И вы долго не сводите глаз,

Тогда просто скажите: “Your hair looks nice.”

Если вам понравилась машина,

И вы долго не сводите глаз,

Тогда просто скажите: “Your car is nice.”

Если вы в гостях кушали дичь,

Вам очень понравилось, значит, “I love the dish.”

c) Вы влюбились без памяти,

И на душе у вас май,

Скажите комплимент своей пассии:

You have a beautiful smile!

Если ваш друг постоянно «острит»,

Все смеются, что живот болит,

Скажите ему: «Какой ты остроумный» –

You have a good sense of humour! ”

d) Когда сосед с женой приходит, Я в гостях остался,

Вы просто опускаетесь на стул: Ужин мне понравился

От её красоты все с ума сходят Я говорю: «The dinner is great!

И говорят: “Your wife is beautiful! ” Завтра ждите меня на обед».

Your hair looks nice! ” Если ты любишь работу свою,

Говорю, я не стесняясь, Отдавая всю душу, и ум, и доброту.

Что прическа хороша Все скажут, что ты отлично учишь детей,

И мне нравится она. А по-английски: You teach very well! ”

2 Choose the words that are often used when people give compliments; choose the adjectives used for a) people, b) clothes, food; choose the phrases used for complimenting (e.g. “It’s delicious”, “Thank you” “Welcome home”, “My warmest congratulations”, “You look good today.”)

3 Read the list and say “Yes” if it is a common compliment in your culture or “No” if it is not. Explain your answer:

1 Physical Appearance 2 Personality

e.g. “You have a beautiful smile.” e.g. “You have a good sense of


“Your hair looks nice.” “He’s got a great personality.”

3 On possessions 4 On clothes

e.g. You’ve got a beautiful house.e.g.You do look smart in that dress.

What a lovely garden you’ve got.

5On the type of achievement 6 On food

e.g. You played brilliantly in this e.g. The meal is tasty and delicious.

sporting event.

4 Say how you feel when you are given compliments: “I feel embarrassed/ lonely/ frightened/ happy/ delighted, ” etc. Explain why.

5 Find a mistake in the following situation and correct it:

American teacher: “Ann, your English is improving. I am pleased with your work.”

Ann (a foreign student): “Oh, no. My English is not very good.”

American teacher: “Why do say that, Ann? You’re doing very well in class.”

Ann: “No, I am not a good student.”

Say whether it is true or false:

1 Ann is not a good student.

2 Ann thinks that the teacher is not very good.

3 The teacher does not understand why Ann thinks she is not a good student.

6 Say whether it is True or False:

1) When someone gives a compliment, the receiver immediately denies it (for example, “No, it’s not true.”). 2) If a guest compliments something in another person’s home, the host or hostess gives that thing to the guest. 3) Americans (particularly American women) begin many conversations with compliments. They might say, for example, “You look nice today. Is that a new dress? ” 4) If an American compliments a woman’s dress, for example, he or she usually asks how much it cost. 5) It is disrespectful not to give a teacher a gift at the end of a course. 6) Money is commonly given as a gift (for example, students give money to their teachers or employees to their supervisors). 7) It is more polite to open a gift after the giver has gone away than to open it in front of him or her.

7 Use an appropriate word or phrase while complimenting different people in the following situations and comment on it:

Examples: “That hat looks good on you.” “The dinner was delicious.”

1(two co-workers) “The speech you gave yesterday at work was_____.”

2 (teacher/ parent) “Your child’s work is _____. You should be proud of her.”

3 (two friends) “That’s a _____ dress. Is it new? ”

4 (two neighbours) “What a_____car? ”

5 (boss / employee) “You did an ____ job. I really appreciate it.”

6 (two friends) “The picnic today was_____. Let’s do it again soon.”

7 (mother /daughter) “You look_____ today. The dress_____ you.”

8 (teacher / student) “I_____ your composition very much. There were very few mistakes.”

9 (guest / host) “The meal is_____. I really _____ the noodle salad.”

10 (husband / wife) “The meal turned out_____. Everyone_____it.”

8 Compliment a friend using one item from each column:

a) I wish I had your sense of humour /ear for music / patience / memory / ability for languages / knack for crosswords

b) I must say you have a lot of common sense / a real talent for teaching students / a wonderful car / a beautiful garden / plenty of patience

c) You are so patient /reliable /kind /generous /understanding

d) You are such a / an good dancer /careful planner /easy person to deal with /workaholic /good player

e) I must say you sang /danced / played /spoke /replied /explained beautifully (wonderfully, brilliantly, superbly, excellently, marvelously)

f) You (do) look nice smart /elegant /attractive in that dress (suit, sweater, hat, coat, those shoes, with that hair style

9 Using the hints given in brackets compliment a friend on:

1) his tie (very fashionable, matches his suit perfectly); 2) the collection of compact disc he /she has shown you (probably the best in our group); 3) his / her coat / jeans (very good cut and colour; this style is just the fashion now); 4) being a very good golf / tennis player (very good backhand and smashing service); 5) being good at puzzles; 6) a very good memory; 7) good looks (superb today); 8) a new raincoat he / she is wearing (looks fabulous).

10 Select a person from the group whom you would give a compliment on his/her appearance, abilities, clothes and other things and give some additional information why you have paid such a compliment; compare it with your partner’s choice.

a) Identify a person whom you could pay a compliment on his/ her appearance, clothes, abilities, people’s things, etc.

b) Observe the facial expression, conversational distance and gestures of the speaker while complimenting and reacting to the compliments, comment on them and act out the situation imitating his/her movements.

11 Make a response to the compliment less direct/ sincere, or express disagreement with a hedged quality (уклончиво), etc.:

e.g. A: Your hair looks nice today. B: It’s a mess.

12 In pairs, turn compliments into a conversation:

1 You did a nice job on the project the boss asked you to do….

2 You graduated from the University with honours.

3 You’ve bought a nice car.

13 Culture puzzle: When to Give Gifts. Decide in which situations you would give a gift. Discuss what you would do in your own culture and in the U.S. or Great Britain.

1 You have studied English with a tutor (private teacher) for about two months. Your tutor cannot continue because of a busy schedule. You will be meeting with your tutor for the last time.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

2 Your supervisor at work just gave you your sixth-month performance review (evaluation). He gave you an excellent review and an increase in salary.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

3 A teacher has helped you after class when you had difficulty in a subject. She stayed more than an hour after class on three different days to help you. You appreciate her extra help.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

4 It is one of your co-worker’s birthday. You don’t know this person very well, but you like him and you know that other people will be getting presents for him.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

5 You have a small problem with your car and your neighbour, a mechanic, looks at the car. He finds the problem in a couple of minutes and fixes it right away.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

6 You have been sick for a few days. One of your neighbours has been bringing food for your family every day.

Would you give a gift (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

7 You’ve been invited for dinner to an American /English friend.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

8 At work you have a small problem and one of your co-workers helped you.

Would you give a gift? (yes /no) my culture_________U.S. _______ Great Britain__________

If yes, what would you give? _____________________

14 Culture puzzle. What would you do if you gave your boss or teacher an expensive / a small gift and he or she said, “I’m sorry. I really can’t accept this gift.”

a) You could say, “If you don’t accept this gift, I’ll quit, ” or, “I won’t take this class anymore.”

b) You could try to find out the person’s reasons for not accepting thegift.

c) You can insist many times on giving the gift until the person accepts it.


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