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Подчеркните слово соответствующее содержанию текста.

Образец: Are you interested in buying some used /new books for school?

1. I have a science book called, Today's World, and I'm buying/selling it for thirty dollars.

2. That's too/a little expensive for a beat-up book like that.

3. I wrote a lot of notes in the book that should/can help you with the class.

4. I have English/science writing textbook for fourteen dollars, a math book for twenty-three, and a novel for only seven bucks.

5. It's down/up to you.


5. Прослушайте текст еще раз и подберите к вопросам соответствующие ответы.

Образец: 1.c.

1. The man’s science book is called ____ a) She thinks that the book is in pretty bad condition.
2. The man is selling his science book, Today's World for___ b) He has a friend who`s taking the same class.
3. Why is the woman surprised by the price of the science book? c) Today's World
4. Which book does the woman not buy? d) $30
5. The man's textbook on marriage is called, Finding the Perfect e) Someone
6. Why does the man want to study cooking? f) a math textbook
  g) a novel


6. Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: I'll take thebook and the novel. - I'll take the English book and the novel.

1. Teachers are always changing their minds about ….

2. What does it … to you anyway?

3. Well, they guarantee results, but ah, never ….

4. I …, does it really matter?

5. You got it all ….


Прослушайте текст и укажите верны или неверны следующие утверждения.

Образец: The girl is interested in buying some used books. (верно)

1. The boy sells a science book for forty dollars.

2. The boy has English writing textbook for thirty dollars.

3. The girl takes the Science book and the novel.

4. The boy hates cooking.

5. The boy has a friend who's into cooking.


1. Распределите предметы для гуманитарного и естественнонаучного направлений. При необходимости пользуйтесь словарём.

the Humanities Natural Sciences
Economics   Chemistry  
















Physical education



2.Напишите пять предложений о своём любимом предмете в школе, в вузе. При необходимости пользуйтесь словарём.

Используйте слова и выражения:

I was interested in – я интересовался

I was keen on – я увлекался

I was fond of – я был в восторге от

I absolutely loved – я очень любил

I really liked – мне действительно нравилось

I couldn’t stand – я терпеть не мог

I hated – я ненавидел

I didn’t mind doing – я ничего не имел против


When I studied at school I was interested in History. It was my favorite subject really and we had fantastic lessons. Our teacher was great – for me it usually does matter. I absolutely loved to learn something about the past, understand policy of different countries, get information about culture and that sort of things.

What I hated most of all at school was Maths. I was not good at this subject at all. Moreover I didn’t understand how we could use it in our real life. Also I couldn’t stand our teacher. The lessons were so boring!

Неделя 2. Тема: Высшее образование в России и за рубежом


1. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

course - курс, спецкурс

native – 1. родной, собственный; 2. коренной, отечественный, туземный, аборигенный

experienced – опытный

Opening times – рабочее время

Contact – контактные данные

Find us – Вы можете найти нас по адресу

to learn – 1. узнать, узнавать, познать; 2. научиться, учить

to study – 1. обучение; 2. учеба

fun - развлечение, забава


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