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Прочитайте текст. (При необходимости пользуйтесь словарем). Richard goes to one of the world's greatest universities: Oxford

Knowledge is Great

Richard goes to one of the world's greatest universities: Oxford. He discovers some of its history and hears about its famous students.

The search for knowledge is central to British life. In fact, four of the world’s top ten universities can be found here. Every year, huge amounts are invested in science and research in this country… so why is knowledge so important to Great Britain? Oxford has been a place of learning for hundreds of years and more world leaders have been educated here than any other university. Oxford University is made up of thirty-eight different colleges. There are twenty thousand students studying here, from nearly a hundred and fifty countries.

Dr Sally Mapstone is Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Education.

Richard: Sally. Tell me about Oxford University.

Sally: Oxford University is one of the world's leading universities. It's highly international, it's very modern and it has a great sense of history.

Richard: And how old is it?

Sally: The university has been here for nine hundred years. Many of the colleges are almost as old as that too, though some of them were established in the twentieth century.

Richard: You've had a lot of famous names here over the years.

Sally: Yes, we've had a lot of famous people at Oxford, from prime ministers, such as Margaret Thatcher, Harold Wilson, David Cameron, US presidents, such as Bill Clinton, writers, such as Oscar Wilde, and even film stars, such as Hugh Grant.

There are universities all across the UK but they're not the only places where you can gain knowledge.

(Адаптировано с сайта: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/britain-great/knowledge-great-part-1)


3. Соедините слова из текста с их значениями:

Образец: 1 g

1. knowledge a) современный
2. modern b) количество
3. research c) независимый
4. famous d) исследование
5. huge e) развитие
6. amount f) огромный
  g) знание
  h) известный



4. Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: The search for is central to British life. - The search for knowledge is central to British life.

1. His … in the field of disease prevention produced unexpected results.

2. They live in a … house.

3. Small … of land were used for keeping animals.

4. They're coming next week, … I don't know which day.

5. Marie Curie is … for her contribution to science.


5. Сопоставьте следующие слова и их значения:

Образец: 1 e

1. famous a) to find
2. huge b) a collection or mass
3. to discover c) very large
4. research d) to gain
5. amount e) very well known
6. leader f) modern
  g) a detailed study of smth
  h) the most important person in the group

6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is central to British life?

2. In what spheres are huge amounts invested in Great Britain?

3. How many different colleges is Oxford University made up of?

4. How many students are studying in Oxford University?

5. Is Oxford University old-fashioned or modern?

6. How old is Oxford University?

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