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АУДИРОВАНИЕ. 1. Выйдите по ссылке http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/elementary-podcasts/series-01-episode-04 на аудио «Series 01 Episode 04 Section 4 – Our person

1. Выйдите по ссылке https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/elementary-podcasts/series-01-episode-04 на аудио «Series 01 Episode 04 Section 4 – Our person in» (время звучания 08.35-10.00).

2. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

to be like – быть похожим

to celebrate – праздновать

buns – булочки

a festival – праздник, фестиваль

to last – длиться

a procession – процессия

to honour – почитать, чтить

fantastic costumes – необычные костюмы

to serve vegetarian dishes – подавать вегетарианские блюда (в ресторане)

busy – шумный



3. Прослушайте аудиофайл «Series 01 Episode 04 Section 4 – Our person in».

4. Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: My grandpa’s attitudes are very …, considering his age. - My grandpa’s attitudes are very modern, considering his age.

1. The Brighton …is held every year around May time.

2. We always … our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.

3. Each lesson … an hour.

4. Their house is near a very …road.

5. The festival will open with a …led by the mayor.


5. Прослушайте текст и передайте содержание предложений на русском языке .

Образец: It’s difficult to think what the city was like a hundred years ago. Сложно представить, как выглядел город сотни лет назад.


1. Every year, in May, Cheung Chau celebrates its Bun Festival.

2. Everyone knows exactly why the festival started but there is a procession to honour Pak Tai – the sea god.

3. The costumes hide the seats that the children are sitting on and it looks like they are flying.

4. For three days before the festival no-one on the island eats meat.

5. The small McDonald’s on the island sells only vegetarian food for these three days.


Расположите предложения в том порядке, как они употребляются в тексте.


A Perhaps, for three days, this quiet corner of one of the busiest places on earth is the only place where you can’t buy a Big Mac at McDonald’s!
B For three days before the festival no-one on the island eats meat.
C In the centre of Hong Kong everything is new, modern and busy.
D In this procession, children in fantastic costumes are carried through the village.
E Every year, in May, Cheung Chau celebrates its Bun Festival.
F The costumes hide the seats that the children are sitting on and it looks like they are flying.
G The buns are small, white, bread rolls and huge towers made of bamboo are covered in the sweet buns in the festival, which lasts for a week.

7.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where is Robert Watson?

2. How does Hong Kong look like nowadays?

3. What festival does Cheung Chau celebrate in May?

4. What do people honour during this festival?

5. Why do all restaurants serve only vegetarian dishes?


1. Составьте свой список «новогодних обещаний». Используйте конструкцию “to be going to do something”

New Year's resolution is an interesting tradition, most common in Western countries but also becoming popular in other parts of the world. A person makes a promise to do something which makes him/her better starting from New Year's Day.


My New Year’s Resolutions

1. I’m going to sleep at least 8 hours a day;

2. I’m going to become calm and relaxed;

3. I’m going to stop looking back;

4. I’m going to attend gym and swimming pool at least once a week;

5. I’m going to spend great holidays.

Неделя 6. Тема: Дом, жилищные условия.


1. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

unexpected – неожиданный

to influence one’s likes and dislikes – влиять на симпатии и антипатии

a household object – предмет домашнего обихода

to provoke such disgust in – вызывать отвращение в (ком-то)

to be tiled – быть покрытым кафелем

to be carpeted – быть покрытым коврами

a hoover – пылесос

to walk barefoot – ходить босиком

to symbolize – символизировать

to take one’s shoes off – снимать обувь


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