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Chapters 21-30

Chapters 11-20

I. Give the content of the events in the form of a pré cis.

II. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases and recollect the situations in which they are used in the text:

(ch.11) хитрить, лукавить

(ch.11) ошеломить

(ch.11) плохое предчувствие

(ch.14) снисхождение

(ch.14), (ch.16) добродушное подшучивание, подтрунивание

(ch.15) импульсивный, горячий; пылкий, страстный

(ch.17) человек, отравляющий другим удовольствие; зануда

(ch.20) потворство, молчаливое согласие


III. Comment on the following sentences:

(ch.11) It would put her on the shelf.

(ch.12) She had discovered very soon that he had an unhappy disability to lose himself.

(ch.15) Now that she had learnt something of passion it diverted her to play lightly, like a harpist running his fingers across the strings of his harp, on his affections.

(ch.16) The uncharitable said that she was going off.

(ch.20) A thrill of pride passed through her, and at the same time a faint sensation of contempt for a man who could love so slavishly.


IV. Why was Walter Fane’s proposal the oddest Kitty had ever had? Why did she accept it?

V. Speak on the features of Charles which attracted Kitty so much and which made Walter disadvantageous in comparison with Charles.

VI. In what way did Kitty and Charles’s intrigue influence her attitude to Walter? What were the changes in her appearance?



Chapters 21-30

I.Give the content of the events in the form of a pré cis.

II. Find English definitions of the following words and phrases and make up sentences of your own using them:

Ch.21 to put one’s back up

Ch.22 to hear amiss

Ch.23 to be subservient to smb.’s whims

Ch.25 to get in an awful scrape

Сh.26 to get the wind up about smth.

Ch.26 self-seeking

Ch.28 to be taken unawares


III. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases and recollect the situations in which they are used in the text:

Ch.21 выйти (из машины)

Ch.22 без помех и преград

Ch. 22 приток (реки)

Ch. 25 замять (дело)

Ch.25 вешаться кому-либо на шею

Ch.26 оцепенение (от страха)

Ch.26 ход мыслей

Сh.26 cпасовать перед чем-л.

IV. Find synonyms of the following words:

Ch.21 virile

Ch.21 pettifogging

Ch.22 derisive

Ch.28 uncouth

Ch.30 bedraggled


V. Comment on the following sentences:

Сh. 21. The idea of those unfortunate ladies trying to indulge in small talk with that grim mask not a little diverted her.

Ch. 21. Men were strange: it would never have occurred to her that Walter was capable of such baseness, and yet you never knew; perhaps his seriousness was merely a mask for a mean and pettifogging nature.

Ch.24. " I know that every man has his price."

Ch.25. “To me our love was everything and you were my whole life. It is not very pleasant to realize that to you it was only an episode."

Ch.25. " One can be very much in love with a woman without wishing to spend the rest of one's life with her."

Ch.26. “Women always are unfair and they generally manage to put a man in the wrong.”

Ch.28.It was rather hard to be finished with life at twenty-seven.

Ch.29. For him really, in the French phrase, she did make fine weather and foul.



VI. For what reasons do you think Walter made Kitty go with him to Mei-Tan-Fun?






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