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Je reveille avec

tete courbatue

Avec vu

Les diamants.


C'est mystere

C'est moment

Du Magique



Le Beau Monde

Et lux entree.



Антуан Ватто


Antoine Watteau

C'est beau

Les tableaux

Avec eau.


Je vois, tu vois

C'est une fois

De voire

Les beaux


Aux l'eaux.




So, at home,

Or together,

Or alone,

Finding sense

Or sweet romance,

Finding starts

Or ends…

Life is open,

Let us live

In a sweet belief.




Cycle of verses




My North



Unisex poem

Seven clues

Wounded angel (to H.Simberg`s picture " The wounded Angel")

White list


To us

Scene d` amour (listening S. Brightman)

Sunday story, September 7th, 2003

Schitalochka (Thirteen)

Silent talk

Avicenna was so wise…

Love could be a flight




Picnic - bag

Going over to the only one

Get together

You'd better fly

Gulf of Finland


Fire in Mariinsky Theater


Waterfall of Joy - My Brilliance

New Love


Whole world is our deck

Princess and Prince

Little boy in train 11: 57


Tender moments

St. Pete


Author VITALIYA PAK (VitaLia)




I am looking at the sky

It's like same-colored eyes.

I'm looking to the wind

And see our stars in hight.


The water and the wave

Will hug my naked skin.

I am catching sunny-rain

Of gold September stream.


The whisper of its leaves,

And clouds, gliding fast.

And transparent sunbeams

Grow such as our Love.



My North


My North is green, and black,

And grey.

And white, and blue,

And as I say:

It's peace and calm.

It's hight and way

To Shambala or Mandalay.





Moveless motion of a Time,

Silence of the land.

We are couple, you are mine,

Both we understand.


When I smile - sunlight appears,

When you smile - both hemispheres

Seems to be like Paradise.

Look into my eyes!


Mornings burnish golden sand,

World like aquarelle.

Lake is mirror, river's bend,

Pine-trees amber smell.



When I kiss - our hearts are growing.

When you kiss - our hearts in glory.

Feel like Paradise.

Turquoise of the skies.


Clouds like necklace, dazzling fan

Made out of a pearl.

Swans are floating to the sun.

Keep me, I'm your girl.


I'm your Queen, your Star, your Dear.

You're my breath and atmosphere.

I'm your Paradise

I'm your All, my Nice!


Our beauty is Divine.

Our mind is high.

Yes, we see a brilliant Line

And you ask me why?


There's no answer - only feeling.

There's no word - just our willing

Live in Paradise.

Our Love is wise.





Three candles on a table

And dark-blue satin cloth.

We'll lit the fire later

And now just our Love.


Your warmth and love inside me

And mine inside your all.

Like fireworks and riding

To something more than World.


And after we just sitting

And looking at the light.

And our glances greeting

New birth of our life.


The sapphire of night-time

And harmony, and joy.

You love me endless, tightly.

I love you too, my boy.


We don't remember something

What was before we met.

I feed you, you are smiling

My arms caress your head.


And nobody are kidding

And nobody in fun.

Though you are fond of teasing

Your Lady number one.


But obviously life-fact

For us and both we know:

Our time began from gold spark,

Became eternal glow.


Let's kiss each other tender

And say " good night, my Heart.

My Universe, My Angel,

My real second part".



Unisex poem


I was walking around the lake

Through the beautiful woods to high hills.

Didn't count grass fields and fast springs,

I was walking around the lake.


And I saw little land of the lake.

It was island with pine-trees and birches.

It was colored like bright autumn torches

In a wonderful land of the lake.


And the system of life is a lake,

Where we sailing toward our best

See mysterious signs in a Text

Reading signs in a dance of the wave.


Deja vu, oh, I knew you before.

Lovely face, all your thoughts and your soul.

And your eyes, when you opened the door

Brought me up to Eternity throne.


And Moon River's beginning to flow.

And Sun Winds are beginning to blow.

Just your eyes in my mind and my goal.

Greatest news I have already known.


No one finds what it means, but, God's Sake!

I just want You with me on this lake.


I was walking around the lake

Through the beautiful woods to high hills.

Didn't count grass fields and fast springs.

I was walking toward you to take.



Seven clues


Somebody praised my shoes

Somebody let me know

That there are seven clues

To open shuted soul.

The first is called a bell

Long-awaited, sounds well.

Or maybe it's a knock

Long-awaited, door's unlocked.

The second is the glance

And making reverence.

The third is called a flash

It seems that walls are crushed.

The fourth is " do you want? "

" No, not yet" - it's affront.

The fifth is my regret,

But short like tennis set.

`cos sixth is holyday

and we begin our way.

And seventh clue is light

And seventh clue is hight.

It's maybe sex in bed.

It's maybe kiss or net

Of feelings, poems, songs

Or luxuries, or scones.

But change scone to a nut

I mean not to get fat.

Or bring me giant rose

Or let me kiss your nose.

The seventh clue is Love

And our happy laugh.

And when we use all seven

We're flying in a Heaven.

They open our life:

You're husband, I'm a wife.

We've drown in tenderness.

Let's keep our happiness.



Wounded angel (to H.Simberg`s picture " The wounded Angel")


I was wounded by cold ice

And for years closed my eyes.


I was wounded by bad guy,



I was wounded by strong hand

There was scar and quitted land.


Wounded angel in your place,

Wounded angel from the Space.


Nature treats me, air revives.

Angel opens brilliant eyes.


I felt cold knife in my heart.

I felt stopping of my blood.


I touched death pale by my skin.

In few short words I was killed.


Wounded angel in your place,

Wounded angel from the Space.


Something treats me and revives.

Through my lashes shine my eyes.


I felt emptiness and pain

Turning tears into rain.


I felt metal in a chest.

I felt how to be breathless.


Wounded angel will not die

Wounded angel from the sky.


Bring me water from the spring.

Give me honey and a ring.


I will eat and smile and drink.

I will treat my wounded wing.


I will put the ring on heart

And my blood again is hot.


Something treats me and revives.

Angel opens brilliant eyes.



White list


People call me a princess

I am only sixteen.

People call me a beauty

So, I am seventeen.

Someone says I was power,

Someone says I was flower.


And I heard many love prayers,

And you played many love games.

And you look at my face,

And we spell our names.


People say I was gorgeous

I am only eighteen.

People say I was ment-shock

I've just came to nineteen.

Someone says I was moon-rise.

Someone says I was sky-prize.


And I heard many love prayers,

And you played many love games.

And you look at my face,

And we spell our names.


I receive angel's e-mail

When I am twenty one.

I was told I was fairy-tale,

I was told I was Sun.

Someone finds pearls around me,

Someone finds des plumes blanch.


Now I've got diamond crown,

Pour toujours je suis ange.


And I heard many love prayers,

And you played many love games.

And you look at my face.

And God knows I'm your blaze.




Hey, it's a world of stuffs,

Feelings mere glaze them.

Like some kind of fondue,

Have you ever taste them?


You've bought Swiss watch,

For what you've bought?

To check the time of our date.

`Cos you don't live

Without what?

Without me, my great.


Ha, world is stuff

And life is stuff.

And spirit mere glaze them.

It's seems to be a puff,

Or different kinds of fluff.


I've bought new dress,

For what I've bought?

Because tonight we'll go to dance.

`Cos it's a ball.

A ball of what?

A ball of stars and reigns.


I see your eyes

I hesitate that world is mere stuff.

I see your face and

Just in case…

Okay, I said enough.


You've bought a yacht

For what you bought?

To sail with me around what?

`Cos you don't live without sort

Of things I've got a lot.


You thrilled by me,

You hesitate

That life is mere stuff.

You want me, right?

You hold me tight.

And it's not bluff, it's love.


I've bought a garden

For what I bought?

To pick our flowers just for us.

`Cos you've just said me…

Said me what?

You did, you said enough.


Oh, it's a world of stuffs,

But feelings do not glaze them.

It's love that makes us love

And choose right things to take them.


We bought our place together.

We ordered finest weather.

We fixed up all details

Combine our stellar days.


To us


We remember sky- blue and a gleam,

Nature showed us her morning-time film.

World around us, the state and a peace.

Nature gave us the morning-time bliss.


And today we just see urbanese,

And accounts decrease and increase.

Racing, sizing and boarding our roads.

And a million faces and words.


And we start up and run or just shout.

We don't want our visas run out.

Life is visa from nowhere and dark

To a wonderful place we are now.


Huge amounts of venues to live.

Items, values to take and to give.

Many glances and gestures, so on…

But sometimes we must see the milestone.


We must hear the Destiny Bells,

Burry stupid resistance in cells.


Open windows and gateways for new.

Open ears and eyes - black and blue.

Tense our sense, our brain, our view.

Just to see " Oh, my God, it is You! "


You feel bad and completely alone

Used to live not a life, but its clone.

Didn't feel fire-bird and run fast,

Thinking over the time which is past.


It's a wrong way, but put on right track.

Put on gas new love-car* and good luck!


And again there are sky-blue and gleam.

Nature shows us her beautiful film.

World around us, the state and a peace.

We are given the glittering bliss.


*love-car - Reynard Cowper's expression (Brainstorm)


Scene d` amour (listening S. Brightman)


Oh, I love you so much - come to me, get in touch.

Flute is singing its song - lonely night is too long.


Oh, I miss you so hard - I'm not ruling my heart.

Voice is trembling so strong - waiting for you so long.


You don't want be alone - you are mine, come along.

Come to see me and stay - turn two ways in one way.


There will be a road - made from silver and gold.

There will be a lace - our destiny trace.


There's a spirit of World, growing here, inside us.

We will make our World, our Planets and Stars.


We will live our life on a top of the World.

Come to see me, and stay. And just tell me a Word.


And all things we possess will be better than dream.

I'll be happy again play`n my violin.



Sunday story, September 7th, 2003


If a body catch a body

Coming through the rye. (J. Salinger)

If a body meet a body

Coming through the rye. (R. Burns)


If somebody meet somebody

In a land of pines.

Does it mean you've met your Goddess?

Yes, indeed, it's time.


If somebody waits somebody

And the day is fine.

Does it mean you've met your Goddess?

Yes, indeed. It's time.


If somebody ask somebody:

How and where and why?

And they feel themselves as fond of,

Yes, indeed. It's time.


But when body leaves a body

Being deaf and blind,

Does it mean you've lost your Goddess?

And will never find?


Does it mean you've lost your woman,

Keeping someone else?

Yes, indeed. You're stupid human.

And you've lost your chance.


There's no help, no reservations

Living human's lines…

But if body catch a body

In a land of pines.


If a body catch a body

Coming through the rye.

If a body hold a body

Coming through the rye.

If a body hold a body near him, beside.


Schitalochka (Thirteen)


East or west


Thirteen is happiest

Count and fest.


Don't be afraid of

Whatever you've heard.

Drink some Martini

Shaken not stirred.


East or west


Week-ends or weekdays

Must be like fest.


Don't be afraid of

Whatever you've done.

Choose what you need

For your wealth, health and fun.


East or west


Questions and answers

Are mere a test.


Don't be afraid of

Whatever you've told.

Count your points

Or just know what you know.



Searching for Grail's

Nice idea, but old.

Woman creates

Her perfection and hold.


East or West


South or North,

Loft in a golf.


Silent talk


The world where we are living

And loving, and giving…

Like palette of an Artist of Eternity.


Irreproachable perfection of oak-tree branch,

Its smell, shape of leafs, colours from yellow to green

To even violet with pink.


Black water of ancient lake on evening

Or at midnight, while neither Moon, nor Stars.

And when the day begins

You can see a trace of a plane in baby-blue open sky.

And butterflies, like magical words

Which became visible for our eyes, are sitting

On your shoulders and hair.


Here is our house, our dear home.

With marble columns and huge windows,

And a fountain, and a garden around it.


Chocolate hearts are in the vase,

And little hands are taking one of them.

And no need to explain that it's happiness.


I'm silent. I can't talk.

I just want you, my friend, my Love, here,

There, everywhere with me.


And your silence is about the same.

Let's kiss each other, I can't talk.

Thank you, Great Artist of Eternity.



Avicenna was so wise…


Avicenna was so wise

He had given good advice:


Boy, you feel again in love.

Take hot shower and a bath.

Stay in water till you tough,

It will treat you well enough.


Take a dog and put on scarf,

Put on boots, go to the park.

Go somewhere for a walk.

Maybe three miles, maybe four.

Even twenty, best of all.


When you feel again in love

And you feel it's real love.

Go to work and work like horse,

If you feel that you get worse.


Then back home and boiling bath.

It will treat you well enough.

Boiling milk and butterbrot.

Make the water very hot!

Switch on advanced Stereo,

Volume's growing more and more.


Put a pillow on your head,

Bite your elbow, pinch your hand.

Take your notebook, mail your friend.

Or play tennis at the end.


Avicenna was so wise,

He had given good advice:


Girl, you feel again in love.

Take hot shower and a bath.

Eat some medicine, put on scarf,

It will treat you well-enough.


Put on wool socks, drink some tea,

Brush your hair, try to sleep.

Turn on music, hug your cat.

Take your notebook, surf in Net.


When you feel again in love,

And you feel it's real love.

Go for shopping to a mall

Doesn't matter, not at all.


Sixty hours working week,

Choose some countries for a trip.

Boiling milk, no butterbrot.

Take a bath much more than hot.

Round scarf about your head,

Try new perfumes, while you're wet.


Avicenna was so wise,

There is more than one advice:

Second is for boy and girl

When hot bathing doesn't go.


Kisses, touches and making love

In a bath or even out.

Fact - the real time has come.

Love each other, both you one!



Love could be a flight



Do you think our Love is fight?

I say it was rigmarole.

Tell yourself " Adieu aux armes"

Don't play such a role.


Maybe you were vexed, annoyed.

You had got a headache.

Stop your jumps, I'm not a toy.

Don't make a mistake.


Love could be a fight

Under blankets, through all night.

Kindling our feelings,

It's a kind of healing.


Love could be a battle -

Noble, mental, flattered.

Where we can contest

Prize of wit and zest.


Love could be an engine,

Shield from any danger.

Best way to uncork

Tempered power-stock.


Do you think our Love is fight?

Maybe I agree with you.

Better say that Love is Flight,

We are airplane crew!





Why do I meet my ex-?

Ex-people, ex-life text.

To see that life just goes

And where? Just God knows.


To see that it was fake,

Just young age sweet mistake.

To see, that I have changed

And I've got better range.


Why do I meet my ex-?

Ex- Love, but not a Rex.

To feel that past is closed

For always, draw a cross.


To feel that we are friends,

But in a different lands.

To feel that we can live

For different belief.


Why do I meet my ex-?

Ex-people, ex- life text.

Occasion? Maybe not.

I should to stand a Dot.


No reasons to go on.

Old strings are torn off, gone.

That chord was good, but now

I've got the better one.


Why do I meet my ex-?

To find what will be next.

It was complete ex-week.

Stop of relationship.






It was a birthday party

At February night.

And I was so exited

To use my birthday right.


I saw him not a first time,

I guess that maybe fifth.

It was hard kind of life-style:

To want, to wait, to need.


He was unreally handsome

And cute, and even smart.

And he was there, dancing

A little bit apart.


He had a smile like sun-rise,

Like my smile. Anyway

Twin-smile, twin-charm, twin look-size,

Sun rises twice a day.


It used to be a madness,

Affection and explode.

But on the other - senseless

Unreal love and load.


I was so glad to see him,

I thought " What would I do? "

He didn't drink a champagne.

" You look so nice" - " You too".


And not to be continued.

No wind, no sea, no boat.

Unreal useless feelings

Behind the shuted door.


It was my birthday party

Two years back, ago.

And I was so exited

To see him on dance-floor.


His face was my obsession,

And even air he breathed.

My absolute reflection.

But now I've reach an ease.






Your woman is your prayer

Which you could read by heart.

Her days tie to your days.

Her blood runs in your heart.


Kiss her; she's not a game,

She is your worldwide fame.

Kiss her, she's not a mist.

She is great music piece.


Your woman is your Sky -

So deep, so free, so high.

Your sky, where you could fly.

Your ocean, field of rye.


Love isn't Steeplechase.

Love lightens, moves and waves.



Your man is daily prayer,

Which you could read by heart.

His days tie to your days,

His blood runs in your heart.


Kiss him, he's not a mist.

He is your wrighting list.

Your man is solid land,

So wide to understand.


Your land where you could stand,

Your realm, Demesne, your Tend.


Love isn't Steeplechase.

Love lightens, moves and waves.


Picnic - bag


We've got long list for picnic-bag.

Tomorrow we will rest till dark.

But now, keep strained, we have to pack

Our week-end picnic bag.


We need a pail for shashlyki,

Kefir, black pepper, onions.

Some pork, some beef, some wine and tea,

And red hot chili storming cans.


For those who drink no alcohol

We've got a nectar stock.

And huge stock-pile of " Cherub's goal"

For those who don't like grog.


We need few standard happy-meals

For our vegetarians.

And those, who fond of steering-wheels

Will choose another variants.


Count baskets with unreckoned fruits,

Cheese sealed up in a box.

And Chinese, Thailand, Indian food,

And barrel " Crazy fox".


Do not forget some Russian hits

Like pancakes, vodka, caviar.

And salads, like New-Year greets,

And fish from Scandinavia.


Ambrosia, flowers, berry-tarts,

And cookies, made of grass.

Few sculptures, grilles, another staffs,

Utensils, sitting-pads.


Okay, it's final, pickup's end,

And overload of trunk.

We need a train for PICNIC-BAND

And tug-boat is a TANK.


Going over to the only one



Occasionally crossed

By chance and magic cause.

At first sight " O, mein Gott"

" It's him" - the second thought.


Fair hair, such a face.

Neat, posture's full of grace.

His features, skin is ivory.

Relief and lines so wonderful.


My unexpected dear,

My dream became so real.

Nobility and mind,

So witty and refined.


I haven't seen for ages


I see myself in yours,

My dear-near cause.



Occasionally crossed

By chance and magic cause.

At first sight " O, mein Gott".

" She came" -the second thought.


I can't describe her face,

Her motions, full of grace.

Her features west and east,

Her fingers, lashes, lips.


My unexpected Venus

With mind and soul of genius.

Occasionally crossed

By god chance, yes, of course.


I haven't seen for ages

Such beauty of an ANGEL.

I see myself in yours,

My dear- near cause.



It's seems to me I've found something new.

It's seems to me I've found only you.



For me our meet was like a Golden-Gate.

You are the only one for me, my deep-eyes fate.



Get together


Get together, shining Fun,

Better two than one.

We leave city, go to see

Be or not to be?

We will choose t o b e, of course,

`Cos to not to be is worse.

We will meet on a weekend

In September pine lake land.

We will make huge autumn bunch

We will have exotic lunch.

You will kiss my naked knees

And will tell " Forgive me, please".

I'll forgive you, after all,

Better peaceful time, not war.

When I stay with you, it's Sun.

When I go with you, it's Sun.

When I eat with you, it's Sun,

When I care of you, it's Sun.

No another one.



You'd better fly


Look up, see the sky.

Ocean is above us.

You can swim and fly

In the air and clouds.


Just imagine, please,

Laying on your back:

Sky is underneath.

Open eyes, look up!


Sky is underneath,

You are over it.

Do you feel a wind?

Use it now to lift.

Bring your soul so high,

Over endless sky.


Just imagine, please,

You don't lay, but fly.

Into air-wave sea,

Wings are soul and eyes.


Look up to the sky

And just change your ground.

Sky is down now.

Now you're looking down.


You don't move, but sky.

Change your point of view.

Sky don't move, you fly!

Clouds don't sail, but you!


Bring your soul so high,

Over endless sky.


Do you hear splashes?

Water talks to bank.

Slight glanced sunny-flashes

Kiss pine wood and sand.


Sun-gods kissing me,

I return them kiss.

Sky like blue-eyes Sea -

Just imagine, please!



Gulf of Finland


You've made me cry, Gulf of Finland!

You've made me forget about something,

Actually the riven heart.


Riven heart died, but I was granted the new one:

It's you, Gulf of Finland.

My gratitude to God and Mother- Nature, Life and Heaven.


The Sun was in a midst of the Sky.

The Water was like melting platinum.

And shades were Italian Renaissance of Leonardo da Vinci.


You've made me live, Gulf of Finland.

You and everything above and around you

Is the Window to Eternity.


And Eternity has got divine warm blue colour,

As like as thin segment of clean sky

Between smoke-violet evening clouds.


And light is a Wizard Fire,

And I was given a Wizard Fire,

Which revitalized my world.


When I come to you, I know that there's no board,

Because I hear your voice, GULF OF FINLAND!




You, little baby Zeus!

I've got two pretty news.

You're fond of silly tricks,

Forget it, if you please.

Because for me it's clear:

You little boy, my dear.


I see, you wanna fuse

To catch a great amuse.

You stare what would be…

Oh, you `re in love with me.


My inside rainbow, dew!

I've got good news for you.

You're not a baby Zeus,

You are my handsome Muse.

Oh, Muse became a Man!

Sensation, bomb and fun.


Okay, my mister Muse.

I've caught a great amuse.

I know what gonna be:

You fall in love with me.


Apollo, is that you?

You've brought me something new.

Your left is baby Zeus,

Your right is handsome Muse.


My flower red and blue,

My private Happy Clue.

Red herrings are amuse,

Be careful with your fuse!


But keep your place and see:

You love me, let it be.



Fire in Mariinsky Theater


There was a fire in a theater

And sceneries burnt down.

Unhappy story died with rattle

And ghosts had flown out.


No sceneries it means no play,

No sceneries it means no act.

Ex-everybody went away,

They hang out big white flag.


So, I don't care, where do they go,

Where do they want to live.

I don't want see them any more,

They were my round grief.


So farewell, don't return to me.

Forget me, you are old!

Old memories, old facts, old meet.

No more than distant moan.


I was in love with someone's face,

With someone's voice and hair.

I don't remember, don't amaze…

Because now I DON`T CARE.





- My fingers need your skin

- My fingers need your skin

- You're bow, I'm violin


- I'm violin, you're bow

- We know our stars to follow

- We're going side by side

- Twelve sea-shells on sea side.

- My fingers want your skin

- My fingers want your skin

- My special smile for you

- My special words to you

- Our jewels of the Crown

- Our magic Sea and Ground

- My fingers love your skin

- My fingers love your skin

- You best I've ever seen

- Love's Great and Privy Seal.



Waterfall of Joy - My Brilliance


You are unforgettable, beautiful creation of Nature,

Dream Alive, revealing humans soul.


Your smile grows into red roses in my heart

And let lightsome balls of fire fly around me.


Your gate is soundless and light,

Nobody could repeat it or learn it. It's yours.


I feel Waterfall of Joy when you walk toward me.

Warmth, happiness and indescribable dawn


Inside my mind, in my blood.

It runs from top of mine, from Heaven to finger-tips.


You are My Brilliance.

You are me reason to be here, on Earth.


Tue s mon motif de sjour sur le Globe.


New Love


How did I know I was in love again?

How did I know my heart in love with you?

Old days, those hours were in there wane.

When did I know that I've got something new.


And maybe You don't know the answer too.

But our eyes were curious, wide- open.

And maybe nothing's change in little room,

But since we met the Time has changed and autumn.





Be kind; keep courage of your own in any trouble.

We recognized by our own light.

Things change or not, and maybe they are double.

There are some words from us, and Gods of hight.


We can't retell the story or remake it.

Life is a concert, maybe show or game,

Which we perform and play for years daily.

We could not judge, or hate, we could not blame.


Count what you left or quit yourself in past time.

Not what you've lost or didn't understand.

We took our places in a car, it start time.

We know our destination, our Realm.


We've got our luggage, pay-cards, driver's license.

We speak all languages and always do our best.

And simple things are simple. It's A MIGHTNESS.

It's time to be, it's our daily fest.


Whole world is our deck


My thin and slender neck,

Frail shoulders and my hair.

You are giving me a Dare.

I'm taking, but object.


But how could you object

That it's a fate affaire.

You'd better kiss my hair.

You'd better kiss my neck.


Set sail, go to a Deck.

The name of ship is rare.

It's yours, but be aware -

My eyes are diamonds black.


And here is our map,

Our compass, our dare!

Our aim and love so fair,

We go up step by step.


No matter white or black.

We've got a golden arrow.

And we will live forever -

Whole world is our Deck.



Princess and Prince


Tomorrow October begins,

We are little Princess and Prince.

We walk under Sun, under Moon,

We will be Their Majesties soon.


And now is September last day,

Today it will vapour away.


Come on, let us see it again,

That place where we found Golden Grain.

High columns of pines, crystal sky…

At midnight September will die.


Let's listen to Hendel and Bach,

The language of space, soul and art.

Sibelius gives us his Swan.

At midnight September will gone.


Tomorrow October begins.

And Princess is kissing her Prince.

They will be their Majesties soon,

They walk under Sun, under Moon.



You see, it's your eyes, it's your smile.

Forget all your thoughts for a while.

You see golden fishes in a depth?

The lace of tree branches on your left.


You feel, we are breathing so light.

I am near you, on your right.


All treasures around us to find,

The wall of pine wood is behind.

The surface of water to glide -

It's Absolute, our life guide.


Tomorrow October begins,

We are golden Princess and Prince.

We will be Their Majesties soon.

Possess our Youth, Sun and Moon.


Little boy in train 11: 57


We didn't see each other

For years, days and months.

We didn't know each other

And Love had said " No funds.


Stop fire, don't desire".

And put my heart on shelf.

That man was my admire,

That man was my extent.


Today I saw a baby,

The little boy in train.

I was mistaken maybe,

But boy looked like that man.


The boy was reading paper

And talking to his mom.

His tender face has waken

Repeat of what was gone.


I saw again this profile -

So clean-cut, delicate.

I felt myself like dolphin,

My body loose its weight.


So tender boy, so cheerful.

You are four years old.

Look like somebody's childhood -

So natural, touching so!


I feel so good and happy,

Because you look like him.

So gentle little baby,

Reminder of my dream.


Mom answers all your questions

And turns to me at once:

Is there a perfection?

All words in happy glance.


Boy looks like my acquaintance

Familiar to me.

He was like golden entrance

To something what would be.


And I was smiling, laughing,

I felt my heart and joy.

It was return of something.

Oh, thank you, little boy.





Di-da-da, di-da-da.

Put aside your big cigar!

Listen, love is not so far,

La musique et des beaux arts,

Fleur de lys et foie gras

Sur le pont d`Avignon

Carafe d`eau et Cote du Rhne.


Truth or joke, but words were real.

Why we didn't clench that deal?

Where are we? Yes, so we are.

For another sequent start.


Da-da-dil, da-da-dil.

You rotate my inside wheel.

Da-da-dil, da-da-dil,

What does real Vita feel?

What remember, what forget?

Rosebud roseate rose leaf red.


Flowers, flowers, name and smell.

Heavens up and down is hell.

Who are black and who are white?

Who are left and who are right?

Smiles and colures, blushing cheeks.

" Merry Christmas", " Trick or treat".


Da da di, da-da-di.

Something best is close to me.

You are best, you are with me.

We are fine to love, to be

What a company!


Marble stairs, grades, degree,

Arches and puzzles, da-da-di.


Shoury-Moury, two white doves!

Money, coffee, tea and love.

Arlekino jokes and hits -

Leisure after working weeks

La cucina italiana -

Con piacere, si, andiamo!


Starving knowledge, life exam.

Stage and studio, work and fun.

Da-da-di, da-da-di!

Sambo-mambo, somebody!

I love some - bo, some- bo -dy!


Tender moments


Remember for always all tender moments,

All tender moments of your private life.


If it is a smiling face so nice,

If it is somebody's smiling eyes.

If it is somebody's windows and car,

If it is somebody's arms and scar.

If it is so close to you here and now,

If it is not, because you are far.

Inspite of conditions, departures, arrives,

Inspite of all matters, people and times,


Remember for always all tender moments,

All tender moments of your private life.


Remember for always somebody's gait!

Remember your body loosing its weight!

Remember somebody's breath and state,

First meet and appearance, when you didn't wait.

Remember it always, because these are moments,

So valuable tender moments of life.


If it is your joy like a brilliant bird,

If it is a colour of your top and skirt.

If these are occasional meets so short,

If it is a colour of someone's T-shirt.

If these are pockets on somebody's pants,

If it is a ground-floor, where he loves to dance.

If it is somebody's name so sweet

Which you are singing each minute like hit.

If it is somebody's image and speech

And telephone numbers prepared to reach.

If it is a smile of your face and your soul.

If it is sky skiing or rolling in hall.

If it is a beauty and inside explode -

Creation of Galaxy, New real World.


And if there are tears filling your eyes…

And if it is smile, like Sun rises twice.


Remember for always all tender moments,

All unforgettable moments of life.



St. Pete


St. Pete is an inkpot,

When evening comes.

Ink - water, ink - rivers,

Ink - channels and banks.


I saw different faces

And cities, and lands.

And mountains, someday

They'll turn into sands.


But even in journey

I couldn't forget:

In front of my eyes

There was my own lad (land).


I thought every minute about the same.

I love it, and I want express it or say.


My eyes were my voice.

There were small-talks and smiles.

I felt that my heart

Turns to Sun to arise.


My city is pearl,

When morning comes.

Pearl water, pearl - rivers,

Pearl channels and banks.


My city is music,

My city is home.

No matter the day, dusk,

The night or the dawn.

36 verses written by VITALIYA PAK (VitaLia) 2003 г. 67км, Орехово

© Copyright: Виталия Пак, 2007

Свидетельство о публикации №107092002423



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