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Working on the text. Task 2.Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation.

Task 2. Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation.

sear ch, puni sh, te ch nology, ma ch ine, sh ifts, ch eck, profe ss ional,, charge

te ch nique, mer ch andise, commer c ial, ch emicals, pre ci ous, pur ch ase, ch ampagne, A s ia

[k] [t∫ ] [∫ ]
technology search punish

Task 3. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.

o fficer

p a ssenger

ac a demy

b a ggage

m e tal

contr o l

d o cument

u niform

c o ntraband

c o mpetent

pol i ce













b) Read the English words again.

c) Put the English words into alphabetical order.


Task 4. Give the English equivalents of the following:

таможенник; форма; законы и правила; пошлины; контрабанда; технические средства; валюта; штраф; правоохранительная деятельность; перспектива; таможенный пост; персонал; взрывчатые вещества; кинологическое подразделение

Task 5. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

- to check

- contraband

- goods

- a fine

- department

- employees

- passenger

- inspector


Task 6. Find in the text the words that may follow these verbs:

- to work

- to deal with

- to use

- to act

- to be involved in

- to apply

- to wear

- to detect

- to train

- to clear

- to collect

- to cooperate


Task 7. a) Match left and right to make word combinations and translate them:














b) Make sentences using these word combinations.

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. Where do customs officers work?

2. Do customs officers work indoors or outdoors?

3. Do customs officers work in shifts or overtime?

4. Do they wear uniform?

5. What do they deal with?

6. What tools and technologies do they use?

7. What are customs officers’ responsibilities?

8. Do they have to meet a lot of people? What people?

9. Does the job require any special skills or traits of character?

10. Does the Customs cooperate with any other state bodies?


Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я работаю на таможенном посту.

2. Обычно мы работаем в дневную смену.

3. Таможенники, как правило, носят форму.

4. Мы проверяем документы, груз и транспортные средства.

5. Мы используем современные технологии, а также бригады кинологов для эффективного контроля пассажиров.

6. Наша цель – выявлять контрабанду.

7. Таможенники досматривают грузы в таможенной зоне.

8. Когда я провожу досмотр багажа, я стараюсь быть предельно внимательным.

9. Они защищают экономические интересы страны.

10. Наши клиенты хорошо говорят по-английски.

11. Мы начисляем пошлины на ввозимые товары.

12. Таможенники сотрудничают с Налоговой инспекцией и другими правоохранительными органами.

13. Таможенники должны знать законы и правила, чтобы грамотно их применять.

14. При прохождении таможенного контроля пассажиры должны отвечать на вопросы сотрудников таможни о своём багаже и предъявить его для досмотра.

Text 2

Task 10. a) Read and translate the text:

Danger! Sense of humor failure.

(by Bill Bryson)

Here’s my tip of the week. Don’t make jokes in America. Even in experienced hands, a joke can be a dangerous thing. I came to this conclusion recently while passing through Customs and Immigration at Logan airport in Boston. As I approached the last immigration official, he said to me, ‘Any fruit or vegetables? ’

What does this question mean? Why did the official ask it?

I considered for a moment. ‘Sure, why not? ’ I said. ‘I’ll have four pounds of potatoes and some mangoes, if they are fresh.’

Instantly, I could see that I had misjudged my audience. He looked at me with one of those slow, dark expressions that you never want to see in a uniformed official, but especially in a US Customs and Immigration officer.

Why did the customs official begin to get angry?

Luckily he appeared to conclude that I was just incredibly stupid. ‘Sir, ’ he enquired more specifically. ‘Are you carrying any items of fruit or vegetable? ’ ‘No, sir, I’m not, ’ I answered at once, and gave him the most respectable look I believe I have given anybody in my life. I left him shaking his head. I am sure that for the rest of his career he will always be telling people about the idiot who thought he was a greengrocer.

Why do you think the author gave the customs official a very respectful look?

The same thing happened another time when I was talking to my neighbor about a disastrous airline trip which had left me stranded overnight in Denver. ‘Who did you fly with? ’ he asked.

What does the question really mean?

‘I don’t know, ’ I replied. ‘They were all strangers.’ He looked at me with an expression of panic.

‘No, I meant which airline you had flown with, ’ he said. Soon after this my wife ordered me to stop making jokes with him, as our conversations were giving him migraine.

Why didn’t his neighbor understand his answers?

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. What do you think these people’s problem was?

2. What should people do to avoid misunderstanding?

3. Can you remember any situations like that which happened to you?

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