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to arrive (in the USA/at the airport) приехать, прибыть
to take off взлететь, вылететь
take off time время вылета
flight рейс
to check in зарегистрироваться
check-in counter стойка регистрации
ticket билет
scales (pl) весы
to exceed; excess превышать; излишек
Free Baggage Allowance норма провоза бесплатного багажа
Duty and Tax Free Allowance норма провоза беспошлинного багажа
the fixed quota установленная квота
to hand over сдавать
baggage claim receipts багажные квитанции
boarding pass посадочный талон
to load / unload (по)грузить / разгрузить
the hold of an airplane грузовой отсек самолета
to go/pass through проходить через
security check проверка на безопасность
carry-on/hand luggage ручная кладь
to screen проверять, просвечивать, сканировать
to fill in заполнять
prohibited запрещенный
restricted ограниченный
dutiable / liable to duty облагаемый пошлиной; подлежащий обложению пошлиной
articles / items предметы / вещи
to present предъявлять
to contain; contents; container содержать; содержимое; контейнер
to inspect досматривать, проверять
to stamp ставить штамп
arrival lounge / departure lounge зал прилета / зал вылета
flight call объявление о посадке
Duty Free Shop магазин беспошлинной торговли
flight gates выход на посадку
to board подняться на борт
belongings вещи



Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

In accordance with the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs Union individuals can carry in accompanied and non-accompanied luggage goods intended for personal, family, domestic and other needs not connected with commercial activity.

The intended purpose of the goods is determined by Customs authorities on the basis of a declaration from an individual, the nature and quantity of the goods and the frequency with which the goods are carried across the customs border.

If you travel by air and the value of imported goods doesn’t exceed €10, 000 and/or the total weight doesn’t exceed 50 kg, the goods are exempt from customs duties. If you cross the border by road, the allowance is €1, 500.

In case the value of the goods exceeds €10, 000 and/or the total weight exceeds 50 kg, a unified rate of customs duty is applied to the amount of the excess. A unified rate of duty is 30 % (per cent) of the customs value of the goods but not less than 4 euro per kilogram.

In case the value of the goods exceeds 650 000 rubles and/or the total weight exceeds 200 kg, an aggregate customs payment is levied on the amount of the excess.

The rates of customs duties on imported transport means depend on their value, the date of manufacture and the engine volume.

A full exemption from customs duties and taxes is granted for cultural valuables on condition that they are declared and have undergone the special registration envisaged by the legislation.

Customs duties are not paid on international postal items if the value of such goods sent in the course of one week to one recipient doesn’t exceed 10, 000 rubles.

Government establishes quantitative limits on certain categories of goods. Individuals over 18 years old can carry across the border free of duty 3 liters of alcohol, 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 g of tobacco, 250 g of caviar. Individuals are allowed to take out from the country the sum of currency equal to $10, 000 per person.

Goods prohibited for bringing into the country are: weapons of all kinds, ammunition and explosives, drugs and psychotropic substances.

Goods prohibited for taking out of the country are: articles of artistic, historical and cultural value.



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