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Working on the text. Task 2. a) Mark the stress in the English words and compare it with the Russian words


Task 2. a) Mark the stress in the English words and compare it with the Russian words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.


indiv i dual индивидуальный

c o mpany компания

p er sonal персональный

comm er cial коммерческий

manuf a cture мануфактура

registr a tion регистрация

intern a tional интернациональный

l i mit лимит

c o mpetent компетентный

d e tails детали


b) Read the English words again.


Task 3. Cross out silent letters in the following words and practice their reading:

foreign, flight, receipt, queue, write, know, weigh / weight, through, which, when, why, where, what, right, answer, guard, sign, antique, psychology, prohibition, cheque, walk, talk, technique

Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

таможенный кодекс; физическое лицо; сопровождаемый багаж; ввозимые товары; личные нужды; коммерческая деятельность; предназначение; общий вес; характер и количество; транспортное средство; дата производства; объем двигателя; культурные ценности; международные почтовые отправления; количественные ограничения

Task 5. Insert prepositions, if necessary, and translate the following:


1. _____ accordance _____ the Customs Code

2. goods intended _____ personal, family, domestic and other needs

3. the goods are exempt _____ duty

4. the intended purpose is determined _____ Customs authorities

5. to carry goods _____ the customs border

6. the rate of duty depends _____ the value of the goods

7. the date _____ manufacture

8. the goods are free of duty _____ condition that …

9. to pay the duty _____ international postal items

10. _____ the course _____ one week

11. to travel _____ air

Task 6. Find words in the text which define the following nouns:


- luggage - (non) accompanied

- needs

- activities

- weight

- rate of duty

- customs payment

- valuables

- limits


Task 7. What do these numbers in the text refer to?

€10, 000; 50 kg; 30%; €4; 650, 000 rubles; 200 kg; 1 recipient

Task 8. Answer the questions:


1. What goods can individuals carry across the customs border of the Russian Federation?

2. How do Customs authorities determine the purpose of the goods?

3. Can any goods be imported by the individuals exempt from duty?

4. In what case must an individual pay the unified rate of duties?

5. How much is a unified rate of customs duties?

6. In what case is an aggregate customs payment levied?

7. What do customs duties on transport means depend on?

8. Are cultural valuables liable to duty?

9. What are the regulations in respect of international postal items?

10. Are there any restrictions in respect of certain categories of goods?

11. What goods are prohibited entry by law?


Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


1. Вы можете провезти беспошлинно только товары, предназначенные для личных, семейных, домашних или иных нужд, не связанных с предпринимательской деятельностью.

2. Таможенникам важно определить истинное предназначение ввозимых товаров.

3. Я не платил пошлину, так как общая стоимость моего багажа не превысила 10 000 евро, а общий вес не превысил 50 кг.

4. Таможенники применяют единую ставку пошлин, если общая стоимость ввозимых товаров не превышает 650 000 рублей, а общий вес не превышает 200 кг.

5. Если общая стоимость ввозимых товаров превышает 650 000 рублей, а общий вес превышает 200 кг, товары облагаются совокупным таможенным платежом в части такого превышения.

6. Ставка пошлины на ввозимые автотранспортные средства зависит от их стоимости, даты выпуска и объема двигателя.

7. Физические лица могут вывозить культурные ценности, которые должны быть задекларированы и зарегистрированы в соответствии с законодательством РФ.

8. Международные почтовые отправления стоимостью менее 10 000 рублей, посланные в течение одной недели в адрес одного получателя, освобождаются от уплаты таможенных пошлин.

9. Физические лица старше 18 лет могут ввозить алкогольные напитки – 3 литра, табачные изделия – 200 сигарет, 50 сигар, 250 г табака,

250 г черной икры.

Text 2

Task 10. a)Read and translate the text.

(from “Airport” by A.Hailey)


U.S. Customs inspector Harry Standish was trying to clear up a tiresome problem. Most of the passengers, who arrived aboard a Scandinavian airline DC-8 from Copenhagen, had cleared customs and had left. Only this well-dressed American woman posed a problem insisting that all she had bought in Europe was some perfume, costume jewelry, and shoes. The total declared value was ninety dollars – ten dollars less than the free exemption she was allowed.

“Madam”, he said quietly to the woman, whose several suitcases were spread open on the Customs inspection table between them, “are you quite sure you don’t wish to change your story? ”

She snapped back, “I suppose you’re suggesting I should lie, when I’ve already told the truth. Really! – you people are so officious, so disbelieving.”

Harry Standish ignored the second remark, as customs officers were trained to ignore the many insults they received, and answered politely, “I’m not suggesting anything, madam. I merely asked if you wished to amend your statement about these items – the dresses, the sweaters, and the fur coat.”

The woman, whose American passport showed that she was Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman, had just returned from a month in England, France, and Denmark, replied acidly, “No, I don’t. Furthermore, when my husband’s lawyer hears of that interrogation …”

“Yes, madam”, Harry Standish said. “In this case, I wonder if you would mind signing this form. If you like, I’ll explain it to you.”

“Why should I sign anything”, Mrs. Mossman demanded.

“To make things easier for yourself, madam. We’re merely asking you to confirm in writing what you’ve already told us. You say the dresses were purchased …”

“How many times must I tell you? They were bought in Chicago and New York before I left for Europe; so were the sweaters. The coat was a gift – purchased in the United States. I received it six month ago.”

Why, Harry Standish wondered, did people do it? All the statements just made, he knew with certainty, were lies.

To begin with, the dresses – six, all of good quality – had had their labels removed. No one did that innocently, women were usually proud of the labels in quality clothes. More to the point, the workmanship of the dresses was unmistakably French; so was the styling of the fur coat – though a Saks Fifth Avenue label had been sewn unskillfully in the coat lining. What people like Mrs. Mossman failed to realize was that a trained customs man didn’t need to see labels to know where garments originated. Cutting, stitching – even the way a zipper was put in – were like familiar handwriting, and equally distinctive. All this, and much else, customs officers learned as part of their training.

Mrs. Mossman asked, “What will happen if I sign the form? ”

“Then you may go, madam.”

“And take my things with me? All my things? ”


“Supposing, I refuse to sign? ”

“Then we shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the investigation.”

There was the briefest hesitation, then “Very well. You fill out the form, I’ll sign.”

“No, madam, you fill it out. Now, please describe the items, and alongside where you say they were obtained. Please give the name of the stores also from whom you received the fur coat as a gift.”

He waited while Mrs. Mossman completed the form and signed it. Commencing tomorrow, an investigation officer would begin checking out the statement Mrs. Mossman had just made. The garments would be requisitioned and taken to the stores where she claimed they were purchased.

Mrs. Mossman – though she didn’t know it yet – was in for a great deal of trouble, including some heavy duty to be paid, and also a stiff fine.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.


Task 11. Find the words and phrases in the text that describe Harry Standish andMrs. Mossman.


Harry Standish Mrs. Mossman
spoke quietly,     well-dressed,

Task 12. Answer the questions:

1. What was Mrs. Mossman carrying?

2. Why did she present a problem to the Customs?

3. Where did she come from?

4. What document was Mrs. Mossman asked to sign?

5. Why did she claim all the things were personal belongings?

6. How much is the duty free allowance in the US?

7. Why did Mrs. Mossman change the labels on the fur coat?

8. What information did she state in the form?

9. What trouble could the statement bring to her?

Task 13. Say what you can remember about:

1. Mrs. Mossman’s story about the things she brought in.

2. The tricks she used not to pay the duty.

3. The way customs officers are trained.

4. The code of behavior of customs officers.

Task 14. Discuss the following questions:

1. Why were Mrs. Mossman’s things detained?

2. Why do customs officers have to be good judges of character?

3. What do you think the rates of duty depend on?

4. Should the authorities introduce restrictions for imported goods? Why?



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