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Working on the text. Task 2. Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation:

Task 2. Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation:

ch annel, transac ti on, i ss ue, cul t ural, m issi on, viola ti on, valuation, manufac tu re, effi c ient, commission, essential, prosecu ti on

[ t∫ ] [ ∫ ]
ch annel transac ti on

Task 3. a) Translate the following words and phrases and learn their pronunciation.

b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions.

- incoming/outgoing

- entry/exit declaration

- points

- in full words

- in block letters

- citizenship

- country of residence

- country of destination

- in figures and in words

- personal belongings

- to understate

- to misrepresent

- to pay a penalty

- to detain

- foreign currency

- (in) cash

Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following:

паспортнo-визовый контроль; таможенный досмотр багажа; заполнить въездную/выездную декларацию; задекларировать облагаемые пошлиной предметы; ввозить и вывозить беспошлинно; помимо уплаты пошлины; помощь в оценке товара; незадекларированная иностранная валюта; во время досмотра; соблюдать правила; на протяжении пребывания в стране; на обратном пути; в случае утери не возобновляется

Task 5. Look through the text and find antonyms to the following words:

- incoming passenger

- entry declaration

- dutiable articles

- to bring in

- to break laws

- to exclude

- to leave

- to overstate

- to unpack

- to arrive


Task 6. Look through the text and complete the table:

Formalities Points of the declaration Passengers’ responsibilities Customs violations
passport control   full name to fill in the declaration smuggling

Task 7. Find the words in the text that follow the words below:

a) to include __________

b) to fill in __________

c) to declare __________

d) to understate __________

e) to misrepresent ___________

f) to pay __________

g) to exceed __________

h) to present __________

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What are certain formalities through which passengers must pass?

2. What do incoming/outgoing passengers fill in?

3. How must the points of the declaration be answered?

4. What document is the passenger to fill in?

5. What must the passenger declare?

6. What happens if the passenger understates the value of the article or misrepresents it in his declaration?

7. In what case can the article be detained and confiscated?

8. What is liable to confiscation as smuggling?

9. How does a customs officer check if the passenger is complying with the regulations?

10. How long must the entry declaration be kept?

Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


1. Пассажиры, прибывающие в страну, обычно заполняют въездную декларацию.

2. Пассажиры, выезжающие из страны, заполняют выездную декларацию, которая должна предъявляться таможенному инспектору.

3. Все пункты декларации должны заполняться полными словами печатными буквами.

4. В декларации пассажир должен указать свое полное имя, гражданство, страну проживания, страну назначения и другие сведения.

5. Пассажир должен также задекларировать запрещенные, ограниченные к ввозу/вывозу и облагаемые пошлиной предметы, которые он провозит через границу.

6. Личные вещи ввозятся и вывозятся беспошлинно и не подлежат декларированию.

7. Предмет может быть изъят или конфискован, если штраф не уплачен.

8. Незадекларированная наличная валюта, найденная при досмотре, подлежит конфискации как контрабанда.

9. Этого пассажира досматривают уже в течение часа. Полагаю, он имеет в багаже незадекларированные предметы, которые были обнаружены после применения технических средств контроля.


Task 10. Complete the sentences in English:


The declaration form 1) заполняется полными словами.

2) подписывается пассажиром.

3) предъявляется таможеннику.

4) просматривается таможенником.

5) возвращается пассажиру.

6) хранится во время пребывания в стране.


Text 2

Task 11. a) Read and translate the text.


Just like Michael Jackson, who once tried to take a Cossak saber out of Russia, U.S. violinist Ernesto Farago ran up against Russia’s peculiar laws on antiques when he tried to take his musical instrument out of the country.

Mr. Farago’s 1940 Italian violin was detained by customs officials at Sheremetyevo airport on the suspicion that he was trying to smuggle it out of Russia.

The incident seems to have been the result of misunderstanding.

Mr. Farago, speaking from his home in Springfield, Virginia, said that he failed to declare his instrument, worth $28, 000 because he had been misinformed by customs officials in the arrival terminal.

“I was told by an officer that if I was bringing in the instrument for professional purposes, there was no need for me to declare it, ” said Mr. Farago, who had visited Russia to play two concerts in Voronezh.

He has now been separated from his beloved violin for nearly a month, but the saga should soon end happily.

The Culture Ministry received a document from U.S. confirming that this instrument belongs to Mr. Farago and is ready to issue permission to take the instrument out of the country. The Ministry official in charge of the export and import of items of cultural and historical value said that all problems could have been avoided if Mr. Farago had declared the instrument upon his arrival.

It says on the customs declaration form that all valuables of a historical and cultural nature should be declared. This is so they can be taken out of the country again.

(from “Moscow Times”)

* Red tape – official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being

done quickly and easily (syn. bureaucracy )

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. What happened to Ernesto Farago at Sheremetyevo airport?

2. What was the passenger accused of?

3. Why was the violin detained?

4. Why didn’t Mr. Farago declare his violin?

5. How long did the investigation last?

6. What was Mr. Farago’s mistake?

7. Has the violin been returned to its owner?

8. What can you say about the customs officer who had misinformed


9. What customs regulations can you remember in respect of this incident?

10. Do you think such cases are common?

11. What should be done to avoid such misunderstandings?


Task 12. Sum up the information from the newspaper article:

a) Comment on the situation from the point of view of:


- Mr. Farago;

- a customs officer from Sheremetyevo airport;

- a Federal Customs Service official;

- a Culture Ministry official;

- a U.S. CBP official;

- the violin;


b) write a brief report for TV news program.



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