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Natural gas in the marine environment
II семестр Задание для самостоятельной работы № 2. I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. OIL 1.Petrol stations with their lines of pumps are among the commonest sights along our main roads today. 2.Without petrol commerce and industry would soon come to a standstill (тупик). 3.Traffic in our great cities would stop, and millions of workers would be unable to get to or from their work. 4.Petroleum is known to be the name of the mineral oil that comes from under the ground, and from which petrol is obtained. 5.From this crude oil we obtain the various fuels that drive ships, aircrafts, and many forms of land transport. 6.Oil usually lies thousands of feet below the earth's surface. 7.There are many ways of discovering this underground oil, but the only way to be certain that it exists is to make a deep hole called a bore-hole (буровая скважина) or a well through the rock, earth, and sand. 8.The steel framework over the well is called a derrick. 9.Bore-holes are often very deep. 10.Many oilfields are hundreds of miles from the sea. 11.As petroleum is needed in all parts of the world and has to be transported across the oceans, it is carried from oilfields to the sea in pipelines that may go for very large distances. 12.The crude oil may be stored in the tanks, from which ships called oil-tankers carry it to many countries. 13.The oil fuel used in diesel engines is much cheaper than petrol. 14.Tractors that burn diesel oil are used in almost all countries today for many kinds of agricultural work.
II. Найдите соответствия между словами в правой и левой колонках:
III. Переведите глаголы и дайте их 2 и 3 формы: To come, to drive, to lie, to get, to make, to burn, to have
IV. Выберите правильный вариант: 1.Petrol is _____________from mineral oil. a) called b) come c) obtained d) needed 2. Petroleum _____________transported across the oceans. a) will b) are c) were d) is 3. Crude oil is _____________ in the tanks. a) stored b) got c) burnt d) existed 4. Petrol is ____________ from petroleum. a) discovered b) transported c) stored d) obtained V. Выберите правильный вариант перевода следующих предложений: 1. Making a bore-hole is necessary to be sure of the existence of oil. a) Бурение скважин необходимо, чтобы убедиться в существовании нефти. b) Чтобы убедиться в существовании нефти, необходимо проводить буровые работы. c) Существование нефти необходимо при бурении скважин. 2. Without petrol commerce and industry would soon come to a standstill. a) Бензин способствует развитию торговли и промышленности. b) При отсутствии бензина торговля и промышленность скоро зашли бы в тупик. c) Без бензина ситуация в торговле и промышленности вскоре стала бы тупиковой. 3. The crude oil is carried to many countries by oil tankers. a) Танкеры доставляют сырую нефть во многие страны. b) Транспортировка сырой нефти во многие страны производится танкерами. c) Добытая нефть транспортируется во многие страны нефтеналивными баржами. VI. Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения: a)в страдательном залоге b)с модальными глаголами c)с существительными в притяжательном падеже d)со сложным подлежащим. VII. Прочитайте предложение №13. Найдите прилагательное в сравнительной степени и дайте превосходную степень этого прилагательного. VIII. Прочитайте предложение №3. Найдите прилагательное с отрицательной приставкой.
I. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Natural gas in the marine environment 1.The word “petroleum” comes from Latin and means “rock oil”. 2.It is used to identify two closely related compounds - natural gas, also known as methane, and oil. 3.Both substances sometimes seep to the surface through cracks in the earth. 4.Natural gas is closely related to crude oil. 5.Both substances are thought to have formed in the earth's crust as a result of transformation of organic matter due to the heat and pressure of the overlying rock. 6.All oil deposits contain natural gas, although natural gas is often found without oil. 7.Gas hydrocarbons can also be produced as a result of microbial decomposition of organic substances and, less often, due to reduction of mineral salts. 8.Many of these gases are released into the atmosphere or hydrosphere, or they are accumulated in the upper layers of the earth's crust. 9.The composition of natural gas varies. 10.It depends on the origin, type, genesis, and location of the deposit, geological structure of the region, and other factors. 11.The deeper the location of gas deposit, the higher the number of methane homologues. 12.In gas condensate fields, the content of methane homologues is usually considerably higher than the level of methane. 13.In gases associated with oil, the content of methane homologues is comparable with the content of methane. 14.Large amount of gases associated with oil is dissolved in this oil. 15.During oil extraction, as the pressure goes down, gases come to the surface of the oil. 16.They are released in the environment in volumes of 30-300 m3 for every ton of extracted oil.
II. Найдите соответствия между словами в правой и левой колонках:
III. Переведите глаголы и дайте их 2 и 3 формы: To come, to find, to go, to get, to make, to think, to have
IV. Выберите правильный вариант: 1.Oil and natural gas are _______ in the earth's crust. a)had b)formed c)gone d)varied 2.The composition of natural gas depends _________ many factors. a)of b)on c)in d)from 3.Crude oil and natural gas _________closely related. a)is b)am c)are d)be 4. Heat and pressure play an important role in the transportation of _____________. a)organic matter b)large amount c)every ton d)related compounds V. Выберите правильный вариант перевода следующих предложений: 1. Gases associated with oil are dissolved in this oil. a)Газы, связанные с нефтью растворяются в этой нефти. b)Связь газов с нефтью ведёт к их растворению в этой нефти. c)Растворение в нефти соединяет газы. 2. Natural gas or methane and oil are two closely related compounds. a) Природный газ или метан и нефть – это два родственных соединения. b) Природный газ или метан и нефть располагаются близко в соединениях. c) Природный газ или метан и нефть – это два тесно связанных соединения. 3.Both substances are formed as a result of transformation of organic matter. a)Образование обоих веществ ведёт к преобразованию органического вещества. b)Оба вещества образуются в результате преобразования органического вещества. c)Преобразование органического вещества является результатом образования обоих веществ. VI. Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения: a)c прилагательными в сравнительной степени b)в страдательном залоге c)со сложным подлежащим. VII. Прочитайте предложения № 2, 13, 14, 16. Найдите причастие II в этих предложениях. VIII. Есть ли в тексте предложения: a)с перфектным инфинитивом b)модальными глаголами IX. Прочитайте предложения №5, 7. Как переводится предлог «due to» в этих предложениях.
Устные темы Our University Our University was founded in 1930. At first it was called Samara Industrial (later Politechnical) Institute. There were only 3 departments in it: Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical-Engineering. Now the University is one of the largest in the Volga region. There are 11 departments in it now. I study at the Correspondence department. More than 10 thousand students from our country and foreign countries attend lectures and tutorials every day. The academic year is divided into 2 terms. At the end of each term students take exams. They conduct research work in labs equipped with modern instruments. There is a good library at our University which has books both in Russian and in foreign languages. Many well-known scientists lecture at our University. In 1980 the Politechnical Institute was awarded the Order of the Labour Red Banner for its scientific achievements. In 1992 our institute became the State Technical University
Words: 1.to be founded – быть основанным 2.department - факультет 3.to attend – посещать, присутствовать 4.academic year – учебный год 5.tutorials – практические занятия 6.a term - семестр 7.to take exams – сдавать экзамены 8.a scientist - учёный 9.achievements - достижения 10.to award - награждать 11.the Order of the Labour red Banner – орден трудового красного знамени 12.to conduct research work- проводить научно - исследовательскую работу 13.to equip - оборудовать 14.modern – современный