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By G. C. Thronley. The first television service started in Britain did not advertise
The first television service started in Britain did not advertise. But in later years the commercial service, which is paid for by advertisements only, was opened; and the advertiser can buy time on this if he wishes to. The cost of these advertisements is very high because the number of people who see them runs into millions. They may last a few seconds and appear at suitable times during the entertainments: at the end of the play, or between Part I and Part II of a film. The advertiser who chooses television has to decide which hour of the day suits him best. Men are usually at work during the daylight hours and so the evening is the best time to advertise articles for them. But women's clothes, soap and food may well be advertised during the afternoon when tired wives want to sit down. Except on television the general quality of commercials is now fairly high: much higher than it was. Advertisements which make false claims are not accepted, and some type of advertisements is not allowed by law. But television advertisements are sometimes of poor quality, and some of the people who watch get so tired of nonsense that they go out of the room to make some coffee as soon as the advertisements begin, and come back only when they are finished. Here is another problem for the advertisement specialist. It is impossible to give a real idea of the place of advertisement in the modern world, but certainly hundreds of millions of pounds are spent every year on advertising. New ways of making people buy are always being considered, and we may expect different kinds of advertisement to appear in the future. Already a company report in America has been printed in ink which has a lovely smell. Perhaps the advertising specialist of the future may have to decide whether to advertise a car in ink that smells of roses or of engine oil. On television the human voice has returned to advertising; but we have surely travelled a long way from the public crier of ancient Athens. 2. Выпишите незнакомые слова и выучите их. Затем переведите следующие слова и выражения: рекламировать, рекламодатели, рекламное объявление, отрасль рекламы, менеджер по рекламе, рекламный ролик, ежегодный отчет компании, глашатай, тратить на, развлечение, появляться, ложное утверждение, плохое качество, разрешать по закону, довольно высокий, ерунда. 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What kind of television in Britain advertises? 2. Why is the cost of television advertisements very high? 3. When are time slots for television advertisements to appear? 4. When is the best advertising time for men? women? 5. Do you think we have the same difference in Russia? 6. What is the difference between the quality of television commercials and other advertisements? 7. What kind of problem does poor quality of television advertisements create? 8. How much is spent on advertising every year? Can you find statistics? 9. Give examples of different new kinds of advertisement to appear in the future? 10. What is in common between modern television advertising and a public crier of ancient Athens? 4 Подчеркните правильный вариант количественного местоимения, выделенного курсивом. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. It’s a bit / few more expensive than the others. 2. It’s simply lot / way too expensive for my clients. 3. This is by / a far the better alternative. 4. I don’t think there’s much / slightly difference to be honest. 5. There are a few / little changes on the newer model. 6. It’ll cost bit / slightly more but it’s worth it. 5 Вставьте в пропуски глаголы из рамочки в нужной видо-временной форме Present Simple или Present Continuous. Каждый глагол используйте дважды.
1. Dell and HP __________ computers around the world. 2. It only _________ our laboratory half an hour to test all the ingredients. 3. Which market segment _________ they usually _______? 4. Oh no! My printer ______ properly! I will ask Mark to run off a copy. 5. _______ you________ more money in marketing this year? 6. Their advertising agency never ______ at weekends. 7. Do you think we __________ a big risk if we postpone the launch of our new model? 8. Unfortunately, our range of soft drinks _________ well at the moment. 9. This time, we ___________ our advertising campaign on the young. 10. Our company ________ a lot in R& D. That’s why we develop fewer new products than our competitors. 6. Подберите определения к словам.
7. Образуйте словосочетания