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By G. C. Thronley


The coming of the age of printing and of regular newspapers, and the spread of education, naturally increased the chances and the value of advertisement. By the year 1714 there were eleven daily and weekly papers on sale in London, but not all of them were anxious to print advertisements.

All sorts of lies and false claims were made in some of the early printed advertisements. It is sad to think of the money wasted by poor sufferers on the useless medicines advertised in the papers of those times. Even doctors could not control their desire to become famous in the easy way. In July 1807 a certain Dr. Dunn put a notice in a paper saying that he could give advice " in all cases of blindness, " but at least he was honest enough to say that he could not always make the blind see. Many other advertisements of the time were far more dishonest than this.

The national advertisement was born with the national newspaper, and those papers which were sold in millions every day were more useful to the advertiser than the papers with few readers.

Today in Britain there are several papers each of which sells more than four million copies a day, and the advertisement in one of those, reaching millions of eyes, is accordingly costly. It is the advertisements which make it possible to keep the price of the paper low; for advertisers are willing to pay well, if they get value for money. Some papers are not, in fact, chiefly newspapers: they are advertisers which also contain news to make people buy them. Some papers are even called Advertisers. So it may well happen that we read of the start of a war on the back of an advertisement for bath soap or a dance hall.

The immense advertisement business of today has become a matter for specialists, in whose hands the shopkeeper or manufacturer places his advertising business. These men have studied the markets and the problems, and they make the necessary arrangements. The problems are not at all simple in our modern world. If the advertisement is going to be printed, where will it be put? If in a newspaper, which paper? It is useless to advertise dancing shoes for girls in a paper read chiefly by tired lawyers or old generals in clubs. Probably it would be a waste of money to advertise a new Rolls-Royce in a workman's paper.

2. Выпишите незнакомые слова и выучите их. Затем переведите следующие слова:

печать, распространение, образование, рекламодатели, печатное рекламное объявление, отрасль рекламы, рекламировать, экземпляр, лавочник, производитель, юрист, газета для рабочих, цена, лекарство, преимущественно, огромный, бесполезный, нечестный, пустая трата денег, ежедневная газета, еженедельная газета, ложное утверждение, выгодная покупка (соответствие цены и качества), содержать, размещать, увеличивать, тратить впустую, достигать, гораздо больше, вполне возможно.

3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Why did the chances and the value of advertisement increased by the 18th century?

2. Did daily and weekly papers on sale in London by 1714 print advertisements?

3. What were the disadvantages of early printed advertisements?

4. What is wrong about Dr. Dunn’s notice in a paper?

5. How was the national advertisement born?

6. Why is the advertisement in some in Britain costly?

7. What makes it possible to keep the price of the paper low?

8. What is ridiculous about some papers called Advertisers?

9. What are the functions of specialists in advertisement business?

10. Why would it be a waste of money to advertise a new Rolls-Royce in a workman's paper?

4. Прочтите отрывок из речи президента компании. Вставьте в пропуски глаголы в скобках в нужной видо-временной форме Present Simple или Present Continuous. Переведите на русский язык.

1. ‘As you know, our company________ (grow) rapidly at present. 2. We______ (employ) 10 percent more staff than we did last year, and we ________(recruit) more staff all the time. 3. We also_______ (produce) 150 machines per month – that’s an increase of 15 percent since last year. 4. We_________ (develop) a new model of the Turbomaster at the moment, which we think will be a big success. 5. We _______ (know) our markets well. 6. Our customers____________ (like) our existing products and we feel confident that they will like the improvements we have made in the new design. 7. We________ (launch) the new model next May, in time for the Munich Trade Fair.’

5. Выберите нужный вариант для заполнения пропуска. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I’m working on a new research _____________.

a) field b) project c) policy

2) I wouldn’t say they were cheap, but the CDs were certainly good ________.

a) cost b) price c) value for money

3) We’ve discovered a complete lack of brand- ____________among our target customers.

a) stretching b) awareness c) force

4) The business has twelve retail _____________in London.

a) subsidiaries b) outlets c) warehouses

5) Shop at Davey’s – we stand for _______________ and reliability.

a) quantity b) quality c) standard

6) We are planning a mailshot to ________________ our new product.

a) enter b) launch c) endorse d) target

7) The advertising campaign will ______________ younger consumers.

a) target b) promote c) persuade d) access

8) This watch is not a genuine Rolex. It is a ______________.

a) fraud b) counterfeit c) copycat d) corruption

9) We want them to go out and try out product so that is why we are offering a _________ which they can cut out and use.

a) discount b) reply card c) coupon

10) Not enough people recognise our logo, we need to spend a lot more on raising ________

a) product endorsement b) brand image c) brand awareness

6. Переведите на английский язык.

1. В магазине проходила рекламная кампания.

2. Я купила две бутылки сока по цене одной. Вторая бутылка давалась бесплатно.

3. Я следил за спортивными событиями, когда Россия играла в футбол с Англией.

4. Мы делали покупки в период рождественских распродаж.

5. Мой сын участвовал в конкурсе и выиграл кружку в качестве приза.



1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


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