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Air-Cooled Engines

Some cars are fitted with air cooled engines; in these the surface area of the cylinder block is very greatly increased by extensive finning and air is blown through the fins by means of a fan. The large area aids the transfer of heat to the air. A fan is generally mounted in front of the cylin­der block. It is driven by the crankshaft via a fan-belt. The distance thermometer of the lubrication system controls the cooling system. The optimal temperature of oil should be from 55o to 100o C, and maximum – 120o С in extreme conditions. The air cooling creates the comfortable heat conditions for the engine, operating even with the surrounding temperature up to +55o C.


Задание 5. Пользуясь информацией текста, найдите английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний:


A. Surface area; air blow; fins; fan; to transfer the heat; in front of; crankshaft; via a fan-belt; lubrication sys­tem; oil; in extreme conditions; comfortable heat conditions.

B. Посредством ремня вентилятора; воздушный поток; спереди; внеш-няя поверхность; переносить тепло; внешние рёбра; система смазки; вентилятор; коленчатый вал; масло; благоприятный тепловой режим; тяжёлые условия.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

fins, crankshaft, to conduct, to control, the air-flow, to force.

1. Cylinders are constructed with many....

2. The cylinders are cooled by....

3. Heat is... away from the cylinder and radiated into the air.

4. The purpose of the fan is... air through passages in the engine and over finned cylinders.

5. Fan is driven by....

6. The distance thermometer... the cooling system.


Задание 7. Ответьте на вопросы по теме " Air Cooling".

1. Why the surface area of the cylinder block is large?

2. What is the purpose of the fins around an air-cooled cylinder?

3. By means of what is air forced through passages in the engine?

4. By means of what operates the fan?

5. What is the purpose of distance termometer?


Задание 8. Опишите устройство и работу двигателя с воздушным охлаждением по рис.10.

При описании используйте уже известные Вам модели:




Глаголы и глагольные сочетания, используемые для описания процесса охлаждения двигателя:

to cool, to pass over, to blow through, to mount, to drive, to control, to force air through.


Задание 9. Закончите следующие предложения.

1. Some parts of the internal combustion engine would melt from the heat of the burning gas if...

2. We would like to maintain the water jacket temperatu­re...

3. The cylinder walls of air cooled engines operate at...

4. The heat generated by the mixture burned in the cylinder must be transferred…

5. Most of the heat is carried by the cooling water on to…


Задание 10. Образуйте все возможные производные слова от данных:

cool, melt, heat, use, conduct, regulate, convert, radiator, possibility.


Задание 11. Найдите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.

1. What is the function of the cooling system in an automobile engine?

2. What type of engine cooling system can be find in modern vehicles?

3. How much heat is created during the automobile opera­tion?

4. What is the function of the water jacket?

Задание 12. Посмотрите на схему на с. 204 и назовите:

1. The main parts of the cooling system.

2. The functions of these parts.


Используйте следующие глаголы при выполнении задания: to cool, to pump, to transfer, to absorb, to carry, to dissipate, to flow, to maintain.


cooling improved by longer fins
air blow


Рис. 10


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