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The operation of engine


An engine produces power by burning air and fuel within the engines cylinder.

The method of turning refined petrol into power is as follows:

The petrol is stored in the fuel tank, which is connected by a small diameter pipe - fuel pipe - to the carburettor. The fuel is pumped into carburettor by the fuel pump. The carburettor is a device for turning petrol into gas and mixing it with air in the correct proportions. The carburettor is attached to the inlet pipe. The explosive petrol-air mixture is sucked into the engine's cylinder through the inlet pipe. Then it is compressed by the piston. Gas is exploded by an electric spark inside the cylinder at the point of the sparking plug.

When all the work is extracted from the gas, the exhaust valve opens and the burnt gas escapes through the exhaust pipe into the air.

Примечание. В тексте дано упрощённое описание работы 4-тактного двигателя внутреннего сгорания (рис. 7). Большинство предложений текста построено по модели: " by" + существительное - исполнитель.


Существительное с предлогом " by", как видно из текста, указывает на исполнителя действия, выраженного сказуемым предложения.



Задание 1. Переведите все существительные с предлогом " by" и назовите действия, которые выполняются с помощью соответствующих технических объектов.



Рис. 7

Задание 2. Подберите из текста технические термины и проставьте их под соответствующими цифрами (рис. 8).



Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в следующем тексте.


The fuel....... in the tank. The fuel tank...... by fuel pipe to the.... In the carburettor the fuel...... with air. The inlet valve opens and gas passes into.... The fuel and air...... by the piston. The mixture is exploded by....... The burnt gas escapes through...... into the air.

Задание 4. Просмотрите текст и дайте определение следующим понятиям:

stroke, Т.D.С., B.D.C., four-cycle engine.


The activities that take place in the engine cylinder can be divided into four stages, or strokes. " Stroke" refers to the piston movement. The upper limit of piston movement is called top dead centre or T.D.C. The lower limit of piston movement is called bottom dead centre or B.D.C. A stroke constitutes piston movement from T.D.C. to B.D.C. or from B.D.C to T.D.C. In other words the piston completes a stroke each time it changes direction of motion. Where the entire cycle of events in the cylinder requires four strokes (two crank­shaft revolutions), the engine is called a four-stroke-cycle engine or a four-cycle engine. The four strokes are: intake, compression, power and exhaust.



Задание 5. Переведите табл. 3. Техническая информация (рис. 9) поможет Вам.



Таблица 3




Рис. 9


Задание 6. Заполните пропуски недостающими терминами.



Английский термин Русский термин
  centre top dead centre bottom dead centre   центр, точка … … … … …
  volume working volume clearance volume swept volume   объём … … объём камеры сжатия … …
  stroke power stroke piston stroke induction stroke compression stroke exhaust stroke   ход … … ход поршня … … … … … …


Задание 7. Пользуясь табл. 3 и рис. 8, заполните пропуски в следующем тексте:


a. The Intake Stroke.

On the intake... the intake valve is opened. The piston is moving down, and a mixture of... and vaporized gasoline is being drawn into the... through the....... The mixture of... and air is delivered to the... by the fuel system.


b. The Compression Stroke.

After the piston reaches... or the lower limit of its travel, it begins to move upward and at this instant the...... closes. The other valve is also... so that the cylin­der is sealed. The piston moves... compressing the....

This creates a fairly high pressure within the....


c. The power Stroke.

As the piston reaches... or the upper limit of its travel, an electric spark is generated at the cylinder spark plug. The spark ignites... of gasoline vapor and.... The burning gases expand and force the piston downwards again. The power impulse is transmitted to the engine.... As the... moves downward on the power..., it continues to trans­mit turning effort to the shaft.


d. The Exhaust Stroke.

As the piston reaches... again, the exhaust valve.... The piston moves upward on the exhaust stroke, forcing the burned gases out of the... through the....... At the instant that the piston once more reaches..., the exhaust valve closes and the...... opens so that, when piston begins to move downwards on the intake stroke, a fresh charge of...... and air can be drawn into the....


Задание 8. Образуйте производные слова от глаголов:


rotate -вращать, rotation -вращение, rotating- вращающийся;   ignite-воспламенять, ignition -..., igniting -....;  
compress-сжимать, compression-..., compressing -...;   generate- вырабатывать, generation -..., generating-....



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