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Research Hypothesis.


The Introduction…………………………………………………………………..3

Chapters 1-5……………………………………………………………………....5

The Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...16


Apendix 1………………………………………………………………………...18

Apendix 2………………………………………………………………………...19

Apendix 3………………………………………………………………………...26


The development of modern technologies such as mobile phones and Internet has a great influence on the language, in particular on its spelling. The whole information is shortened to its minimum to save time and money. Experts say the growing trend of SMS language among teenagers has paved the way for a new type of language.

Now, it seems to be gaining a lot of popularity among all class of people. Language experts are of the opinion that SMS has led to a creation of a new form of language and way of communication.

Over the past ten years, the short message service (SMS) has become a popular tool of communication. For many people the opportunity to send short messages is preferable to phone calls.

SMS language has become so popular that mass-media arrange SMS poems competitions; in Great Britain there is a book, devoted to art of reductions; philologists from the Oxford university include lexicon used for drawing up SMS messages in the brief Oxford dictionary; the firm Genie is publishing the first-ever dictionary of the most used SMS reductions [8].

In this connection researching the phenomenon of SMS language as a way of studying a foreign language is represented actual and noteworthy.

That is why the aim of the study is to find out if using SMS language is a convenience or a corruption for studying English, to reveal positive factors, and also to create a brief dictionary of SMS reductions for studying by schoolchildren.

Therefore I have formulated such tasks:

1. study the theoretical material: history of SMS language; SMS devices; key rules for drawing up SMS language.

2. to analyze using SMS language: the pros and cons.

3. to conduct a sociological survey of Russian-speaking schoolchildren on the theme «Use of SMS language while studying English».

4. to define advantages and lacks of SMS language for studying English.

5. to make a brief dictionary of SMS language for studying by schoolchildren.

The object of the research is SMS language as a modern way of communication.

The subject of the investigation is influence of SMS language on studying English.

Research Hypothesis.

Studying English SMS language helps schoolchildren to learn better features and an originality of the foreign language, promotes development of certain linguistic skills.

I used theoretical and practical methods of research: the comparative analysis of literature, brainstorm (formulating the aims of research and hypothesis), observation, sociological survey, measurement, classification, generalization, analysis.

The research consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part represents studying the phenomenon of SMS language. I conducted the classification of SMS reductions and devices. The practical part brings forward the results of sociological survey and the dictionary of SMS language for studying by schoolchildren.



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