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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

The brief dictionary of SMS language for studying by schoolchildren.


HOW R U? How are you?
OK N U? OK and you?
RUF2T Are you free to talk?
RUOK Are you OK?
WU What's up?
wb welcome back


Expression of opinions
AFAIK As far as I know
AFAIUI As far as I understand it
ILBT I will be able to
IMO In my opinion
IMS I must say
TBO to be honest
NMP Not my problem
SWDYT So what do you think?
BICBW But I Could Be Wrong
BTW By The Way
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In
IOW In Other Words
OTOH On the other hand
TTBOMK To the best of my knowledge
dk don't know
FYI for your information
IAC in any case
nc no comment
AISE as I said earlier
IDC I don't care
IDM It Does Not Matter
IMPOV in my point of view
AAM As a matter of fact


ATB All the best
B4N Bye for now
HAND Have a nc say
Gd Regards
TIA Thanks in advance
Ti2GO Time to go
LUV B Love, Bill.
CUL8TR See you later.
CU2DAY? See you today?
LMK Let me know
PCM Please call me
CB Call back
BCNU Be Seeing You
BRGRDS Best Regards
CWYL Chat With You Later
TUL talk to you later
WBW With Best Wishes
h2cus Hope to see you soon
cm call me
pcm please call me
SIT stay in touch
BB4N Bye-Bye for Now
GL Good luck
eod end of discussion
B Bye
HAGN have a good night
HANT have a nc time
HF Have fun
TT till tomorrow
BBL be back late(r)
BCNU be seeing you
HUMM hope you miss me


Virtual kisses
ILUVU I love you
ILU / ILY I love you
MAY Mad about you
X Kiss
XOXOX Hugs and kisses


Expression of emotions
Xlnt Excellent
BK Big kiss
FDROTFL Falling down rolling on the floor laughing
Gr8 Great
JK Just kidding
LOL Laugh out loud / lots of love
< G> Grinning
< J> Joking
< L> Laughing
< O> Shouting
< S> Smiling
< Y> Yawning
IC I see
IK I know
Sry Sorry
ILUVU I love you


The instruction of time
asap as soon as possible
l8r later
2moro tomorrow
2dA today
2NITE tonight
WKND weekend
4EVER forever
ASAP as soon as possible
nite night
ATM at the moment
N4E never forever
B4 before
EOD end of day
ATW at the weekend
SOL sooner or later
TNT till next time


Polite words
thx Thanks
pls Please
THNQ Thank you


: -|| Angry
: -( Sad
: -) Happy
: -)) Very happy
%-) Confused
: '-( Crying
: -D Laughing / Grinning
: > Devilish grin
{you} Hug
: -* Kiss
: -| Not talking
%-}- Silly
: /)- Not funny
: -O Surprised / shocked
: -*- Oops!


Expression of discontent
LMA Leave me alone
MYOB Mind your own business
YBL You'll be sorry!
GOOML Get out of my life


some1 Someone
gf Girlfriend
ppl People
bf Boyfriend
NE1 Anyone
NO1 Noone
YG young gentleman
YL young lady
YM young man
bros. Brother
QT Cutie
M8 Mate


HB2U happy birthday to you
MC Merry Christmas
CONGRATS Congratulations
DWBH don't worry be happy


wot What
w Why
WER Where
WEN When


Conjunctions and Prepositions
bc Because
b4 Before
W/ With
N And
@ At


njoy Enjoy
w8 Wait
b Be
c See
wan2 want to
h8 Hate
x Kiss
spk Speak
WRK Work
CK Check
c%d Could
R Are
GOWI get on with it


BIC Best in class
BZ Busy
MBR$D Embarrassed
ED Emotionally disturbed
GJ Good job
GR8 Great
ql Cool
EZ Easy
XLNT Excellent


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