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За кассиром послали.

1. The money was changed at the bureau de change at the airport.

2. The Eurocheques were not accepted at the store.

3. When was your card stolen?

4. Was your credit card blocked when it was lost?

5. Was your charge card immediately replaced when it was stolen?

6. Access cards were not honoured by our company a few
years ago.

7. The cashier was asked to check the transaction when the customer complained.

8. The commission was charged on the transaction.

9. Were you obliged to accept cards a few months ago?

10. A business relationship was established between the department store and the credit card organization only last year.

11. When we were paying for the local gifts by a credit card, we were given a sales voucher.

12. What date was the credit statement received from the bank?

13. What way were you allowed to pay for the tour package?

14. Cash was replaced by electronic methods of payment when cards were introduced.

15. When I obtained a credit card, I was offered a range of numerous additional services.

16. The Electronic Funds Transfer System was introduced a few years ago.

II. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:



+ His card was stolen.

? Was his card stolen?

- His card was not (wasn’t) stolen.

+ The debts were paid off.

? Were the debts paid off?

- The debts were not (weren’t) paid off.


1. I was invited to the seminar at the credit company.

2. He was obliged to accept payments.

3. These cards were honoured by the airlines.

4. Methods of payment were shown on our air and rail tickets.

5. The Eurocheque sign was displayed on the counter.

6. The money was cashed in local currency.

7. The debts were paid off in full.

8. The lost credit cards were immediately replaced.

9. A commission was charged on the transaction.

10. The cash was withdrawn at the cash dispenser.

11. The cheques were countersigned in the presence of a staff member.

12. The name of the payee was put down on the cheque.


III. Make up special questions:


The credit card was cashed at the airport cashing facilities
a few days ago.

What was cashed at the airport cashing facilities a few days ago?

What kind of card was cashed at the airport cashing facilities
a few days ago?

Where was the credit card cashed a few days ago?

When was the credit card cashed at the airport cashing facilities?

1. The buying and selling rates were displayed at the bureau de change. (What, What kind of..., Where)

2. A 2 per cent commission was charged for the transaction at the bank. (What, What... for, Where)

3. These traveller’s cheques were issued by Thomas Cook Company. (What, What kind of..., Which company...)

4. The cheque was used by a stranger because it had a countersignature. (What, Who... by, Why)

5. The traveller’s cheques were countersigned in the presence of a staff member. (What, What kind of, When)

6. The customer’s cards and cheques were stolen from his hotel room on the day of his departure.(What, Whose, Where... from, When)

7. The customer’s passport was produced as a means of identification for the encashment of his personal cheques. (What, Whose, What... for)

8. The sales advice was given to the buyer when he obtained his traveller’s cheques. (What, Who... to, When)

9. The customer was recommended to keep his traveller’s cheques and sales advice separately so that they were not used by a stranger. (Who, What, Why)

10. The lost cheques were refunded by the issuing company immediately. (What, Which, Who... by, How soon)

11. A mistake was made in the name of the payee in the cheque. (What, What kind of..., Where

12. The personal cheque was cancelled by the holder because of the mistake. (What, What kind of..., Who... by, Why)

13. The cheques were received by the company staff member and carefully examined to avoid forgery. (What, Who... by, Why)

14. The customer was asked to write out another cheque because the bill exceeded the amount in the first cheque. (Who, What, Why)

IV.Open the brackets and translate into Russian:

1. The exchange rate (to display) in the window of the bureau de change.

2. A 1 per cent commission (to take) for the transaction.

3. The debt (to pay off) in due time?

4. The traveller’s money (to steal) in the jammed airport.

5. The waiters (to tip) for the excellent service?

6. The cheque (to cash) in local currency.

7. When the card (to use) by the card-holder last?

8. The cheque guarantee card number (not to write) on the back of the cheque.

9. A mistake (to make) in the name of the payee.

10. These traveller’s cheques (not to cash) during our last tour. They (not to spend) either.

11. Why the cheque (to cancel) by the holder?

12. The cheques (not to clear) for some reason.

13. The sales voucher (not to keep) by the customer. That’s why his traveller’s cheques (not to replace).

14. When and where your traveller’s cheques (to buy)?

V. Open the brackets and use the Past Indefinite Active or the Past Indefinite Passive:


1. I (not to use) my personal cheques for encashment. My card (not to use) for encashment during my previous tour either.

2. The customer (not to receive) the credit statement at the end of last month. The statement (to receive) much later.

3. Where your traveller’s cheques (to lose)? - I (not to lose) them, they (to steal) from me in the jammed airport.

4. The bank (to replace) your stolen cheques? - No, they (not to replace). They (to refund) to me by the bank.

5. The customer (to pay off) his debt? - Yes, the debt (to pay off) in arrears during the last three months.

6. The bill (to exceed) the amount in the cheque. How the difference (to make up)? - The customer (to advise) to write out another cheque.

7. Where and how your guest (to pickpocket)? - He (not to pickpocket). He (to leave) his money in a taxi.

8. The tour package (to pay for) by credit card. The customer (not to pay) a deposit, he (to pay) the total amount at once.

9. The customers (not to draw) cash from this dispenser yesterday because it was out of order. Cash (not to draw) from it the day before yesterday either.

10. Where you (to keep) your sales voucher when you (to pickpocket)? - It (to keep) in my inner pocket.

11. The guide (to show) them the way to the nearest bank. The Eurocheque sticker (to show) on its entrance door.

12. You (to change) your dollars for the local currency at the airport yesterday? They (to offer) a good exchange rate. - No, my personal cheques (to accept).

13. The cashier (to take) the imprint of your card when you (to pay) the hotel bill? - Yes, the imprint (to take) and I (to give)
a receipt.


VI. Translate from Russian into English:


1. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены несколько десятиле-тий назад в США.

2. Когда были изобретены электронные платежи? - Системы электронных платежей были введены в 1989 году.

3. Все больше компаний будут вынуждены принимать к опла-те пластиковые деньги, не правда ли?

4. Все больше и больше счетов не будут оплачиваться налич-ными. Оплата будет производиться только чеками и картами.

5. Когда и где были утеряны ваши дорожные чеки? Сохрани-лась ли тогда ваша справка о продаже с номерами и до-стоинством чеков? - Боюсь, она была утеряна вместе с чека-
ми. - А вас предупреждали, чтобы вы не хранили чеки вместе со справкой? - Меня ни о чем не предупреждали.

6. Кредитная карта была вставлена неправильно и изъята банкоматом. После этого держатель карты был приглашен
в банк. Его попросили назвать свое имя и расписаться. Затем подпись сверили с подписью на кредитной карте.

7. Чаевые не были включены в счет. На усмотрение клиента они были оставлены наличными.

8. Моя чековая книжка и чековая карточка не были украдены. Они были оставлены на стойке службы приема гостиницы, когда я регистрировался вчера вечером.

9. Какие виды карт принимали к оплате в гостинице, в кото-рой вы останавливались в последний раз? - К оплате принима-лись все виды платежей: все карты, все чеки и наличные.
А вот в компании по прокату автомобилей в той же гостинице не принимали персональные чеки и еврочеки.

10. В прошлом году терминалы для обслуживания клиентов
с банковскими многофункциональными картами были уста-новлены в этом универмаге.

11. Какая процентная ставка была начислена на задолжен-ность? - Процентная ставка не была начислена, потому что задолженность была выплачена полностью в конце прошлого месяца.

12. Ты касался платежей, когда проходил стажировку в тур-агентстве? - Нет, мне не разрешали принимать оплату, но
я был обязан выписывать счета к оплате.

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