Appendix 1 1
ability (n)
able (adj)
about (adv & prep)
about 500 students (adv)
The film is about a small boy. (prep)
above (prep)
abroad (adv)
absent (adj)
accept (v)
access (n)
disabled access
internet access
accident (n)
accommodation (n)
accompany (v)
according to (prep phr)
account (n)
accurate (adj)
ache (n & v)
achieve (v)
across (prep)
act (n & v)
in the second act (of the play) (n)
to act in a play (v)
to act strangely (v)
action (n)
active (adj)
activity (n)
actor (n)
actress (n)
actual (adj)
ad (advertisement) (n)
add (v)
addition (n)
in addition
additional (adj)
address (n)
admire (v)
admission (n)
admit (v)
adult (adj & n)
advanced (adj)
advantage (n)
adventure (n)
advert (n)
advertise (v)
advertisement (n)
advice (n)
advise (v)
aeroplane (n)
afford (v)
afraid (adj)
after (prep)
afternoon (n)
afterwards (adv)
again (adv)
against (prep)
age (n)
aged (adj)
agent (n)
agency (n)
ago (adv)
agree (v)
ahead (adv)
aim (n & v)
air (n)
air-conditioning (n)
air force (n)
airline (n)
airmail (n)
airport (n)
alarm (n)
alarm clock (n)
album (n)
alike (adv)
alive (adj)
all (adj, adv, det & pron)
all right/alright (adv)
allow (v)
almost (adv)
alone (adv & adj)
along (adv & prep)
aloud (adv)
alphabet (n)
already (adv)
also (adv)
although (conj)
altogether (adv)
always (adv)
a.m. (adv)
amazed (adj)
amazing (adj)
ambassador (n)
ambition (n)
ambulance (n)
among (amongst) (prep)
amount (n)
amusing (adj)
ancient (adj)
and (conj)
angry (adj)
animal (n)
ankle (n)
anniversary (n)
announce (v)
announcement (n)
annoy (v)
Page 5
annual (adj)
another (det & pron)
answer (n & v)
answerphone (n)
antique (adj & n)
anxious (adj)
any (det & pron)
anybody (pron)
anyhow (adv)
anyone (pron)
anything (pron)
anyway (adv)
anywhere (adv)
apart from (prep)
apartment (n)
apologise (v)
apology (n)
appear (v)
appearance (n)
apple (n)
application (n)
apply (v)
appointment (n)
approach (v)
approve (v)
architect (n)
area (n)
argue (v)
arm (n)
armchair (n)
army (n)
around (adv & prep)
arrange (v)
arrest (v)
arrival (n)
arrive (v)
art (n)
article (n)
artist (n)
as (conj & prep)
as well (adv)
as well as (prep)
ashamed (adj)
ask (v)
asleep (adj)
aspirin (n)
assistant (n)
at (prep)
at all (prep phr)
at first (prep phr)
at last (prep phr)
at least (prep phr)
at once (prep phr)
at present (prep phr)
at the same time (prep phr)
athlete (n)
athletics (n)
atmosphere (n)
attach (v)
attack (n & v)
attempt (v)
attend (v)
attention (n)
attitude (n)
attract (v)
attraction (n)
attractive (adj)
audience (n)
aunt (n)
automatically (adv)
available (adj)
average (adj & n)
avoid (v)
awake (adj)
away (adv)
awful (adj)
baby (n)
back (adv, adj & n)
background (n)
backpack (n)
backwards (adv)
bad (adj)
bag (n)
baggage (n)
bake (v)
balance (n & v)
balcony (n)
bald (adj)
ball (n)
ballet (n)
balloon (n)
banana (n)
band (n)
bandage (n)
bank (n)
bank balance (n)
banknote (n)
bar (n)
barbecue (n & v)
bare (adj)
base on (phr v)
baseball (n)
basement (n)
basic (adj)
basin (n)
basket (n)
basketball (n)
Page 6
bat (n)
bath (n & v)
bathroom (n)
battle (n)
bay (n)
be (v)
beach (n)
bean (n)
bear (n)
beard (n)
beat (v)
beautiful (adj)
because (conj)
because of (prep phr)
become (v)
bed (n)
bedroom (n)
bee (n)
beef (n)
before (prep, adv & conj)
begin (v)
behave (v)
behind (prep & adv)
believe (v)
bell (n)
belong (v)
belongings (n)
below (adv & prep)
belt (n)
bend (n & v)
beneath (adv & prep)
benefit (n & v)
beside (prep)
between (prep & adv)
beyond (prep & adv)
bicycle (n)
big (adj)
bike (n)
bill (n)
electricity bill
bin (n)
biography (n)
biology (n)
bird (n)
birth (n)
birthday (n)
biscuit (n)
bit (n)
bite (n & v)
bitter (adj)
black (adj)
blackboard (n)
blame (n & v)
blank (adj)
a blank piece of paper
blanket (n)
bleed (v)
blind (adj & n)
block (n)
block of flats
blond(e) (adj & n)
blood (n)
blouse (n)
blow (n & v)
blue (adj)
board (n & v)
boarding pass (n)
boat (n)
body (n)
boil (v)
bold (adj)
bomb (n & v)
bone (n)
book (n & v)
booking office (n)
bookshelf (n)
bookshop (n)
boot (n)
leather boots
the boot of the car
border (n)
bored (adj)
boring (adj)
born (adj)
borrow (v)
boss (n)
both (pron & det)
bottle (n)
bottom (n)
bowl (n)
box (n & v)
boy (n)
boyfriend (n)
brain (n)
brake (n & v)
branch (n)
brave (adj)
bread (n)
break (n & v)
break down (phr v)
The car has broken down.
break in (phr v)
Someone broke in and stole the
break up (phr v)
When does school break up?
The pop group has broken up.
breakfast (n)
breath (n)
breathe (v)
brick (n)
Page 7
bridge (n)
brief (adj)
bright (adj)
brilliant (adj)
bring (v)
bring up (phr v)
She was brought up in London.
broad (adj)
brochure (n)
brother (n)
brown (adj)
brush (n & v)
bucket (n)
buffet (adj & n)
bug (n)
build (v)
building (n)
bulb (n)
light bulb
bull (n)
bullet (n)
bureau (n)
burger (n)
burglar (n)
burglary (n)
burn (n & v)
bury (v)
bus (n)
business (n)
bus station (n)
bus stop (n)
busy (adj)
but (conj)
butcher (n)
butter (n)
button (n)
buy (v)
by (prep)
by accident (prep phr)
by all means (prep phr)
by hand (prep phr)
by mistake (prep phr)
by name (prep phr)
cab (n)
cabbage (n)
cabin (n)
cable (n)
café /cafe (n)
cage (n)
cake (n)
calculator (n)
calendar (n)
call (n & v)
call for (phr v)
Ill call for you at 7.
call in (phr v)
She called in to see a friend.
calm (adj)
camel (n)
camera (n)
camp (n & v)
campsite (n)
can (n)
canal (n)
cancel (v)
candidate (n)
candle (n)
canteen (n)
cap (n)
capital (adj)
capital city
capital letter
captain (n)
car (n)
carry out (phr v)
car park (n)
card (n)
birthday card
credit card
identity (ID) card
playing card
cardboard (adj & n)
care (n & v)
take care of someone (n)
to care (about/for) someone/something
career (n)
carpet (n)
carrot (n)
carry (v)
carry on (phr v)
He carried on walking despite the rain.
cartoon (n)
case (n)
cash (n & v)
cassette (n)
cassette player/recorder (n)
castle (n)
cat (n)
catch (v)
cathedral (n)
Page 8
cauliflower (n)
cause (n & v)
cave (n)
CD (n)
CD-Rom (n)
ceiling (n)
celebrate (v)
celebration (n)
celery (n)
cellar (n)
cent (n)
centimetre (cm) (n)
central (adj)
central heating (n)
centre (n)
century (n)
cereal (n)
certain (adj)
certificate (n)
chain (n)
chair (n & v)
chalk (n)
challenge (n & v)
champion (n)
chance (n)
change (n & v)
changing room (n)
channel (n)
chapter (n)
character (n)
charge (n & v)
chat (n)
cheap (adj)
cheat (v)
check (n & v)
check in (phr v)
They checked in to a hotel.
check out (phr v)
He checked out of the hotel at the end
of his stay.
checkout (n)
cheerful (adj)
cheers! (exclam)
cheese (n)
chef (n)
chemist (n)
chemistry (n)
cheque (n)
chess (n)
chest (n)
chicken (n)
chief (adj)
child (n)
childhood (n)
chimney (n)
chin (n)
chips (n)
chocolate (n)
choice (n)
choose (v)
church (n)
cinema (n)
circle (n)
circus (n)
city (n)
clap (v)
class (n)
language class
first class, second class
classical (adj)
classical music
classroom (n)
clean (adj & v)
clear (adj & v)
clever (adj)
click (v)
cliff (n)
climate (n)
climb (v)
clinic (n)
cloakroom (n)
clock (n)
close (adj, adv & v)
cloth (n)
clothes (n pl)
cloud (n)
club (n)
to join a club
coach (n)
coal (n)
coast (n)
coat (n)
cocoa (n)
coconut (n)
coffee (n)
coin (n)
cola (n)
cold (adj & n)
collar (n)
colleague (n)
collect (v)
collection (n)
college (n)
colour (n & v)
comb (n & v)
come (v)
come down (phr v)
The house had come down in price.
come on (phr v)
Come on or we'll miss the bus.
comedy (n)
Page 9
comedian (n)
comfort (n)
comfortable (adj)
comic (adj & n)
command (v)
commercial (adj)
committee (n)
common (adj)
a common surname
have something in common
communicate (v)
communication (n)
compact (adj)
company (n)
compare (v)
comparison (n)
compete (n)
competition (n)
complain (v)
complaint (n)
complete (v)
complicated (adj)
composition (n)
computer (n)
concentrate (v)
concert (n)
conclusion (n)
condition (n)
in good condition
conference (n)
confident (adj)
confirm (v)
congratulations! (exclam)
connect (v)
connection (n)
consider (v)
consist (v)
consul (n)
consulate (n)
contact (n & v)
contain (v)
contents (n)
continent (n)
continue (v)
contract (n)
control (n & v)
convenient (adj)
conversation (n)
cook (n & v)
cooker (n)
cookie (n) (Am Eng)
cool (adj & v)
copy (n & v)
corn (n)
corner (n)
correct (adj & v)
correction (n)
corridor (n)
cost (n & v)
costume (n)
cottage (n)
cotton (n)
cough (n & v)
count (v)
country (n)
countryside (n)
couple (n)
courage (n)
course (n)
English course
main course
of course (exclam)
court (n)
law court
tennis court
cousin (n)
cover (n & v)
cow (n)
crash (n & v)
crazy (adj)
cream (adj & n)
create (v)
creative (adj)
creature (n)
credit (n)
credit card
crew (n)
crime (n)
criminal (n)
cross (n & v)
crossing (n)
pedestrian crossing
cross out (phr v)
Cross it out and write it again.
crossroads (n)
crowd (n)
crowded (adj)
crown (n)
cruel (adj)
cruise (v)
cry (n & v)
cucumber (n)
cultural (adj)
culture (n)
cup (n)
cupboard (n)
cure (n & v)
curious (adj)
curly (adj)
currency (n)
current (adj)
Page 10
curriculum (n)
curriculum vitae/CV (n)
curry (n)
curtain (n)
curve (n & v)
cushion (n)
custom (n)
customs (n pl)
customs officer (n)
customer (n)
cut (n & v)
cut up (phr v)
She cut up the cake into small pieces.
cute (adj)
cycle (n & v)
dad (n)
daddy (n)
daily (adj & adv)
damage (n & v)
damp (adj)
dance (n & v)
danger (n)
dangerous (adj)
dark (adj & n)
date (n & v)
todays date (n)
daughter (n)
day (n)
dead (adj)
deaf (adj)
deal (with) (v)
dear (adj & exclam)
too dear to buy (adj)
Dear Sir (adj)
Oh dear! (exclam)
death (n)
decide (v)
decimal (adj & n)
decision (n)
declare (v)
deck (n)
the deck of a boat
decrease (n & v)
deejay / DJ (n)
deep (adj & adv)
defeat (n & v)
defence (n)
defend (v)
definitely (adv)
degree (n)
90 degrees
a degree in maths
delay (n & v)
delighted (adj)
deliver (v)
delivery (n)
demand (n & v)
demonstration (n)
dentist (n)
depart (v)
department (n)
departure (n)
depend (v)
It depends on what you want to do.
deposit (n)
pay a deposit
depressed (adj)
depth (n)
the depth of the water
describe (v)
description (n)
desert (n)
deserve (v)
design (n & v)
desk (n)
despite (prep)
dessert (n)
destination (n)
destroy (v)
detail (n)
detective (n)
develop (v)
diagram (n)
dial (v)
diary (n)
dictionary (n)
die (v)
diet (n & v)
differ (v)
difference (n)
different (adj)
difficult (adj)
difficulty (n)
dig (v)
digital (adj)
dining room (n)
dinner (n)
diploma (n)
direct (adj & v)
direction (n)
director (n)
directory (n)
a telephone directory
dirt (n)
disabled (adj)
disadvantage (n)
Page 11
disagree (v)
disappear (v)
disappoint (v)
disc/disk (n)
compact disc/CD
hard disk
floppy disk
disco(theque) (n)
discount (n)
discover (v)
discuss (v)
discussion (n)
disease (n)
disgusting (adj)
dish (n)
dishwasher (n)
dislike (n & v)
display (n & v)
distance (n)
distant (adj)
district (n)
disturb (v)
dive (v)
divide (v)
dizzy (adj)