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Appendix 1 5 ⇐ 6 6
tights (n pl) a pair of tights till (conj & prep) to wait till the end (prep) till he comes (conj) time (n) What time is it? It took a long time. the last time Is it time yet? Four times five is twenty. timetable (n) tin (n) a tin of peas made of tin tin-opener (n) tiny (adj) tip (n) the tip of the pencil a tip for the waitress tired (adj) title (n) to (prep) toast (n) toast for breakfast today (adv & n) toe (n) together (adv) toilet (n) tomato (n) tomorrow (adv & n) ton(ne) (n) tongue (n) tonight (adv & n) too (adv) Ive been there, too. Its too heavy to lift. tool (n) tooth/teeth (n) toothache (n) toothbrush (n) toothpaste (n) top (n) top of the class at the top of his voice topic (n) total (adj & n) touch (v) tour (n & v) tourism (n) tourist (n) toward(s) (prep) towel (n) tower (n) town (n) toy (n) track (n) a race track Page 33 track suit (n) trade (n) traditional (adj) traffic (n) traffic jam (n) traffic light(s) (n) train (n & v) to travel by train to train in a skill trainers (n pl) a pair of trainers tram (n) transfer (v) translate (v) translation (n) transport (n & v) travel (v) travel agent (n) travellers cheque (n) tree (n) trip (n) a weekend trip trouble (n) trousers (n pl) truck (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lorry ) true (adj) Is it true? a true friend trumpet (n) trust (v) to trust someone truth (n) try (v) to try to do something to try (out) something try on (v) to try on shoes T-shirt (n) tube (n) a tube of toothpaste tune (n) tunnel (n) turkey (n) turn (n & v) to turn your head (v) to turn the page (v) Its my turn. (n) The wheels began to turn. (v) turn down (phr v) Could you turn down the music? turn into (phr v) The water had turned into ice. turn off (phr v) She turned off the engine. turn on (phr v) Can you turn on the TV? turn out (phr v) He turned out the lights. turn up (phr v) Turn up the radio - I can hardly hear it. turning (n) the first turning on the left twice (adv) twin (n) type (n & v) a type of person (n) to type a letter (v) typical (adj) tyre (n) U ugly (adj) umbrella (n) unable (adj) uncle (n) under (prep) under the bed under £ 10.00 underground (adj & n) underground trains (adj) to travel by underground (n) underpants (n) understand (v) uniform (n) universe (n) university (n) unleaded (adj) unless (conj) until (prep & conj) up (adv & prep) to walk up the hill (prep) Are you up yet? (awake and dressed) (adv) Lift your head up. (adv) Speak up, please. (adv) up to (prep phr) up to six people up to date (prep phr) update (n & v) upon (prep) upset (adj) upstairs (adv) urgent (adj) us (pron) use (n & v) Can you use a computer? (v) Its for the use of teachers only. (n) Is this any use to you? (n) Page 34 used to (v) I used to cycle a lot when I was younger. usual (adj) V valley (n) value (n) van (n) vanilla (n) variety (n) various (adj) vase (n) veal (n) vegetable (n & adj) vegetarian (n & adj) vehicle (n) very (adv) venue (n) victim (n) victory (n) video (n & v) video recorder (n) videotape (n) view (n) a beautiful view village (n) violin (n) visa (n) visit (n & v) visitor (n) vocabulary (n) voice (n) volleyball (n) vote (n & v) voyage (n) W wage(s) (n) wait (n & v) waiter (n) waiting-room (n) waitress (n) wake (up) (v) walk (n & v) wall (n) wallet (n) want (v) war (n) ward (n) warm (adj) warn (v) wash (n & v) wash-basin (n) wash up (v) washing machine (n) washing up (n) to do the washing up waste (adj & v) wastepaper basket (n) watch (n & v) My watch keeps good time. (n) I watched TV last night. (v) water (n & v) waterfall (n) wave (n & v) waves at sea to wave goodbye way (n) Is this the way? the wrong way a long way to stand in the way Thats the way to do it. way of life way in, way out WC (n) we (pron) weak (adj) to feel weak a weak excuse wear (v) to wear a dress wear off (phr v) Has the pain worn off yet? wear out (phr v & adj) Youll wear out those shoes. (v) weather (n) web (n) website (n) wedding (n) week (n) weekday (n) weekend (n) weekly (adj & adv) a weekly magazine (adj) to phone home twice weekly (adv) weigh (v) weight (n) welcome (n & v) a warm welcome (n) Welcome to London! (v) welfare (n) well (adj, adv & int) Im very well, thanks. (adj) to behave very well (adv) Shake the bottle well. (adv) Page 35 Well, here we are. (int) Well done! (int) well known (adv) well-known (adj) well made (adv) well-made (adj) west (adj, adv & n) wet (adj) wet clothes wet weather whale (n) what (pron) whatever (pron & det) wheel (n & v) wheelchair (n) when (adv) whenever (adv & conj) where (adv) wherever (adv & conj) whether (conj) which (pron & det) whichever (pron & det) while, whilst (conj) white (adj) who, whom (pron) whoever (pron) whole (adj & n) whose (pron) why (adv) wide (adj & adv) a wide road (adj) with his mouth wide open (adv) to feel wide awake (adv) width (n) wife (n) wild (adj) wildlife (n) win (n & v) wind (n) A strong wind was blowing. (n) wind (v) Wind up the car windows. (v) window (n) windscreen (n) windsurfing (n) wing (n) a birds wing the wing of an aeroplane wire (n) an electrical wire a wire fence wise (adj) wish (n & v) with (prep) within (adv & prep) without (prep) witness (n & v) woman (n) wonder (v) I wonder what he said. wonderful (adj) wood (n) to be made of wood in a large wood wooden (adj) wool (n) word (n) words in a sentence He didnt say a word. work (n & v) school work (n) to work for a living (v) hard work (n) to be out of work (n) working hours (n pl) world (n) worry (n & v) worse (adj & adv) worst (adj & adv) worth (adj) wound (n & v) wrap (up) (v) to wrap (up) a parcel write (v) write out (phr v) Please write out your name in full. wrong (adj) Y year (n) yearly (adj & adv) yellow (adj) yes (int) yesterday (adv & n) yet (adv) you (pron) you know (int) young (adj & n) your (det) yours (pron) yourself (pron) youth (n) Page 36 Z zebra (n) zero (n) zone (n) zoo (n) Page 37 Appendix 1