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The state system.

The USA is a democratic Republic. The current Constitution adopted in the 1787 year. The head of state is the President, elected by the population for 4 years.
According to the Constitution, the President of the United States is vested with wide powers: he given the right to veto bills passed by Congress, what gives him the opportunity to actively influence the activity of the legislative
bodies. Very wide its powers in the field of foreign policy. President is also the head of government (Cabinet), the members of which he shall appoint with the consent of the Senate. The Cabinet consists of 10 Ministers.

The highest legislative authority is the Parliament consisting of 2 chambers - the Senate and the house of representatives. The house of representatives shall be elected by the the population of 2 years. The Senate is updated on a 1/3 of every 2 years, the period of powers of each of the Senate - 6 years. The right of the Senate is much broader than the rights of the house of representatives. The Supreme judicial body of the United States, the Supreme court, may recognize any law of the Federation and the States unconstitutional.
Each state, in addition to the total of the Constitution, has its own. Higher
an official in the state - Governor, who is elected, as a rule,
direct elections for a term of from two up to four years.



The Central and Eastern parts of the United States to occupy the lowlands, plains and The Appalachian mountains. West - high ranges, plains and plateaus of the Cordillera.

In the East (to the South from new York) and the South-East are flat depression - Priatlantic, the Peninsula of Florida, and Primeksikanskaya. To
West of Priatlantic lowland stretching from the South-West to North-
East of the Appalachian mountains, the height of up to 2036 m. In the southern part they consist of short ridges, separated by wide valleys, in the North - from the separate
arrays, towering over the plateau.

A large area to the West of the Appalachian mountains occupy the Central
the plains. Height of 200 - 500 m, and Great plains, a height of 500 - 1700 m.
Relief plains in the Northern part is hilly-moraine, in the South - flat, but with
deep river valleys and ravines, especially within the Great plains.
The southern part of the Central plains hollow rise low plateau Ozark mountain and Yoshitto.

The Eastern zone of the Cordillera form the rocky mountains, consisting in
most of the short ridges, height up to 4400 m, separated by broad
the downturn. In the West they go into the plateau and highlands, of a height of 1000 -
3000 m, forming a wide internal belt of the Cordillera.
The Western zone of the Cordillera form two parallel mountain chains, separated by a longitudinal valleys. In the East - these are volcanic Cascade the mountains and the Sierra Nevada with mount Whitney, reaching 4418 m. In the West - Coastal ridges, height up to 2000 m. Mountain ranges and plateaus of the Cordillera are also almost all of the the territory of the state of Alaska.

The USA is rich in various mineral resources, including fuel and energy raw materials, ores iron and non-ferrous metals, virgin gray, uranium raw materials, phosphorites, potash salts and so next. At the same time they are very poor Nickel and tin, chromium and manganese ores and some other kinds of mineral resources, which
are imported. Imported as well as a large part of bauxite and a lot of uranium
raw materials.

The climate to the North of 40 degrees latitude North - moderate, in the
Alaska - Arctic and subarctic, South of 40 degrees North latitude -
subtropical in the South of Florida is tropical. Within a large part of
the territory of the USA the climate is continental, on the coast of the Pacific ocean and the South- East-oceanic.

Winter in the North of the inside of the plains and in the North-East of the Cordillera
cold and windy, with frequent snow storms in the North-East - with abundant
snowfalls in the South - dry, warm, but with frequent frost, on the
тихоокеаническом coast - warm rainy.

The Eastern outskirts of the United States has been a drain directly into the
The Atlantic ocean, where they fall short, but powerful rivers Appalachia and
Priatlantic lowland. The most part of the territory of the Central and
Great plains drained by which flows into the Gulf of Mexico river The Mississippi. Left tributaries of the Mississippi river swell, navigable, have a great reserves of hydropower. Right - dry and with a rapid current, are used for irrigation. The river of the Cordillera have mountain character. The most large lakes are located in the North-East and belong to the largest the world's fresh water of the Great lakes.
In the East dominate forest soils. In the West Central plains they are replaced by the black and red-and-black soils of the plains. On wet the lower slopes of the Cordillera is dominated by mountain brown forest soils, in the upper parts of the mountain-meadow. In the arid South - mountain-grey brown, on the desert plateaus - gray soils.
For the North-East is characterized by mixed forests, passing on the South of broad-leaved and mixed. In the West of the Central valley - Prairie, on the Great plains are dominated by dry steppes, passing to the South of the shrub subtropical полусаванны. Slopes The Cordillera are covered with coniferous forests. The main representatives of the animal world of the forest areas in the East continent: in the Northern part of the stag - Wapiti, moose, lynx and black bear, in the South - Virginia deer, red lynx, raccoon, skunk. For steppes and the deserts are characterized by bison, a coyote, a badger, a Fox Prairie, Prairie dogs, reptiles, including the rattlesnake, the lizard Gilla monsters. The main animals of the Cordillera - snow goat, and the bear the grizzly.



The indigenous population of the territory of the United States were the Indians, as well as the Eskimos, which were in various stages of development primitive-communal system. In the 16th century the territory of the United States, about 1 million.


The Indians. The colonization of North America began in the 16-17th century (it
carried out England, Spain, France, Netherlands, Sweden). In the 18th century
Russians opened and began to Alaska. In the early 19th century Russian
the settlement arose in California.
The greatest development of the received British colony. To the sixties
years of the 18th century England captured almost the whole territory of North America.


The colonists ousted the Indian tribes with the best lands and slaughtered
the Indians.
Now most of the population of the us - Americans are the nation,
formed by displacement descendants of migrants from various countries
Europe (with the first half of the 17 century; mainly British). Since the mid -
the 19th century the majority of IDPs were from Ireland, Germany and
the Scandinavian countries, and since the eighties, from Italy, Austria-Hungary,
Russia and other countries of southern and Eastern Europe.

The language of Americans -
English, different features of pronunciation and vocabulary.
Niggers USA (descendants of slaves brought from Africa) - also say
in English (more in the dialect of the southern States, where there are
2/3 of them). The number of niggers in the United States is increasing with each year, according to some data, by the year 2000 in 4 Americans will account for 1 nigger.
Part of the recent immigrants from Europe and Asia, and their immediate
descendants (Germans, Italians, poles, Chinese, Japanese and others) preserved (
along with English) languages and national traditions.
Workers are recent immigrants from Mexico, and especially of
Africa discriminated against: they provide most of the hard and below
paid work, their political and civil rights are restricted.
Indians - indigenous population of the country, were in a large part of
consumed in the process of the colonization by Europeans. They are divided into many
dozens of tribes belonging to several language families. The most part of
live in reservations. In part, they have retained their tribal organization,
elements of the former way of life and languages. The largest of the remaining tribes -


By religion in the United States most of all Protestants, a little
less than Catholics (American, Italian, Irish and Polish
origin, Mexican, and a significant part of the Indians), also there are
Orthodox Christians and Judaists.

Science and scientific institutions.


Natural and technical Sciences.
In the late 17 - early 18 centuries of scientific forces of America
grouped around the Royal society of London (founded in 1662). The main content of the scientific activity at this time was the gathering of the information about the plant and animal world. One of the leading representatives of thescience in the 18th century wasIn. Franklin. Widely known purchased his research in the field of
electricity. In 1727, he founded the club of the Amateurs of science,
the converted 1743 in American philosophy of the company.
An interesting development of the economy after the war for independence
1775 -1783 gave impetus to the study of natural resources and brought to life a number oftechnical inventions: cotton-cleaning machine (Eli Whitney 1793),
steamer (B. Fulton), metal plow (1825), the agricultural
machine (With. McCormick (30 years), the process of vulcanization of rubber (H.
Goodyear 1839), electromagnetic Telegraph (With. Morse 1837),
Telegraph (D. SW 1855).

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