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Vocabulary. Arrangements – соглашения, устройства

Arrangements – соглашения, устройства

To ensure – обеспечить

Inhabitants – жители

To obey – подчиняться

To denote – обозначать

To employ – нанимать на работу

Purpose – цель, назначение

Object – цель

Efficient – действенный, эффективный

Prevention – предупреждение, предотвращение

Detection – раскрытие, обнаружение

To commit crime – совершать преступление

Protection of life and property – защита жизни и собственности

Preservation of public tranquility – сохранение общественного спокойствия

To prove – доказать

Successful – успешный

To appoint – назначать

To attain – достигать

Approval – одобрение

Co-operation – сотрудничество

To determine – определять

Degree of esteem and respect – степень уважения

To seek – стремиться

Community – общество

Origin – происхождение

Early tribal history – история ранних племен

Customs – обычаи

To secure order – обеспечивать порядок

Through the medium – посредством

Representative – представитель

In effect – в действительности

To improve – улучшать, совершенствовать

To change – измениться

Considerably – существенно, значительно

Wholly destroyed – полностью уничтожена

Widely established –широко установившаяся

To comprise – включать, содержать

Unarmed able-bodied citizen – невооруженный дееспособный гражданин

Parish – округ, церковный приход

Elected – избираемый

Annually – ежегодно

To serve unpaid – служить бесплатно

To secure observance of laws – обеспечивать соблюдение законов

To maintain order – поддерживать порядок

In addition – вдобавок, кроме того

To confer – даровать, присуждать

Guild – цех, гильдия

Supplied bodies – возмещающие недостаток группы

The Watch – стража

To guard the gates – охранять ворота

Immense social and economic changes – огромные социальные и экономические изменения

Consequent – являющийся результатом

To fail completely – полностью перестать действоваать

Law-enforcement machinery – правоохранительный механизм

Serious menace – серьезная опасность

Conditions – условия

Intolerable – невыносимый

To lead – привести

Home Secretary – министр внутренних дел

Metropolitan Police Act – закон о столичной полиции

To pass – принимать (закон)

To supersede – заменять собой

Local – местный

To remain – оставаться

Establishment – учреждение

To absorb – поглощать

To set up – основать, учреждать

Independent – независимый


The word " Police" means, generally, the arrangements made in all civilised countries to ensure that the inhabitants keep the peace and obey the law. The word also denotes the force of peace officers (or police) employed for this purpose.

In 1829 Sir Richard Mayne wrote: “The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime: the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed. The protection of life and property, the preservation of public rganizedo, and the absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been attained.”

In attaining these objects, much depends on the approval and co-operation of the public, and these have always been determined by the degree of esteem and respect in which the police are held. One of the key principles of modern policing in Britain is that the police seek to work with the community and as part of the community.


The origin of the British police lies in early tribal history and is based on customs for securing order through the medium of appointed representatives. In effect, the people were the police. The Saxons brought this system to England and improved and developed the yrganizedyon. The system, after contact with Norman feudalism, changed considerably but was not wholly destroyed. It became widely established in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and comprised, generally, one unarmed able-bodied citizen in each parish, who was appointed or elected annually to serve for a year unpaid, as parish constable. He worked in co-operation with the local Justices in securing observance of laws and maintaining order. In addition, in the towns, responsibility for the maintenance of order was conferred on the guilds and, later, on other specified groups of citizens, and these supplied bodies of paid men, known as “The Watch”, for guarding the gates and patrolling the streets at night.

In the eighteenth century came the beginnings of immense social and economic changes and the consequent movement of the population to the towns. The parish constable and “Watch” systems failed completely and the impotence of the law-enforcement machinery was a serious menace. Conditions became intolerable and led to the formation of the “New Police”.


In 1829, when Sir Robert Peel was Home Secretary, the first Metropolitan Police Act was passed and the Metropolitan Police Force was established. This new force superseded the local Watch in the London area but the City of London was not covered. Even within the Metropolitan Police District there still remained certain police establishments, yrganized during the eighteenth century, outside the control of the Metropolitan Police Office. By 1839 all these establishments had been absorbed by the Metropolitan Police Force. The City of London Police, which was set up in 1839, remains an independent force to this day.


1. What does the word “police” mean?

2. What is the primary object of the police force?

3. What are the other objects the police were appointed for?

4. What is the origin of the British police traditionally based on?

5. What nations influenced the establishment of the British police?

6. What circumstances led to the formation of the new police?

7. When was the Metropolitan Police Force established?


3. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the text:

Дополните предложения словами и словосочетаниями из текста:

1. The primary object of an efficient police is ….

2. One of the key principles of modern policing in Britain is … with the public.

3. Responsibility for the … was conferred on the guilds.

4. “The Watch” were responsible for … the gates and … the streets at night.

5. The impotence of the … machinery became a serious menace.

6. The Metropolitan … Force was established at the beginning of the 19th century.


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