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Тема: Сучасна людина і комп’ютер.

1. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Read the texts and discuss them.


In an age when computer use is getting much attention from parents, educators and legislators, television remains the dominant medium for most kids. Children spend an average of 2 hours 46 minutes watching television eachday, with 17 percent of children spending more than five hours in front of the TV.Time spent on the computer lags far behind TV use, with the average for all children at 21 minutes a day outside school, including an average of eight minutes a day on the Internet...

Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twentieth century. Their benefits are numerous yet much can be said against them. The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours at a time is certainly not healthy. Secondly, computers distract people from conversation. Also, people can become anti-social and stay at home to use their computer. Finally, the strongest argument against the use of computers is that the more jobs which are done by computers, the less are done by people..

However, the advantages of computers are numerous, such as educational benefits, especially to children. School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen. Moreover, computers can be fun with a seemingly endless variety of games which can be played on them. In addition, computers are valuable to any business, making life easier and saving time because you can store and get back a lot of information at die touch of button. Furthermore, personal gains can be seen as the use of computers increases powers of concentration.

To sum up, there are strong arguments both for and against the use of computers. Yet, despite the health problems, risk to jobs and lack of personal communication, it seems that as long as the use of computers is regulated, the benefits computers provide to education and business are very important.

Legislator —законодатель; plug in — включить вилку в розетку; medium — средство (массовой информации); media (мн.ч.) — средства массовой ин­формации; survey — обзор, изучение; lag—отставать; breakthrough —дости­жение, прорыв; benefitsзд. преимущества, положительные стороны; distract from — отвлекать от; variety of games — разнообразие игр


2. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Why are to-day's children and teenagers called a plug-in generation? 2. What are the average figures for the time spent in front of the TV? What programmes are broadcast? Do you think children prefer cartoons or science fiction films to feature films and documentaries? 3. How does TV compete the computer? 4. What are the benefits of the computer? 5. What are the disadvantages of the computer (for health, socializing, job getting?) 6. What is the conclusion of the text? To what extent do you agree (disagree)with it?


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