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The US government

By the constitution the government of the USA is composed of three branches: the executive one, the legislative one and the judicial one. The executive power is headed by a President who holds office for four years and is elected, together with a Vice-President chosen for the same term, by electors from each state. The President must be a native-born citizen, resident in the country for fourteen years and at least thirty-five years old. The presidential election is held every fourth year on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

The legislative power is represented by a Congress, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate consists of two members from each state, chosen for six years. The House of Representatives is elected every other year. The number of each state’s representatives depends on the number of people in this particular state.

An important role in the American legislature is played by so-called “lobbyists”. Their work is to make a congressman vote for measures favorable to the group the lobbyists represent. There are several basic principles which are found at all levels of American government. One of these says that legislators are elected from geographical districts directly by the voters. Under this principle all election districts must have the same number of residents. Another fundamental principle of American government is that compromise in politics is a matter of necessity, not choice. For example, the House of Representatives controls spending and finance, so the President must have its agreement for his proposals and programmes. In foreign affairs he is also strongly limited. So what a President wants to do is often a different thing from what a President is able to do.

Task 1

Study the following words and expressions and memorize them:

Branch ['bra: nt∫ ] – ветвь

Executive [ig'zekj: tiv] – исполнительный

Judicial [dзu: 'di∫ ∂ l] – судебный

To head ['hed] – возглавлять

To hold office – занимать должность

To elect [i'lekt] – выбирать (голосованием)

Native-born ['neitiv bo: n] – уроженец

Resident ['rezid∂ nt] – постоянный житель

Particular [p∂ 'tikjl∂ ] – отдельный

To vote ['v∂ ut] – голосовать

Voter ['v∂ ut∂ ] – избиратель

Measure ['meз∂ ] – мера

Favourable ['feiv∂ r∂ bl] – подходящий, удобный

To represent [¸ repri'zent] – представлять

Level ['lev∂ l] – уровень

Election district [i¸ lek∫ n'distrikt] – избирательный округ

Compromise in politics ['kompr∂ maiz in 'politiks] – политический компромисс

Matter ['mæ t∂ ] – вопрос

Choice ['t∫ ois] – выбор

Finance [fai'næ ns] – доходы

Proposal [pr∂ 'p∂ uz∂ l] – предложение, план

Directly [di'rektli] – непосредственно

Legislative ['ledзisl∂ tiv] – законодательный

Legislature ['ledзisleit∫ ∂ ] – законодательная власть, законодательный орган штата

Legislator ['ledзisleit∂ ] – законодатель

Task 2

Read the text.

Task 3

Do the following exercises on the text.

Exercise 1. Find English equivalents for the words below.

q согласно конституции

q возглавляется президентом

q представлена конгрессом

q занимает пост

q срок

q избиратель

q городской житель (уроженец города)

q палата представителей

q избирательный округ

q вопрос необходимости

q контролирует доходы и расходы

q внешняя политика

q строго ограничен


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.

1. The USA government is composed of three branches: ________.

2. The US President must be ________.

3. The presidential election is held ________.

4. The work of “lobbyists” is ________.

5. The House of Representatives controls ________.

Exercise 3. Find kin words in the text and translate them.

e.g. to vote – voter - избиратель

1. to elect –

2. president –

3. to legislate –

4. direct –

5. strong –

6. to agree –

7. to propose –

Exercise 4. Insert the necessary words.

1. The _______ power is headed by a _______.

2. The President must be _______ in the country for 14 years.

3. The Presidential _______ is held every fourth year.

4. An important role in the American legislature is played by _______.

5. Legislators are elected from geographical districts by _______.

6. Compromise in politics is a matter of _______.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct Voice form.

1. The executive power (heads/ is headed) by a President.

2. The presidential election (holds/ is held) every fourth year.

3. Members of the Senate (are chosen/ choose) for six years.

4. “Lobbyists” (play/ is played) an important role in the American legislature.

5. Legislators (elect/ are elected) directly by the voters.

6. The House of Representatives (is controlled/ controls) spending and finance.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions on the text.

1. How many branches is the US government composed of?

2. How long does the US president hold office?

3. When is the presidential election held?

4. What Houses does the US Congress consist of?

5. Who plays an important role in the American legislature?

6. What are the basic principles of American government?

Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. The executive power is headed by a President.

2. The US President must be a native-born citizen.

3. The presidential election is held every fourth year.

4. The number of each state’s representatives depends on the number of people in this particular state.

5. In foreign affairs he is also strongly limited.

Exercise 8. Find in the text the information about:

ü the US President

ü the US Congress

ü “lobbyists”

ü basic principles of American government

Exercise 9. Compose a plan.

Exercise 10. Retell the text.


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