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The President оf the United States

Do you want to be president of the United States of America? Maybe you can apply for the job. Answer these three questions. Are you a U.S. citi­zen? Are you thirty-five years old or older? Have you been a resident of the United States for fourteen years or longer? Did you say " yes" to all three questions? Then you can take the first steps to the White House.

You become president for a term. A term is four years. You can only serve two terms. This means that you can only be president twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. He was still president when he died in 1945. He was president for twelve years. No one was president longer than he was.

As president of the United States, you earn $200, 000 a year. You also get an extra $50, 000 for expenses, tax free. You have your own limousine, jet, and housekeepers, all free. You also live rent free, in the White House in Washington, D.C. And you are head of the richest country in the world.

Presidents of the United States are very different people. Twenty-two were lawyers, four soldiers, four farmers, four teachers, two writers, two busi­nessmen, one tailor, and one actor. Eight of them did not have a college education!

Exercise 1. Match the words in italics with the ones given below answering their meanings.

term a limousine expenses

earn serve in fact

resident U.S. citizen

1. To be president, you must be a. person who lives in the United States for four­teen years.

2. To be president, you must be a person whose country is the United States.

3. You become president for a fixed period of time.

4. A president can only work for two terms.

5. When you are president, you make $200, 000 a year.

6. You also get $50, 000 for money to pay for other things you need.

7. As president, you get free use of an expensive car with a driver.

8. Before 1951, you could be president for more than eight years. In truth, Franklin D. Roosevelt was president for twelve years.

Exercise 2. Choose the right answers.

1. How long can you be president for?

a. You can be president for a term

b. You can be president for twelve years

c. You can be president for two terms of four years.

2. How many presidents were lawyers?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 22

Exercise 3. Find the wrong word in each sentence and replace it by the correct one.

1. То be president, you must be forty-five years old or older.

2. To be president, you must be a lawyer in the United States for fourteen years.

3. A term is eight years.

4. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president- for two terms.

5. Eight presidents did not have a teacher education.

6. As president, you are the businessman of the richest country in the world.

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