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July Fourth

July Fourth is the birthday of the United States. It is a national holiday. Another name for July Fourth is Independence Day. Americans celebrate July Fourth as Independence Day because on July 4, 1776, the original thir­teen colonies declared their independence from England.

Before 1776, the King of England ruled the thirteen colonies in America. The colonists were angry with the King because of taxes. They wanted their independence from England. A war started in 1775 between the colonists and soldiers from England. The colonists won the war. They wanted to say why they wanted their independence or freedom from England. So they chose Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence.

On July 4, 1776, the leaders of the colonies signed the Declaration of In­dependence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It said that all people were equal and had the right to live in freedom. A new nation was born. People rang bells and fired guns for the birth of the United States of America.

Today, Americans celebrate July Fourth in many different ways. Dur­ing the day, many people get together with friends and family members for picnics. Many cities have parades with bands in the streets. At night there are noisy fireworks. These beautiful fireworks of different colors light up the sky all across the country.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant.

1. Americans _____ July Fourth as Independence Day.

a. write b. celebrate c. get together

2. The King of England _____ the thirteen colonies.

a. rang b. chose c. ruled

3. The ____ were angry with the King of England

a. colonists b. colors c. bells

4. The colonists _____ the war.

a. signed b. rang c. won

5. The____of the colonies signed the Declaration of Independence.

a. kings b. leaders c. soldiers

6. People ______ guns on July Fourth, 1776.

a. started b. wanted c. fired

7. Today, on July Fourth beautiful ____ light up the sky.

a. fireworks b. guns c. names

8. Many cities have_____inthestreets.

a. colors b. parades c. picnics

Exercise 2. Finish the sentences.

1. July Fourth is _____.

a. the King of England's birthday

b. Independence Day

c. a national holiday in every country

2. On July 4, 1776, _____.

a. the leaders of the thirteen colonies signed the Declaration of Independence

b. the English won the war

c. Thomas Jefferson was born

3. Today, on July Fourth there are ____.

a. fireworks at night

b. wars in many cities

c. colonists in the streets

Exercise 3. Find the wrong word in each sentence and replace it by the correct one.

1. The Queen of England ruled the thirteen colonies in America.

2. A war started between the colonists and leaders from England.

3. Thomas King wrote the Declaration of Independence.

4. People fired bells for the birth of the United States.

5. Today, on July Fourth, friends and family get together for kings.

6. At night, fireworks light up the sky all across the state.

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