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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Vocabulary. Find the antonym to the word“Happiness”


Find the antonym to the word“ Happiness

A) knowledge

B) hate

C) love

D) sadness

E) information


Find the antonym to the word “ long

A) good

B) high

C) short

D) advice

E) news


Find the right antonym to the word “ find”

A) lose

B) be

C) have

D) see

E) change


Find the right antonym “ close

A) play

B) open

C) spend

D) go

E) get


Find the right antonym “ friend

A) friendship

B) enemy

C) healthy

D) fire

E) company


Find the right English equivalent for this word:

Качество \ сапа

A) quality

B) quarrel

C) question

D) quarter

E) quantity


Find the right English equivalent for this word:

Запрещать\ тиым салу

A) forbid

B) forgive

C) forget

D) foretell

E) forgetful



What is the opposite of the word “ black ”?

A) beautiful

B) white

C) young

D) interesting

E) old




What is the opposite of the word “ cold ”?

A) dark

B) hot

C) short

D) coal

E) old



What is the opposite of the word “ far ”?

A) near

B) fat

C) slim

D) light

E) best



What is the opposite of the word “ stand ”?

A) come

B) sit

C) go out

D) lose

E) lend


Find the synonym to the word “ well-known

A) action

B) novel

C) famous

D) hero

E) change



Find the right English equivalent for this word combination:

Кататься на лодке \ қ айық пен қ ыдыру

A) to go boating

B) to go skiing

C) to go skating

D) to go playing

E) to go to the seaside



Find the right English equivalent for this word combination:

Пропускать занятия \ сабақ босату

A) to miss classes

B) to attend classes

C) to enter college

D) to assess a student

E) to take an exam



Translate into English:

Древний \ ежелгі

A) ancient

B) modern

C) empty

D) noisy

E) huge



Translate into English:


A) class

B) term

C) exam

D) mark

E) dean


Translate into English:

Сочинение \ шығ арма

A) composition

B) desk

C) station

D) table

E) book



Translate into English:

Быть опытным \ тә жірибелі болу

A) to be experienced

B) to hold a position

C) vacancy

D) to be on leave

E) insurance



Give the synonym to the following word:


A) city

B) street

C) Land

D) town

E) customer



What is the opposite of the word “ expensive ”?

A) cheap

B) busy

C) fast

D) money

E) earning



What is the opposite of the word “ useful ”?

A) see

B) use

C) make

D) glad

E) useless



What is the opposite of the word “ narrow ”?

A) narrow

B) wide

C) slow

D) fast

E) hard


Give the synonym of the word:


A) low

B) wide

C) new

D) old

E) high



Give the synonym of the word:


A) sick

B) scared

C) tired

D) awake

E) cold


Write the past form of the verb.

have ______________

A) had

B) has

C) have

D) haved

E) have not


Write the past form of the verb.

meet ______________

A) meets

B) met

C) mets

D) meeting

E) meet


Write the past form of the verb.

can ______________

A) caned

B) coulds

C) can not

D) can have

E) could



Write the past form of the verb.

get ______________

A) got

B) gotting

C) getting

D) gets

E) gotes




Write the past form of the verb.

be ______________

A) was, were

B) been

C) beed

D) being

E) bee



Write the past form of the verb.

take ______________

A) takes

B) took

C) taked

D) taking

E) tooks


Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to begin – begin - begin

B) to begin – began - begun

C) began- beginning - begun

D) begann – begin - begun

E) begin – begun- begin



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to choose – chose - chosen

B) to choose – choose - choose

C) to choose – choosen - chosen

D) to chose – chose - chose

E) to choosen – choses – chosen



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to cut – cat - cat

B) to cat – cat - cat

C) to cut – cut - cat

D) to cat – cut - cat

E) to cut – cut – cut



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to eat – ate - eaten

B) to ate – ate - ate

C) to eat – eat - eat

D) to eaten – eat - eaten

E) to eat – eat – ate



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to forget – forgot - forgotten

B) to forget – forget - forget

C) to forget – forget - forgotton

D) to forgot – forgot - forgot

E) to forget – forgotten – forgotten



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to run – ran - ran

B) to run – run - run

C) to run – ran - run

D) to ran – ran - ran

E) to run – run – ran



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) slept – slept - slept

B) to sleep – slept - slept

C) to sleep – sleep - sleep

D) to sleep – sleep - slept

E) to slept – sleep – sleeping



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to take – take - take

B) to take – took - took

C) to taken – taken - taken

D) to take – took - taken

E) to take – taken – took



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to hold – hold - held

B) to held – held – held

C) hold – hold - hold

D) to held – hold - holden

E) to hold – held – held



Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to go – went - gone

B) to goes – go - go

C) to goed – gone - go

D) to go – go - go

E) to went– go – goed





Choose the right translation: public transport

A) общественный транспорт/ қ оғ амдық кө лік

B) автобус

C) машина

D) такси

E) самолет


Choose the right translation: global warming

A) землятресение / жер сілкінісі

B) наводнение / су тасқ ыны

C) глобальное потепление / жаhандық жылыну

D) таять / еру

E) дождь / жаң быр


Choose the right translation: environment

A) воздух / ауа

B) дождь / жаң быр

C) снег / қ ар

D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта

E) вода / су


Choose the right translation: air

A) воздух / ауа

B) дождь / жаң быр

C) снег / қ ар

D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта

E) вода / су


Choose the right translation: demonstration A) собрание / жиналысB) встреча / кездесу

C) демонстрация / шеру

D) круглый стол/ дө ң гелек ү стел

E) спектакль/ қ ойылым


Translate into English: - воздух / ауа A) airB) rain

C) river

D) stone

E) house


Translate into English: загрязнение / ластану A) pollutionB) rain

C) solution

D) river

E) snow



Translate into English: разрушать / бү лдіру

A) to useB) to destroy

C) to travel

D) to support

E) to eat


Translate into English: лес / орман

A) forestB) river

C) school

D) desk

E) table


Choose the right variant to the word «bottle» to make a word combination

A) transportB) school

C) bank

D) energy

E) footprint


Choose the right variant to the word «carbon» to make a word combination

A) footprintB) energy

C) bank

D) transport

E) fuels


Choose the right variant to the word «fossil» to make a word combination

A) warmingB) fuels

C) energy

D) footprint

E) banks


Choose the right variant to the word «global» to make a word combination

A) energyB) warming

C) transport

D) fossil

E) global


Choose the right variant to the word «mass-produced» to make a word combination

A) clothesB) global

C) footprint

D) fossil

E) fuels


Choose the right variant to the word «plastic» to make a word combination

A) energyB) warming

C) bags

D) transport

E) fuels

$$$ 15A

Choose the right variant to the word «public» to make a word combination

A) transportB) plastic

C) warming

D) footprint

E) global


Choose the right variant to the word «renewable» to make a word combination

A) warmingB) footprint

C) global

D) energy

E) plastic


Complete the noun – demonstr…

A) -ationB) -on

C) -uion

D) -ty

E) - ution


Complete the noun – destr…

A) - eyB) -uction

C) - ics

D) - ly

E) - tion


Complete the noun – globalis…

A) - eyB) -uction

C) - ics

D) - ly

E) - ation


Complete the noun – poll…

A) - eyB) -uction

C) - ics

D) - ly

E) - ution


Complete the noun – organis…

A) - lyB) -ution

C) -ation

D) -ics

E) -ty


Complete the noun – revol…

A) -utionB) - ics

C) -ty

D) -action

E) ly



Complete the noun – sol…

A) -actionB) -act

C) -ly

D) -ution

E) -sation


Complete the noun – modernis…

A) -ationB) -ution

C) -tion

D) -ly

E) -action


Give the synonym to the following word: Cool

A) coldB) wet

C) rainly

D) hot

E) happy


Give the synonym to the following word: land

A) cold

B) wood

C) river

D) forest

E) earth


What is the opposite of the word “ cold”?

A) coolB) wet

C) rainly

D) hot

E) happy


What is the opposite of the word “ clean”?

A) dirtyB) wet

C) windy

D) hot

E) happy


Choose the right translation: environmentally-friendly product

A) кипиченная вода/ қ айнатылғ ан су

B) вода/су

C) овощи/ жеміс

D) продукт/ тамақ

E) экологический чистый продукт/ экологиялық таза ө нім


Choose the right translation “ anti”

A) за/ ү шінB) анти / анти

C) вместе/ бірге

D) все/барлығ ы

E) один/ жалғ ыз


Choose the right translation: slogan

A) книга/кітапB) лозунг/ ұ ран

C) дерево/ағ аш

D) флаг/ту

E) ручка/қ алам


Translate into English: атмосфера

A) demonstration

B) destroy

C) atmosphere

D) sollution

E) climate

$$$ 33E

Translate into English: погода / ауа-райы

A) demonstration

B) destroy

C) atmosphere

D) sollution

E) weather

$$$ 34B

Translate into English: океан/ мұ хит

A) river

B) ocean C) lake

D) sea

E) weather

$$$ 35A

Translate into English: экология

A) ecology

B) volunteerC) mountain

D) volcano

E) field

$$$ 36B

Translate into English: растение /ө сімдік

A) desert

B) plantC) mountain

D) volcano

E) field

$$$ 37A

Translate into English: лед/ мұ з

A) ice

B) plantC) star

D) volcano

E) sky

$$$ 38D

Translate into English: быть против/қ арсы болу

A) to go

B) to comeC) to rain

D) to be against

E) to be


Choose the right translation: air pollution

A) воздух / ауа

B) дождь / жаң быр

C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы

D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта

E) вода / су


Choose the right translation: water pollution

A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы

B) дождь / жаң быр

C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы

D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта

E) вода / су


Choose the right translation: to protest A) загрязнять / ластау

B) говорить / сө йлеу

C) играть / ойнау

D) защитить / қ орғ ау

E) возражать / қ арсы болу


Choose the right translation: environmental protection

A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы

B) защита окружающей среды / қ оршағ ан ортаны қ орғ ау

C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы

D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта

E) отходы/ қ алдық тар


Choose the right translation: Planet

A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы

B) защита окружающей среды / қ оршағ ан ортаны қ орғ ау

C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы

D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта

E) планета / ғ аламшар


Choose the right translation: volunteer

A) волонтер (доброволец-ерікті)

B) политик/ саясаткер

C) ученик/оқ ушы

D) воспитатель/тә рбиеші

E) учитель/оқ ытушы


Choose the right translation: трава / шө п

A) water

B) pollution

C) protection

D) environment

E) grass


Choose the right translation: пластмассовый контейнер/ пластмассалық контейнер

A) box

B) plastic container

C) can

D) bottle

E) bucket


Choose the right translation: природа / табиғ ат

A) nature

B) moon

C) solarsystem

D) sun

E) sky


Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence:

More than ten thousand people took part in the ______

A) destruction

B) demonstration

C) pollution

D) air pollution

E) warming


Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence:

The demonstrators were protesting about the ______ of the rainforest.

A) demonstrationB) travelling

C) destruction

D) education

E) modernisation


Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence:

Thousands of fish died because of ______ in the river.

A) demonstrationB) travelling

C) revolution

D) pollution

E) education


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