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Vocabulary. Find the antonym to the word“Happiness”
$$$1D Find the antonym to the word“ Happiness ” A) knowledge B) hate C) love D) sadness E) information $$$2C Find the antonym to the word “ long ” A) good B) high C) short D) advice E) news $$$3A Find the right antonym to the word “ find” A) lose B) be C) have D) see E) change $$$4B Find the right antonym “ close ” A) play B) open C) spend D) go E) get $$$5B Find the right antonym “ friend ” A) friendship B) enemy C) healthy D) fire E) company $$$6A Find the right English equivalent for this word: Качество \ сапа A) quality B) quarrel C) question D) quarter E) quantity $$$7A Find the right English equivalent for this word: Запрещать\ тиым салу A) forbid B) forgive C) forget D) foretell E) forgetful
$$$8B What is the opposite of the word “ black ”? A) beautiful B) white C) young D) interesting E) old
$$$9B What is the opposite of the word “ cold ”? A) dark B) hot C) short D) coal E) old
$$$10A What is the opposite of the word “ far ”? A) near B) fat C) slim D) light E) best
$$$11B What is the opposite of the word “ stand ”? A) come B) sit C) go out D) lose E) lend $$$12C Find the synonym to the word “ well-known ” A) action B) novel C) famous D) hero E) change
$$$13A Find the right English equivalent for this word combination: Кататься на лодке \ қ айық пен қ ыдыру A) to go boating B) to go skiing C) to go skating D) to go playing E) to go to the seaside
$$$14А Find the right English equivalent for this word combination: Пропускать занятия \ сабақ босату A) to miss classes B) to attend classes C) to enter college D) to assess a student E) to take an exam
$$$15A Translate into English: Древний \ ежелгі A) ancient B) modern C) empty D) noisy E) huge
$$$16B Translate into English: Семестр A) class B) term C) exam D) mark E) dean $$$17A Translate into English: Сочинение \ шығ арма A) composition B) desk C) station D) table E) book
$$$18A Translate into English: Быть опытным \ тә жірибелі болу A) to be experienced B) to hold a position C) vacancy D) to be on leave E) insurance
$$$19C Give the synonym to the following word: Country A) city B) street C) Land D) town E) customer
$$$20A What is the opposite of the word “ expensive ”? A) cheap B) busy C) fast D) money E) earning
$$$21E What is the opposite of the word “ useful ”? A) see B) use C) make D) glad E) useless
$$$22B What is the opposite of the word “ narrow ”? A) narrow B) wide C) slow D) fast E) hard $$$23E Give the synonym of the word: Tall A) low B) wide C) new D) old E) high
$$$24A Give the synonym of the word: Ill A) sick B) scared C) tired D) awake E) cold $$$25A Write the past form of the verb. have ______________ A) had B) has C) have D) haved E) have not $$$26B Write the past form of the verb. meet ______________ A) meets B) met C) mets D) meeting E) meet $$$27E Write the past form of the verb. can ______________ A) caned B) coulds C) can not D) can have E) could
$$$28A Write the past form of the verb. get ______________ A) got B) gotting C) getting D) gets E) gotes
$$$29A Write the past form of the verb. be ______________ A) was, were B) been C) beed D) being E) bee
$$$30B Write the past form of the verb. take ______________ A) takes B) took C) taked D) taking E) tooks $$$31B Give three forms of the following irregular verb: Begin A) to begin – begin - begin B) to begin – began - begun C) began- beginning - begun D) begann – begin - begun E) begin – begun- begin
$$$32A Give three forms of the following irregular verb: choose A) to choose – chose - chosen B) to choose – choose - choose C) to choose – choosen - chosen D) to chose – chose - chose E) to choosen – choses – chosen
$$$33E Give three forms of the following irregular verb: cut A) to cut – cat - cat B) to cat – cat - cat C) to cut – cut - cat D) to cat – cut - cat E) to cut – cut – cut
$$$34A Give three forms of the following irregular verb: eat A) to eat – ate - eaten B) to ate – ate - ate C) to eat – eat - eat D) to eaten – eat - eaten E) to eat – eat – ate
$$$35A Give three forms of the following irregular verb: forget A) to forget – forgot - forgotten B) to forget – forget - forget C) to forget – forget - forgotton D) to forgot – forgot - forgot E) to forget – forgotten – forgotten
$$$36C Give three forms of the following irregular verb: run A) to run – ran - ran B) to run – run - run C) to run – ran - run D) to ran – ran - ran E) to run – run – ran
$$$37B Give three forms of the following irregular verb: sleep A) slept – slept - slept B) to sleep – slept - slept C) to sleep – sleep - sleep D) to sleep – sleep - slept E) to slept – sleep – sleeping
$$$38D Give three forms of the following irregular verb: take A) to take – take - take B) to take – took - took C) to taken – taken - taken D) to take – took - taken E) to take – taken – took
$$$39E Give three forms of the following irregular verb: hold A) to hold – hold - held B) to held – held – held C) hold – hold - hold D) to held – hold - holden E) to hold – held – held
$$$40A Give three forms of the following irregular verb: go A) to go – went - gone B) to goes – go - go C) to goed – gone - go D) to go – go - go E) to went– go – goed
$$$1A Choose the right translation: public transport A) общественный транспорт/ қ оғ амдық кө лік B) автобус C) машина D) такси E) самолет $$$2С Choose the right translation: global warming A) землятресение / жер сілкінісі B) наводнение / су тасқ ыны C) глобальное потепление / жаhандық жылыну D) таять / еру E) дождь / жаң быр $$$3D Choose the right translation: environment A) воздух / ауа B) дождь / жаң быр C) снег / қ ар D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта E) вода / су $$$3A Choose the right translation: air A) воздух / ауа B) дождь / жаң быр C) снег / қ ар D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта E) вода / су $$$4С Choose the right translation: demonstration A) собрание / жиналысB) встреча / кездесуC) демонстрация / шеру D) круглый стол/ дө ң гелек ү стел E) спектакль/ қ ойылым$$$5A Translate into English: - воздух / ауа A) airB) rainC) river D) stone E) house$$$6A Translate into English: загрязнение / ластану A) pollutionB) rainC) solution D) river E) snow
$$$7B Translate into English: разрушать / бү лдіру A) to useB) to destroyC) to travel D) to support E) to eat$$$8A Translate into English: лес / орман A) forestB) riverC) school D) desk E) table$$$9C Choose the right variant to the word «bottle» to make a word combination A) transportB) schoolC) bank D) energy E) footprint$$$10A Choose the right variant to the word «carbon» to make a word combination A) footprintB) energyC) bank D) transport E) fuels$$$11B Choose the right variant to the word «fossil» to make a word combination A) warmingB) fuelsC) energy D) footprint E) banks$$$12B Choose the right variant to the word «global» to make a word combination A) energyB) warmingC) transport D) fossil E) global$$$13A Choose the right variant to the word «mass-produced» to make a word combination A) clothesB) globalC) footprint D) fossil E) fuels$$$14C Choose the right variant to the word «plastic» to make a word combination A) energyB) warmingC) bags D) transport E) fuels$$$ 15A Choose the right variant to the word «public» to make a word combination A) transportB) plasticC) warming D) footprint E) global$$$16D Choose the right variant to the word «renewable» to make a word combination A) warmingB) footprintC) global D) energy E) plastic$$$17A Complete the noun – demonstr… A) -ationB) -onC) -uion D) -ty E) - ution$$$18B Complete the noun – destr… A) - eyB) -uctionC) - ics D) - ly E) - tion$$$19E Complete the noun – globalis… A) - eyB) -uctionC) - ics D) - ly E) - ation$$$20E Complete the noun – poll… A) - eyB) -uctionC) - ics D) - ly E) - ution$$$21C Complete the noun – organis… A) - lyB) -utionC) -ation D) -ics E) -ty$$$22A Complete the noun – revol… A) -utionB) - icsC) -ty D) -action E) ly
$$$23D Complete the noun – sol… A) -actionB) -actC) -ly D) -ution E) -sation$$$24A Complete the noun – modernis… A) -ationB) -utionC) -tion D) -ly E) -action$$$25A Give the synonym to the following word: Cool A) coldB) wetC) rainly D) hot E) happy$$$26E Give the synonym to the following word: land A) cold B) woodC) river D) forest E) earth$$$27D What is the opposite of the word “ cold”? A) coolB) wetC) rainly D) hot E) happy$$$28A What is the opposite of the word “ clean”? A) dirtyB) wetC) windy D) hot E) happy$$$29E Choose the right translation: environmentally-friendly product A) кипиченная вода/ қ айнатылғ ан су B) вода/суC) овощи/ жеміс D) продукт/ тамақ E) экологический чистый продукт/ экологиялық таза ө нім$$$30B Choose the right translation “ anti” A) за/ ү шінB) анти / антиC) вместе/ бірге D) все/барлығ ы E) один/ жалғ ыз$$$31В Choose the right translation: slogan A) книга/кітапB) лозунг/ ұ ранC) дерево/ағ аш D) флаг/ту E) ручка/қ алам$$$32C Translate into English: атмосфера A) demonstration B) destroyC) atmosphere D) sollution E) climate$$$ 33E Translate into English: погода / ауа-райы A) demonstration B) destroyC) atmosphere D) sollution E) weather$$$ 34B Translate into English: океан/ мұ хит A) river B) ocean C) lakeD) sea E) weather$$$ 35A Translate into English: экология A) ecology B) volunteerC) mountainD) volcano E) field$$$ 36B Translate into English: растение /ө сімдік A) desert B) plantC) mountainD) volcano E) field$$$ 37A Translate into English: лед/ мұ з A) ice B) plantC) starD) volcano E) sky$$$ 38D Translate into English: быть против/қ арсы болу A) to go B) to comeC) to rainD) to be against E) to be$$$39С Choose the right translation: air pollution A) воздух / ауа B) дождь / жаң быр C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта E) вода / су $$$40A Choose the right translation: water pollutionA) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы B) дождь / жаң быр C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта E) вода / су$$$41E Choose the right translation: to protest A) загрязнять / ластауB) говорить / сө йлеу C) играть / ойнау D) защитить / қ орғ ау E) возражать / қ арсы болу$$$42B Choose the right translation: environmental protection A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануыB) защита окружающей среды / қ оршағ ан ортаны қ орғ ау C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта E) отходы/ қ алдық тар $$$43E Choose the right translation: Planet A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы B) защита окружающей среды / қ оршағ ан ортаны қ орғ ау C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы D) окружающая среда / қ оршағ ан орта E) планета / ғ аламшар $$$44A Choose the right translation: volunteer A) волонтер (доброволец-ерікті) B) политик/ саясаткер C) ученик/оқ ушы D) воспитатель/тә рбиеші E) учитель/оқ ытушы $$$45E Choose the right translation: трава / шө п A) water B) pollution C) protection D) environment E) grass $$$46B Choose the right translation: пластмассовый контейнер/ пластмассалық контейнер A) box B) plastic container C) can D) bottle E) bucket $$$47A Choose the right translation: природа / табиғ ат A) nature B) moon C) solarsystem D) sun E) sky $$$48B Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence: More than ten thousand people took part in the ______ A) destruction B) demonstrationC) pollution D) air pollution E) warming$$$49C Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence: The demonstrators were protesting about the ______ of the rainforest. A) demonstrationB) travellingC) destruction D) education E) modernisation$$$50D Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence: Thousands of fish died because of ______ in the river. A) demonstrationB) travellingC) revolution D) pollution E) education