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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Dolphin

B) Bull

C) Lion

D) Spider

E) Shark


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Бақ а/лягушка

A) Frog

B) Crocodile

C) Wasp

D) Rat

E) Cat


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Жылқ ы/лощадь

A) Mouse

B) Eagle

C) Horse

D) Bat

E) Cat


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Eagle

B) Bull

C) Wasp

D) Shark

E) Spider

$$$ 5 Е

Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Frog

B) Lion

C) Wasp

D) Bull

E) Snake

$$$ 6 В

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Бұ қ а/бык

A) Snake

B) Bull

C) Giraffe

D) Lion

E) Horse


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Ө рмекші/паук

A) Spider

B) Wasp

C) Cat

D) Dog

E) Rat


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Жарқ анат/летучая мышь

A) Rat

B) Bat

C) Giraffe

D) Eagle

E) Shark


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Тышқ ан/мышь

A) Lion

B) Rat

C) Mouse

D) Snake

E) Dog


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Бү ркіт/орел

A) Lion

B) Rat

C) Mouse

D) Eagle

E) Dog


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Cheetah

B) Rat

C) Mouse

D) Snake

E) Lion

$$$ 13 A

Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Егеуқ ұ йрық /крыса


B) Eagle

C) Giraffe

D) Snake

E) Cheetah


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Ара /оса

A) Cheetah

B) Wasp

C) Giraffe

D) Snake

E) Dog


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Қ абылан/гепард

A) Ant

B) Giraffe

C) Cheetah

D) Snake

E) Tortoise


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Тасбақ а/черепаха

A) Cheetah

B) Eagle

C) Mouse

D) Tortoise

E) Giraffe


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Марғ ау (мысық тың баласы)/котенок

A) Lamb

B) Foal

C) Puppy

D) Chick

E) Kitten


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Кө белек/бабочка

A) Bee

B) Fly

C) Ant

D) Butterfly

E) Spider


Match the name of the baby animal with the adult animal:

_______: cat

A) A kitten

B) A puppy

C) A calf

D) A chick

E) A foal


Match the name of the baby animal with the adult animal:

_______: dog

A) A kitten

B) A puppy

C) A lamb

D) A chick

E) A calf


Match the name of the baby animal with the adult animal:

_______: a cow

A) A kitten

B) A puppy

C) A kitten

D) A chick

E) A calf


Match the name of the baby animal with the adult animal:

_______: a hen

A) A kitten

B) A puppy

C) A kitten

D) A chick

E) A calf


Match the name of the baby animal with the adult animal:

_______: a horse

A) A kitten

B) A puppy

C) A kitten

D) A chick

E) A foal


Match the name of the baby animal with the adult animal:

_______: a sheep

A) A lamp

B) A puppy

C) A kitten

D) A chick

E) A foal


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Қ ұ мырсқ а/муравей

A) Bee

B) Fly

C) Ant

D) Cockroach

E) Spider


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Cockroach

B) Fly

C) Ant

D) Bee

E) Mosquito


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Cockroach

B) Spider

C) Ant

D) Bee

E) Mosquito


Find the right English equivalent for the following:

Тарақ ан/таракан

A) Cockroach

B) Fly

C) Ant

D) Bee

E) Mosquito


Find the right English equivalent for the following:


A) Cockroach

B) Fly

C) Ant

D) Bee

E) Mosquito


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

… can smell water fifteen kilometres away.

A) An ant

B) A dolphin

C) An elephant

D) A tortoise

E) A cheetah


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

… can lift fifty times its own weight.

A) An ant

B) A dolphin

C) An elephant

D) A tortoise

E) A cheetah


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

… can run at 100 kilometres per hour.

A) An ant

B) A dolphin

C) An elephant

D) A tortoise

E) A cheetah


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

… can live to be two hundred years old.

A) An ant

B) A dolphin

C) An elephant

D) A tortoise

E) A cheetah


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

A … is a person who treats sick animals.

A) doctor

B) vet

C) student

D) manager

E) ornithologist


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

An … is a person who studies birds.

A) doctor

B) vet

C) ornithologist

D) manager

E) shop assistant


The scientist who developed the theory of evolution

A) Charles Dickens

B) Charles Darwin

C) G. Cuver

D) Sir Thomas Mor

E) Charles Poe


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

A name for people who are afraid of spiders.

A) doctor

B) vet

C) ornithologist

D) arachnophobic

E) shop assistant


Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition:

Richard is allergic … cats.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) after

E) of


Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition:

Richard is interested … wild animals.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) after

E) of


Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition:

I’m keen … horses.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) after

E) of


Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition:

She is terrified … frogs.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) after

E) of


Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition:

We are fond … all animals.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) after

E) of


Complete the sentence with appropriate preposition:

Ann is afraid … wild animals.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) after

E) of

$$$ 44 A

Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

…. is a brown animal with long legs (eg Bambi)

A) deer

B) bear

C) fur

D) paw

E) tail


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

…. is a large animal with thick fur (eg panda)

A) deer

B) bear

C) fur

D) paw

E) tail


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

…. is hair that covers some animals

A) deer

B) bear

C) fur

D) paw

E) tail


Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

…. is a dog or cat’s foot

A) deer

B) bear

C) fur

D) paw

E) tail

$$$ 48 E

Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

A cat has a long ….

A) deer

B) bear

C) fur

D) paw

E) tail


Choose the right variant:

A vet is a person … treats sick animals:

A) who

B) which

C) where

D) that

E) why

$$$ 50 C

Choose the right variant:

A person … studies birds.

A) which

B) why

C) who

D) those

E) where


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