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Radiotelephones. PART 2


1. Отработка новой лексики. Особенности перевода интернациональных слов.

2. Чтение.

3. Говорение. Работа с устными высказываниями по теме.


Отработка новой лексики. Особенности перевода интернациональных слов.



1.1. Найдите транскрипцию приведённых ниже слов в англо-русском словаре. Произнесите слова в соответствии с транскрипцией (см. Приложение1). Прослушайте слова (см. Введение.п. 2). (Find a transcription of the following words in the English-Russian dictionary. Say the words according to the transcription (see Application1). Listen to the words (see Introduction. item2.)


cell – ячейка, клетка

cellular – сотовый; клеточный

cord – провод, шнур

jack – гнездо

plug - штепсель, штепсельная вилка

nevertheless – тем не менее

up to – вплоть до

cellular structure – ячеистая (сотовая) структура

plug switch – штепсельный выключатель

extended aerial – удлиненная антенна

expanded reproduction – расширенное воспроизведение

public lighting - уличное освещение


1.2. Найдите в тексте «RADIOTELEPHONES. PART 2» указанные в задании 1.1. слова. Запишите слова в контексте (см. Введение. п.1). (Find words pointed in the task 1.1. in the text «RADIOTELEPHONES. PART 2». Write down the words in a context (see Introduction. item1.)



Cellular telephones are transportable by vehicle or personally portable devices that may be used in motor vehicles or by people.

Cellular telephones communicate by radio wave in the 800-900-megahertz band. They allow a great degree of mobility within a service region that may occupy hundreds of square kilometers in area.

It should be noted that all communica­tion with a mobile or portable device within a given cell is made to the base station that serves the cell. Because of the low transmit­ting power of battery-operated portable de­vices, specific sending and receiving fre­quencies of a cell may be reused in other cells within larger geographic areas. Thus, the spectral efficiency of a cellular system is increased by a factor equal to the number of times a frequency may be reused within its service area.

It is interesting to note that the first mo­bile and portable cellular systems were huge and heavy. But because of the progress in component technology, their weight and size were considerably decreased. For example, the weight of light portables in 1990 was equal to 310 grams. By 1994 their weight was re­duced and became equal to 120 grams. This process is continuing. The weight of one of the models of cellular telephones produced in Russia - Motorola 70V - is only 81grams.


1.3. Прочитайте приведенные ниже слова. Обратите внимание на особенности перевода интернациональных слов (см. Введение. п.3.). Попытайтесь перевести слова без словаря. Запишите перевод этих слов, сверяясь со словарём. (Read the following words. Pay attention to the translation of international words (see Introduction. item3). Try to translate these words without a dictionary. Write down the translation of these words, referring to the dictionary.)






1.4. Переведите приведенные ниже словосочетания в письменной форме. (Translate the following word combinations in writing.)


service area ____________________________________________

mobile devices __________________________________________

base station_____________________________________________

progressive component technology__________________________

personally portable devices________________________________

battery-operated device___________________________________

up to a thousand kilometers _______________________________

up to 46-48 megahertz____________________________________

вплоть до 100 000 км____________________________________

вплоть до 850 мегагерц__________________________________

вплоть до 27 дюймов____________________________________



2.1. Прочитайте Введение. п.5. Следуя рекомендациям, прочитайте текст «RADIOTELEPHONES. PART 2» (п.1.2). (Read Introduction. item5. Following the recommendations, read the text «RADIOTELEPHONES. PART 2» (item 1.2.)


2.2. Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы в тексте «RADIOTELEPHONES. PART 2» (п.1.2). (Find the answers to the following questions in the text «RADIOTELEPHONES. PART 2» (item 1.2.)


• Where can cellular devices be employed?

• Into what element are cellular telephones plugged?

• How large may be serving regions of cellular telephones?

• What can you say about the weight of portable cellular systems?

• Do wireless telephones have any connections?



<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Radiotelephones. PART 1 | Airborne radiotelephone systems
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