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~ Choose the correct answer. They... have two hours of Chemistry tomorrow. | will+ | are | is | have | has ~ Choose the correct answer. My sister... usually at home on the weekend. | is+ | be | are | were | have ~ Choose the correct answer. The work at the hospital... interesting for me. | is+ | were | be | been | have been ~ Choose the correct answer. The rooms of the hostel... large. | are+ | was | be | been | is ~ Choose the correct answer. You... at the institute yesterday, were not you? | were+ | was | be | en | is ~ Complete the general question. ... you a member of the scientific society? | Are+ | Is | Do | Did | Does ~ Complete the tag question Chemistry is a difficult subject,... | isn’t it? + | is it? | does it? | doesn’t it | was it? ~ Complete the sentence I like... novel nor a film it's based on. | neither+ | both | as | and | either ~ Complete the sentence The teacher asked why Petrov... absent last week. | was+ | are | is | be | were ~ Complete the sentence: “English and other subjects... very important to me”. | are+ | does | do | am | be ~Complete the sentence There...three windows in my room. | are+ | was | is | be | am ~Complete the sentence Several people insisted... the old man to cross the road. | on helping+ | helping | help | at helping | to help ~Complete the sentence They will...tidy up the house before their parents get back. | have to+ | shall | go | can | be ~ Complete the sentence The theatre... be built here next year. | will+ | are | is | was | were ~ Complete the sentence. When I came home my parents... | were watching TV+ | will watch TV | watch TV | watched TV | was watching TV ~ Complete the special question. ... lectures are you attending, on Anatomy or Chemistry? | Which+ | Where | What | Who | How long ~ Choose the correct answer. An antibiotic is a... compound that can kill bacteria. | chemical+ | physical | bacterial | biological | physiological ~ Complete the special question. … types of drug administration are there? | How many+ | How much | What | Why | When ~ Complete the special question. …are essential oils used? – Because they impart flavor and aroma. | Why+ | Which | When | How often | Where ~This sentence is in the present continuous. | I am taking drugs for headache these days+ | He is a good pharmacist | I am interested in new chemical technologies | We are glad to study Pharmacy | I was speaking on the phone at 8 p.m. yesterday ~This sentence is in the present perfect. | She has never used either lotions or creams+ | She is using lotions and creams at present | She will use lotions and creams | She is going to buy lotions and creams | She uses lotions and creams every day ~This sentence is in the present simple. | We always drink milk in the morning+ | We are drinking milk now | We will drink milk | We drank a lot of milk in the childhood | We have drunk all the milk ~This sentence is in the present continuous. | He is undergoing chemotherapy this month+ | The people with cancer usually undergo chemotherapy | It will kill tumor cells | It killed both cancer and healthy cells | It has already killed tumor cells ~This sentence is in the present simple. | Her father works at the chemist’s+ | Her father worked at the chemist’s | Her father is working at the chemist’s at the moment | Her father is going to work at the chemist’s | Her father has been working at the chemist’s for 5 years ~This sentence is in the present simple. | We always drink milk in the morning+ | We are drinking milk now | We will drink milk | We drank a lot of milk in the childhood | We have drunk all the milk ~This sentence is in the present continuous. | He is undergoing chemotherapy this month+ | The people with cancer usually undergo chemotherapy | It will kill tumor cells | It killed both cancer and healthy cells | It has already killed tumor cells ~This sentence is in the present simple. | Her father works at the chemist’s+ | Her father worked at the chemist’s | Her father is working at the chemist’s at the moment | Her father is going to work at the chemist’s | Her father has been working at the chemist’s for 5 years ~ Choose the correct answer. Blooming part of the plant is … | flower+ | root | stem | seed | leaf ~ Choose the correct answer. Primary photosynthetic organ of most plants is … | leaf+ | root | flower | stem | seed ~ Choose the correct answer. Plant part that is found underground and grows downward is … | root+ | flower | seed | stem | leaf ~ Choose the correct answer. Plant part that is above ground and grows upward bearing leaves is … | stem+ | root | flower | seed | leaf ~ Choose the correct answer. Reproductive organ of most seed-bearing plants is … | flower+ | root | seed | stem | leaf ~ Choose the correct answer. Number of flower parts is … | 4+ | 1 | 3 | 2 | 10 ~ Choose the correct answer. Plants that live for many years are called … | perennial+ | biennial | annual | tiennial | invasive ~ Choose the correct answer. Plants that live for two years are … | biennial+ | annual | invasive | triennial | perennial ~ Choose the correct answer. Plants that live for one year are … | annual+ | invasive | perennial | triennial | biennial ~ Choose the correct answer. This plant has short stems, fleshy lanceolate leaves. | Aloe+ | Dandelion | Nettle | Poppy | Calendula ~ Choose the correct answer. This plant is the source of opium. | Poppy+ | Nettle | Calendula | Dandelion | Aloe ~ Choose the correct answer. This plant was used by ancient Greeks to prevent blood flow. | Yarrow+ | Bloodroot | Poppy | Dandelion | Plantain ~ Choose the correct answer. This medicinal plant is used for bronchial problems. | Bloodroot+ | Globe artichoke | Calendula | Nettle | Mint ~ Choose the correct answer. The leaves of this medicinal plant have hairs with a stinging liquid. | Nettle+ | Mint | Aloe | Yarrow | Bloodroot ~Define the question type. Most commercial waxes now come from petrolium, … | don’t they? + | doesn’t it? | aren’t they? | isn’t it? | didn’t they? ~ Choose the correct answer. This plant may help in treating problems with liver. | Globe artichoke+ | Bloodroot | Yarrow | Dandelion | Poppy ~Complete the general question. ... penicillin taken from molds? | Was+ | Does | Do | Has | Will ~ Choose the correct answer ... promotes recovery from injury or ailment. | A medicament+ | Water | A plant | Oxygen | Sunlight ~ Choose the correct answer. …are used in the immune system to identify and neutralize bacteria and viruses. | Antibodies+ | Neurons | Bone marrow cells | Red blood cells | White blood cells ~Define the tense of a verb in the sentence. I am reading an article about discovering of penicillin by Fleming. | the present continuous+ | the present simple | the present perfect | the past simple | the future simple ~Antonym to the word “increase” is … | decrease+ | go up | enhance | enlarge | speed ~Define the question type. What laboratory can we conduct experiments in? | A special question+ | A tag question | alternative question | A general question | A tail question ~ Choose the correct answer. ... is used in production of pencils. | Graphite+ | Oxygen | Iron | Hydrogen | Calcium ~ Choose the correct answer. Antibiotics that contain sulfur, thus stopping the growth of bacteria are... | sulfonamides+ | sedatives | stimulants | depressants | sympatholitics ~ Choose the correct answer. Drugs known as painkillers capable of relieving pain are... | analgesics+ | antibiotics | hypnotics | tranquilizers | anticonvulsants ~ Choose the correct answer. Medications with the activity against microorganisms are... | antibiotics+ | hypnotics | tranquilizers | anticonvulsants | analgesics ~ Choose the correct answer. Drugs that induce sleep are... | hypnotics+ | antibiotics | tranquilizers | anticonvulsants | analgesics ~ Choose the correct answer. Drugs used to treat or prevent convulsions are... | anticonvulsants+ | antibiotics | hypnotics | tranquilizers | analgesics ~ Choose the correct answer. Water can be... by means of distillation. | separated+ | affected | occured | removed | detected ~ Choose the correct answer. Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas that is not difficult to... by its odour. | detect+ | separate | analyze | remove | test ~ Choose the correct answer. The symbols of chemistry elements: hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are… | H, O, N+ | H, Si, O | H, N, Ca | Fe, N, O | H, Fe, N ~ Choose the correct answer. The symbol of potassium is … | K+ | Ca | Fe | S | Mg ~ General question type: | Was Lomonosov sent to Germany to specialize in Chemistry? + | Was Lomonosov sent to Germany to specialize in Chemistry or Anatomy? | Where was Lomonosov sent to specialize in Chemistry? | Why was Lomonosov sent to Germany? | Lomonosov was sent to Germany to specialize in Chemistry, wasn’t he? ~ Special question type: | What does the body of the prescription contain? + | Does the body of the prescription contain the name of a drug and dose? | Does the prescription or receipt contain the name of a drug and dose? | The prescription contains the name of a drug, doesn’t it? | Does the prescription contain the name or abbreviation of a drug? ~ Choose the correct answer. Medicinal plants are usually stored in a dark place protected from... | light+ | darkness | wetness | heat | dryness ~ Alternative question type. | Can you buy drugs or cleansers at the chemist’s? + | What can you buy drugs at the chemist’s | Can you buy drugs any sportswear at the chemist’s? | What things can you buy at the chemist’s? | You can buy drugs at the chemist’s, can’t you? ~ Choose the correct answer. Have you had practice... botany this summer? | in+ | at | with | on | about ~ Choose the correct answer. This plant contains corrosive poisons. | Poison ivy+ | Dandelions | Flowers | Silver birch | Poplars ~ Choose the correct answer. Effectiveness of drugs is controlled by … | a chemist analyst+ | a doctor | a patient | a chemist-engineer | a dispensing pharmacist. ~ Choose the correct answer. You buy drugs from … | a chemist+ | a doctor | a chemist analyst | a patient | a technologist ~ Choose the correct answer. The prescription … a chemist. | is controlled by + | were controlled with | controlled by | controlled | controls ~ Choose the correct answer. Drugs are delivered by … | a dispensing pharmacist+ | a doctor | a chemist analyst | a patient | a chemist ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin C enhances the … of iron from food of vegetable origin. | absorption+ | solution | dispensing | production | collecting ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of … from food of vegetable origin. | iron+ | water | oil | fats | vitamins ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from food of … origin. | vegetable+ | genetically modified | animal | synthetic | polymer ~ Choose the correct answer. Ascorbic acid … the formation of nitrosamines. | prevents+ | helps | allows | protects | promotes ~ Choose the correct answer. Ascorbic acid prevents the … of nitrosamines. | formation+ | destroying | discovery | analysis | defining ~ Choose the correct answer. Prolonged doses of ascorbic acid can result in the loss of … from bones. | calcium+ | sodium | potassium | iron | gold ~ Choose the correct answer. Sources of … include citrus fruits, fresh strawberries and pineapple. | vitamin C+ | vitamin D | vitamin B | vitamin A | vitamin F ~ Choose the correct answer. Sources of vitamin C include … | citrus fruits, fresh strawberries, pineapple+ | milk, meat, cabbage | cereals, juices, sunlight | beef, lamb, fish | herbs, green vegetables ~ Choose the correct answer. … is also called the sunshine vitamin. | Vitamin D+ | Vitamin C | Vitamin A | Vitamin B | Vitamin K ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D is also called the … vitamin. | moonlight | energy | nutritional | happy | pulse ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D is necessary for normal … | bone formation+ | heartbeat | pulse | blood pressure | brain activity ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D is necessary for retention of … in the body. | calcium and phosphorus+ | iron and sodium | potassium and manganese | sulfur and chlorine | sugar and salt ~ Choose the correct answer. … is obtained from egg yolk, liver, and tuna. | Vitamin D+ | Vitamin C | Vitamin A | Vitamin K | All vitamins ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D is also … in the body. | manufactured+ | eliminated | absorbed | wasted | dissolved ~Define the question type. When is Vitamin D manufactured in the body? | A special question+ | A general question | An alternative question | A tag-question question | A mixed question ~Complete the general question. … vitamin D converted to calcidiol in the liver. | Is+ | Are | Am | Do | Does ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D deficiency is called … | rickets+ | anemia | flu | tonsillitis | rashes ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D … is called rickets. | deficiency+ | deficitis | defects | detection | deficacy ~ Choose the correct answer. Excessive … of vitamin D can cause vitamin poisoning and loss of appetite. | consumption+ | production | manufacture | reduction | increase ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin E is known to be an essential … | nutrient+ | food | meal | mineral | medicine ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin E plays some role in preventing the … of vitamin A and fats. | oxidation+ | hydrolysis | absorption | reduction | production ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin E plays some role in preventing the oxidation of … | vitamin A and fats+ | water and minerals | salt and sugar | vitamin B group | carbohydrates ~ Choose the correct answer. … is found in vegetable oils, wheat, liver, and leafy green vegetables. | Vitamin E+ | Vitamin C | Vitamin D | Vitamin F | All vitamins ~ Choose the correct answer. is necessary mainly for the coagulation of blood. | Vitamin K+ | Minerals | Vitamin C | Oxygen | Vitamin D ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin K is necessary mainly for the … of blood. | coagulation+ | cooperation | collaboration | analysis | oxidation ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin K is necessary mainly for the coagulation of … | blood+ | serum | saliva | urine | water ~ Choose the correct answer. Protein … of polymers of amino acids. | consists+ | combines | compounds | contains | combats ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin is an … compound. | organic+ | inorganic | synthetic | mineral | complex ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin is required as a nutrient in … by an organism. | tiny amounts+ | large amounts | overdose concentration | huge amounts | high concentration ~ Choose the correct answer. … is a substance in food that contributes to growth and health. | Nutrient+ | Nutrivit | Nutrition | Nitrogen | Nitrosamine ~ Choose the correct answer. Nutrient is a substance in food that … to growth and health. | contributes+ | contributing | contributed | has contributed | has been contributing ~ Choose the correct answer. … is a B complex vitamin, found in meat, yeast and bran. | Thiamine+ | Biotin | Riboflavin | Niacin | Pyridoxine ~ Choose the correct answer. Thiamine is necessary for the … of carbohydrates. | metabolism+ | organism | reduction | assimilation | absorption ~ Choose the correct answer. Riboflavin is yellow or orange-yellow … compound. | water-soluble+ | water-concentrated | water-dissolved | water-proof | watery ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamins … in the formation of hormones and blood cells. | assist+ | assists | assisting | have assisted | has assisted ~ Choose the correct answer. The various vitamins … not chemically related. | are+ | were | is | be | been ~ Choose the correct answer. Most vitamins … in their physiological actions. | differ+ | difer | differs | defire | diffire ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamins are classified according to their ability to be absorbed in … | fat or water+ | fat or acid | juice or water | bases or water | saliva or acid ~ Choose the correct answer. A well-balanced … contains all the necessary vitamins. | diet+ | control | body | doctor | dessert ~ Choose the correct answer. A well-balanced diet … all the necessary vitamins. | contains+ | compiles | combines | complicates | covers ~ Choose the correct answer. The … vitamins can block the effect of other vitamins. | fat-soluble+ | water-soluble | acid-soluble | base-soluble | spirit-soluble ~ Choose the correct answer. … is a pale yellow primary alcohol derived from carotene. | Vitamin A+ | Vitamin B | Vitamin K | Vitamin D | Vitamin C ~Choose the correct answer. Why is it necessary to take vitamin A? | Because it is essential for the formation of bones as well as vision + | Vitamin A is fat- soluble | In carrots | Yes, it is | No, it isn’t ~ Choose the correct answer. An early vitamin A deficiency symptom is … blindness. | night+ | morning | day-time | evening | afternoon ~ Choose the correct answer. One of the following is NOT a symptom of vitamin A excessive intake: | hair loss+ | skin rashes | headaches | nausea | jaundice ~ Choose the correct answer. One of the following is NOT a symptom of vitamin A deficiency. | diarrhea+ | blindness | skin dryness | eye dryness | lack of mucus membrane secretion ~ Choose the correct answer. The body … vitamin A in two ways. | obtains+ | loses | finds | eliminates | wastes ~ Choose the correct answer. … is found in such vegetables as carrots. | Carotene+ | Biotin | Niacin | Protein | Nutrient ~ Choose the correct answer. Carotene is a vitamin precursor found in such vegetables as … | carrots+ | tomatoes | cucumbers | onions | radishes ~ Choose the correct answer. What vitamin is necessary for the nervous system? | Vitamin B6+ | Vitamin B is water-soluble | From the nutrients | Yes, it is | No, it isn’t ~ Complete the general question. The body obtains vitamin A by absorbing it from plant-eating organisms,... | doesn’t it? + | doesn’t she? | doesn’t he? | isn’t it? | aren’t they? ~ Define the tense of a verb in the sentence. In animal form, vitamin A is found in milk and fish-liver oil. | the present simple passive+ | the present simple active | the past simple | the present perfect | the present continuous ~ Choose the correct answer. … vitamin A can interfere with damage red blood cells. | Excess+ | Maximum | Minimum | Lack of | Sufficient ~ Choose the correct answer. Thiamine, or …, acts as a catalyst in carbohydrate metabolism. | Vitamin B+ | Vitamin C | Vitamin A | Vitamin K | Vitamin E ~ Choose the correct answer. Both vitamin D and K convert food into... | energy+ | acid | drug | salt | ether ~ Choose the correct answer. “to take vitamins” means... vitamins. | to use+ | to get | to produce | to prescribe | to dispense ~ Choose the correct answer. The word “avitaminosis” means … | lack of vitamins+ | hypervitaminosis | a plenty of vitamins | a moderate amount of vitamins | hypovitaminosis ~ Choose the correct answer. An antibiotic drug taken from molds is … | penicillin+ | sulfanilamide | glycoside | analgin | anabolics ~ Choose the correct answer. Both pneumonia and scarlet fever can be treated by... | penicillin+ | iodine | ion | morphine | poison ~ Define the question type. Is opium used as sedatives and pain killers? | A general question+ | A special question | An alternative question | A tag question | A choice question ~ Complete the question. … are natural derivatives of opium? – Morphine and codeine. | What+ | How many | Where | When | How long ~ Complete the tag question. Yarrow used to bring to weddings, … | didn’t it? + | doesn’t it? | hasn’t it? | was it? | did it? ~ Synonym to the word “yeast” is … | barm+ | jelly | crack | soybean | nutrient ~ Synonym to the word “medicament” is … | remedy+ | meditation | treatment | health resort | medical education ~ Synonym to the word “tablet” is … | pill+ | dropper | capsule | injection | suppository ~ Special question type: | What affects the composition of the compound? + | Do high to and pressure affect the composition of the compound? | High to affects the composition of the compound, doesn’t it? | Does high or low to affect the composition of the compound? | Does pressure affect the composition or structure of the compound? ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamins that can be dissolved in fats are … | vitamin A and vitamin D+ | vitamin C and vitamin B12 | vitamin E and vitamin B9 | vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 | vitamin B2 and vitamin K ~ Choose the correct answer. Each atom of this element has only one proton | hydrogen+ | oxygen | iodine | ion | methane ~ Choose the correct answer. The building blocks of proteins are called … | amino acids+ | carboxyl | esters | bases | alkali ~ Choose the correct answer. Any drug that elevates the rate of urination is … | diuretic+ | sedative | antitoxic | hypotensive | antispasmodic ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin A is for... | eye vision+ | proper digestion | disease resistance | preventing hair loss | preventing loss of appetite ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D plays an important role in... | calcium and phosphorous metabolism in the body+ | prevention from all viruses | enzyme production | production of proteins | production of prolactin ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D regulates the... level in the blood. | calcium + | potassium | kalium | ferrum | magnesium ~ Define the tense of a verb in the sentence. Bloodroot is used in herbal medicine. | the present simple+ | the present continuous | the present perfect | the past simple | the future simple ~ Choose the correct answer. The activity of antibiotics may be classified as… | bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal+ | catabolic or hydrolic | anabolic or metabolic | hydrolic or catatonic | metabolic or bacteriolic ~ Choose the correct answer. Antibiotics are used in medicine... illness caused by bacteria. | to treat + | to infect | to contaminate | to multiply | to intensify ~ Choose the correct answer. The drugs are classified according to their … structure. | basic chemical+ | biological | mathematic | anatomical | viral ~Complete the general question. … antibiotics derived from fungi or bacteria? + | Are |Do |Is |Did |Does ~ Choose the correct answer. Penicillin and cephalosporin are... | bactericidal antibiotics+ | bacteriostatic antibiotics | bacterial medicines | bacteriological drugs | bacterial antibodies ~ Choose the correct answer. Tetracycline and erythromycin are…: | bacteriostatic antibiotics+ | bacterial medicines | bacterial viruses | bacteriological drugs | bacterial germs ~ Choose the correct answer. What is antibiotic resistance called? | The ability of bacteria to resist the effects of an antibiotic+ | Antibiotic drugs | Yes, it is | No, it isn’t | In the organism ~ Choose the correct answer. When a germ gets into your body you produce... | antibodies+ | proteins | hormones | bacteria | viruses ~ Choose the correct answer. ...are not reasonable against viruses. | Antibiotics+ | Antibodies | Viricides | Antivenins | Antivirals ~ Ascorbic acid functions as... | vitamin C+ | vitamin A | vitamin B1 | vitamin B12 | vitamin K ~ Choose the correct answer. Calciferol is vitamin... | D+ | B2 | B12 | C | A ~ Choose the correct answer. Retinal is vitamin... | A+ | B5 | B9 | E | K ~Choose the correct answer. Cobalamine is vitamin... | B12+ | B2 | D | C | A. ~ Choose the correct answer. Thiamin is vitamin... | B1+ | B2 | D | C | A ~ Choose the correct answer. Riboflavin is vitamin... | B2+ | B12 | D | C | A ~ Choose the correct answer. Chemist shops are specialized places where medicines... | are sold + | sold | sell | have sold | will sell ~ ~ Choose the correct answer. mkA chemist-analyst is to control the effectiveness of... | drugs+ | chemical reactions | techniques | collection of samples | history taking ~ Choose the correct answer. The first year-students of pharmacy study... | chemistry+ | pharmacognosy | pharmacology | physiology | anatomy ~ Choose the correct answer. Each... has its own dose specification. | drug+ | protein | food | mineral | enzyme ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin B9 and its chemical name is … | folic acid+ | adenylic acid | riboflavin | thiamin | biotin ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin B2 and its chemical name is... | riboflavin+ | folic acid | methyonin | biotin | anthracitic acid ~ Folic acid and folate are forms of … | water-soluble B vitamin+ | water-soluble A vitamin | vitamin D | water-insoluble B vitamin | vitamin C ~ The word “folate” comes from … | Latin+ | Greek | Russian | Italy | Japanese ~ A plant that is valued for medicinal properties is a … | herb+ | yeast | fungi | virus | germ ~ Compose the sentence: in fats. /Both vitamin A/can/vitamin D/and/be dissolved | Both vitamin A and vitamin D can be dissolved in fats+ | Vitamin A both and can vitamin D be dissolved fats in | Can be dissolved in fats both vitamin A and vitamin D | Vitamin A and D be dissolved can both in fats vitamin | In fats both can vitamin A be dissolved in D fats vitamin ~Choose the correct answer. . A heterogeneous fluid containing solid particles is … | suspension+ | acid | alkali | mixture | emulsion ~ Tag question type: | Healthy people usually do not take drugs, do they? + | Who don’t take drugs? | Why don’t healthy people take drugs? | Don’t they take drugs or vitamins? | Do healthy people take drugs? ~ Choose the correct answer. Where are medicinal plants usually stored? | A special question+ | A tag question | An alternative question | A general question | A tag question ~ Alternative question type: | Can you buy medicaments or books at the chemist’s? + | What can you buy at the chemist’s? | What drugs can you buy? | Why can’t children buy any drugs at the chemist’s? | You can buy everything at the chemist’s nowadays, can’t you? ~ Define the question type. What essential oil is useful in daily skin care? | A special question+ | A tag question | A tail question | A general question | An alternative question ~ The sentence is in the past simple tense: | I took a single dose of the prescribed remedy+ | I don’t take a single dose of the prescribed remedy | I will take a single of the drug. | He usually takes a single dose of the medication | You have already taken a tablet ~ A substance which specifically promotes healing is … | medicine+ | oil | water | gas | vapor ~ Choose the correct answer. A drug used to treat heart problems is… | cardiac drug+ | diuretic | laxative | digestive | tonic ~ Complete the tag question. Lavander bath is a wonderful sleep aid, … | isn’t it? + | is it? | don’t they? | does it? | wasn’t it? ~ The sentence is in the present perfect tense: | Improper uses of antibiotics have caused the increase in drug-resistant bacteria.+ | Patchouli is used in external applications. | Bergamot aids the digestion. | Repeated uses of antibiotics are increasing drug-resistant bacteria. | Lavender was used for healing burns and cuts. ~ General type question: | Can you see balances in the chemical laboratory? + | There is glassware in the chemical laboratory, isn’t there? | What can you see in the chemical laboratory? | Are there microspores or microbes in the chemical laboratory? | Why are there balances in the chemical laboratory? ~ The most universally used solvent is... | water+ | gas | oil | vapor | ether ~ Choose the correct answer. The unit of volume in the metric system is called... | a liter+ | a centimeter | a kilogram | a kilometer | a tonn ~ Choose the correct answer. Many plant constituents are extracted by... | alcohol+ | gas | air | water | oil ~ Choose the correct answer. Water as a solvent is always used after... | distillation+ | evaporation | extraction | cleaning | drinking ~ Choose the correct answer. The origin of the word “pharmacy” is... | Greek+ | German | English | French | Italian ~ Choose the correct answer. Pharmacy was born in... | Europe+ | Asia | Australia | America | Africa ~ Choose the correct answer. She … broken the company rules. | has + | have | have been | has been | to have ~ Choose the correct answer. I thought you... with this problem. | dealt + | claimed | participated | played | invented ~ Choose the correct answer. We would like to... you a refund. | offer+ | save | bring | take | shake ~ Choose the correct answer. In my department people... so much time in the Internet. | waste+ | miss | ignore | give | earn ~ Choose the correct answer. Do you think you can... the deadlines? | set+ | save | kill | get | work ~ Complete the tag question. Black pepper possesses antitoxic and diuretic properties,.... | doesn’t it? + | isn’t it? | possesses black pepper? | didn’t it? | does it? ~ It is necessary to... impurities before the beginning of the experiment. | remove+ | separate | occur | affect | detect ~ Choose the correct answer. Water can be... by means of distillation. | effective+ | reparative | accretive | removal | detective ~ Choose the correct answer. Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas which is not difficult to... by its odor. | identify+ | supply | separate | see | touch ~ The lake water is a mixture of substances which are... | dissolved in it+ | not dissolved in it | all crystallized in it | visible to the naked eye | all fossilized in it ~ Alternative question type: | Is the protein molecule or atom deformed as proteins start boiling? + | When is the protein molecule deformed? | Is the protein molecule deformed as proteins start boiling? | What molecule is deformed as proteins start boiling? | The protein molecule is deformed as proteins start boiling, isn’t it? ~ Choose the correct answer. Carbon compounds contain carbon, hydrogen and... | oxygen+ | ferrum | lead | zinc | calcium ~ Tag question type | Sugar contains from five to six carbon atoms, doesn’t it? + | Does sugar contain from five to six carbon atoms? | How many carbon atoms does sugar contain? | Does sugar contain 5-6 or 8-9 carbon atoms? | What does sugar contain? ~ Choose the correct answer. Albumins are … in water while globins are … in water. | soluble, insoluble+ | solvent, insolvent | solubility, insolubility |solid, unsolid | solvable, unsolvable ~ Choose the correct answer. I am having two days... this week. I need a break. | off work+ | off working | out of work | do work | off stay ~ Choose the correct answer. The department store has sold... MP3 players again! | out+ | up | away | in | down ~ Choose the correct answer. I tried on four pairs of trousers, but none of them... me. | fit+ | went | suits | gone | liked ~ Complete the special question. ... did that cardigan go really well with? - His jeans. | What+ | Who | How | Where | When ~ Choose the correct answer. These sunglasses cost just $10. What a...! | bargain+ | business | investment | job | work ~ The sentence is in the present simple tense. | Water is a good solvent due to its polarity.+ | Water was a good solvent due to its polarity. | Water will be a good solvent due to its polarity. | Water has been a good solvent due to its polarity. | Water has never been a bad solvent. ~ I am saving up... a new computer. | to buy+ | for buying | bought | buy | buying ~Complete the general question. ... bloodroot prevent bacteria from forming plaque on teeth? | Does+ | Do | Is | Are | Has ~ Complete the special question. ... have you been out of a job, Mark? | How long+ | How much | When | What | How many ~ Choose the correct answer. If there were no... on the earth, there would not be any life. | water+ | petroleum | iron | gold | silver ~ Choose the correct answer. If a person suffers from liver problems, he should use... | Globe Artichoke+ | Yarrow | Blootrood | Black pepper | Lavender ~ Choose the correct answer. A liquid that has no color is a… liquid. | colorless+ | odor-free | odorless | tasteless | colorful ~ Find a mistake. Viral infections are treated by antibiotics. | viral+ | are | infections | by | treated ~ Choose the correct answer. Materials with a definite chemical composition are … substances. | chemical+ | physical | toxic | oily | biological ~ Choose the correct answer. If water had some odor, it... not be pleasant to drink it. | would+ | will | is | has been | will be ~ Choose the correct answer. Health care provided to improve the situation is … | treatment+ | development | statement | environment | government ~ Choose the correct answer. ... means to give out or distribute drugs. | To dispense+ | To define | Toc investigate | To mean | To set ~ Define the question type. Is lanolin used in dermatology? | A general question+ | A tag question | An alternative question | A special question | A tag question ~ Complete the tag question. After fertilization, the ovaries developed into seeds,... | didn’t they? + | did they? | don’t they? | doesn’t it? | weren’t they? ~ Choose the correct answer. What is ambergris? | A valuable wax+ | From the leaves | In China | Yes, it is | No, it isn’t ~ Choose the correct answer. Any physical damage to the body is … | injury+ | spasm | blood flow | tumor | fever ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin D is useful for your... | bones+ | hair | eyes | heart | liver ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin A is useful for your … | vision+ | hearing | olfaction | tactile sensation | taste ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamin that helps your body to resist infection is … | C+ | D | A | B | E ~ Choose the correct answer. Vitamins A, D, E and K are all... | fat-soluble+ | water-soluble | acid-soluble | alkali-soluble | niacin-soluble ~ Choose the correct answer. She... a first-year student last year. | was+ | were | be | been | being ~ Fill in the gaps with prepositions. There are many different units of measurements depending … what it is we want to measure. | on+ | of | to | in | for ~ Fill in the gaps with prepositions. There are two departments …a chemists’ shop. | in+ | with | of | on | to ~Fill in the gaps with prepositions. Every small bottle has a label … the name of the medicine. | with+ | of | to | in | on ~ Fill in the gaps with prepositions. The directions … the administrations of a drug are very important. | for+ | with | of | to | in ~ Fill in the gaps with prepositions. An extract is obtained … evaporating a solution of a drug. | by+ | for | of | to | with ~ Our institute … specialists in pharmacy | trains+ | delivers | carries out | attends | graduates from ~ Students of the pharmaceutical academy … experiments in laboratories | carry out+ | graduate from | enter | train | deliver ~ We study inorganic substances and their … | properties+ | experiments | prescriptions | plants | subjects ~ Choose the correct answer. My friend … his scientific society every week | attends+ | trains | delivers | graduates from | carries out ~ Choose the correct answer. People must take medicine … the prescription | in the accordance with+ | without | in front of | between | under ~ Choose the correct preposition. Overcooking of herbs leads... losing the precious therapeutic properties of the herb. | to+ | for | with | on | of ~Choose the correct preposition. The normal shelf life... the glycerin tincture is one year. | for+ | to | at | with | before ~ Complete the general question. ... ancient healers use animal fat to make a salve? | Did+ | Does | Have | Will | Has ~ Choose the correct preposition. Camomile is used to make a salve... eczema. | for + | on | to | above | under ~ Choose the correct answer. Roots of Lavender and Elecampane are ideal for making an... salve. | antibacterial + | bacterial | viral | disease-causing | pathogenic ~ Choose the correct answer. ... always go abroad during their summer holidays. | they | he | she | us | her ~ Choose the correct answer. Give... the book, please. | me | she | we | I | their ~ Choose the correct answer. ...... pupils are there in your class? | How many | How much | How old | What | Which ~ Choose the correct answer. ... is that man? - He is a doctor. | What | Who | Which | How | When ~ Choose the correct answer. Is... absent today? | anybody | somebody | nobody | anywhere | some ~ Choose the correct answer. I can’t do it today. I have... free time. | little | many | much | few | a lot of ~ Choose the correct answer. If you ever have... problems, let me know. | any | some | no | every | something ~ Choose the correct answer. Did... see this film yesterday? | anybody | somebody | nobody | everybody | anything. ~ Choose the correct answer. How... English words do you know? | many | much | little | few | more ~ Choose the correct answer. Don’t worry. We have... time before the train comes in. | much | few | little | many | more ~ Choose the correct answer. There are more than... books in the library. | 2 million | 2 millions | 2nd million | the 2 million | 2th millions ~ Choose the correct answer. The first of June nineteen hundred | ïåðâîå èþíÿ 1900 | ïåðâîå èþëÿ 1900 | ïåðâîå èþíÿ 9010 | ïåðâîå èþíÿ 19100 | ïåðâîå èþíÿ 1990 ~ Choose the correct answer. His birthday on... of October. | the fourth | four | the four | fourth | the fours ~ Choose the correct answer. He moved there some years ago, in 1950. | nineteen fifty | ninety fifty | ninety fifteen | nineteen fifteen | ninty fifty ~ Choose the correct answer. This famous poet was born on... of October. | the twenty third | twenty threeth | the twenty three | twentieth third | twenty third ~ Choose the correct answer. Are you a student? -Yes,... | I’m | I do | I have | I’m not | he is ~ Choose the correct answer. Does he spend his holidays by the sea? | Yes, he does | No, he does | Yes, I do | Yes, I am | No, I am not ~ Choose the correct answer. His clothes... usually very cheap, but he is actually well-off. | are | is | was | were | to be ~ Choose the correct answer. My mother’s sister is my... | aunt | niece | sister | sister-in-law | nephew ~ Choose the correct answer. Parents of my father are my... | grandparents | relatives | distant relatives | parents-in-law | stepparents ~ Choose the correct answer. Son of my brother is my.... | nephew | brother-in-law | niece | cousin | brother ~ Choose the correct answer. The mother of my husband is my.... | mother-in-law | mother | grandmother | sister | stepmother ~ Choose the correct answer. Children of aunt are my... | cousins | brother | sisters | nephews | nieces ~ Choose the correct answer. My children are my parents’... | grandchildren | grandsons | granddaughters | mchildren-in-law | grandnephews ~ Choose the correct answer. Today the weather is … than it was yesterday. | colder | more cold | coldest | cold | most cold ~ Choose the correct answer. This book is … of all I have read this year. | the most interesting | more interesting | interesting | most interesting | interestinger ~ Choose the correct answer. London is … New York. | older than | more old than | most old than | old than | as old as ~ Choose the correct answer. I met my... friend yesterday. | good | best | better | the best | the better ~ Choose the correct answer. Dad often says that Mom is his … half. | the best | good | the better | best | the good ~ Choose the correct answer. He said that money was …thing to him. | the most important | more important | the more important | most important | important ~ Choose the correct answer. My grandmother … not nervous and she … rarely upset. | is, is | are, am | was, were | was, will be | will be, is ~ Choose the correct answer. Art … long, life … short. | is, is | is, was | was, will be | will be, is | was, were ~ Translate the sentences from Kazakh into English. Á³çä³ң қ àëàìûçäà êө ïòåãåí ìåêòåïòåð æә íå èíñòèòóòòàð áàð. | There are many schools and institutes in our city. | There was a lot of schools and institutes in our town. | We have a few schools and institutes in our city. | In our city has many schools and institutes. | There are many shops and institutes in our town. ~ Translate the sentences from Êazakh into English. Ñåí қ àéäà áîëäûí? | Where have you been? | Where did you was? | Where you were? | Where have you be? | Where did you go? ~ Translate the sentences from English into Kazakh. Does your friend have a large or a small family? | Ñåí³ң äîñûң íûң æàíұ ÿñû ү ëêåíáà àëäå ê³øêåíòàéìà? | Ñåí³ң äîñûң íûң æàíұ ÿñû ү ëêåíáà? | Ñåí³ң äîñûң íûң ôàìèëèÿñû ê³ì? | Ñåí³ң äîñûң ү ëêåí æàíұ ÿíû қ àëàéäûìà? | Ñåí³ң äîñûң íûң æàíұ ÿñû қ àíäàé? ~ Choose the correct answer. Did you …. much work the day before yesterday? | have | had | has | make | done ~ Translate the sentences from Kazakh into English. Ñåí³ң äåìàëóûң à áîëàäû. | You may have a rest. | You should make a rest. | You can’t have a rest. | You may do the rest. | You must give a rest. ~ Translate the sentences from Kazakh into English. Á³çä³ң êө øåäå ө òå қ ûçûқ òû ìóçåé áàð. | There is a very interesting museum in our street. | We have got a very interesting museum at our street. | We has an interesting museum in our street. | There are very interesting museums in our street. | We haven’t any interesting museum in our street. ~ Choose the correct answer. There were many.... of the World War at the meeting. Men Mans Man Mannes Woman