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| men | tomatoes | lives | forget-me-nots ~ Choose wrong variant of noun’s plural form. | childrens | keys | women | horses | women-doctors ~ Analgesics are agents... | which act to relieve pain+ | which depress the central nervous system | which prevent convulsions | which reduces stress or tension | which fights with microorganisms ~ An example of narcotic analgesic is... | Opium + | Ketanol | Chlor-Trimeton | Digitoxin | Reserpine ~ A mixture in which free particles are suspended in fluid is … | suspension+ | water | substance | liquid | matter ~ The act of changing the natural color is … | discoloration+ | coloration | suspension | steeping | oxidation ~ An univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless gas is... | hydrogen+ | oxygen | hydrocarbon | iodine | methane ~ Our body converts... into energy. | food+ | poison | alkali | wastes | acids ~ She has been driving … twenty years. | for+ | since | on | while | about ~ She has been driving … 1999 | since+ | for | on | while | about ~ She started playing tennis … the age of 12 | at+ | on | in | for | with ~ They started … in this football team 3 years ago. | playing+ | played | play | have played | have been playing ~ Women change their clothes very often because the … changes. | fashion+ | country | magazines | shops | market ~ … thing in a big city is trash in the streets. | The worst+ | Worst | Bad | Worse | The worse ~ One of the following is a meat product. | lean pork chops | sunflower seeds | brocolli | mango | sweet potato ~ Lots of environmental problems in a big city … by cars. | are caused+ | are called | are linked | are modified | are driven ~ Most of British teenagers … home between 16 and 20. | leave+ | sell | buy | find | lose ~ Life in a big city is … because of traffic jams, noise and pollution from cars. | difficult+ | happy | fun | quiet | expensive ~ We … make changes in our lifestyles and walk or use bicycles to save environment. | should+ | shouldn’t | not should | should have | shouldn’t have to
~ I prefer Internet because TV news is often … | out of date+ | off the date | on data | update | on the date ~ Computers affect our … | eyesight+ | eyebrows | eyelashes | eye contact | eye surgery ~ I’m not very interested … politics. | in+ | at | with | into | up ~You can read information … different sources. | from+ | out | with | among |under ~He is going to live … a few years in Canada. | for+ | of | none | from | between ~Millions of trees … every year. | are cut down+ | are cut off | are cutting | down are cut | are down cut ~People cut forests all over … | the world+ | the sky | the space | the deserts | the icebergs ~”What does she think about it? ” – This is a … question. | Special+ | Alternative | General | Tag/Disjunctive | Mixed ~ There... many of toys in the playing room. |are+ | is | was | has | have ~ There... a lot of cultural activities. | are+ | is | has | have | am ~ It... a good place for walking. | is+ | are | were | have | have been ~The museum is... the bus station and the art gallery. | between+ | on | up | in | under ~ I … play the piano very well. | don’t+ | doesn’t | does | doesn’t like ~ Yesterday, I... two newspapers. | bought+ | buy | will buy | buyed | to buy ~ Last Sunday we … oranges. | ate+ | eat | will eat | eaten | shall eat ~Tom … in a bank from 1986 to 1993. | worked+ | work | working | will work | is working ~We … the party last night. | enjoyed+ | enjoy | will enjoy | have enjoy | not enjoy ~We … a lot of work yesterday. | did+ | done | do | will do | doing ~The color of lime is … | green+ | yellow | orange | black | pink ~The color of lemon is … | yellow+ | blue | green | black | white ~Ted … at work yesterday. | was not+ | were not | is not | have not | had not ~ I … well last night. | slept+ | sleep | will sleep | sleeping | have sleep ~ There … some big trees in the garden. | are+ | is | will | shall | no ~ There … a big tree in the garden. | is+ | are | will | shall | have ~ I was hungry but there … anything to eat. | wasn’t+ | weren’t | were | can | are ~ I … go out last night but my friends … | didn’t/ did+ | don’t/ did | didn’t/do | didn’t/ didn’t | do/ do ~ He … married. | isn’t+ | is | do | are not | are | are not listening+ | is not listening | is listening |are listen | to listen ~ Please, be quiet! I … | am working+ | is working | are work | is work | works ~ You can turn off the television. We … | are not watching it+ | is not watching it | not watching it | watching it | not watch it ~ Elizabeth … her hair now. | is washing+ | are washing | is wash | are wash | are washed ~ Look! Somebody … in the river. | is swimming+ | is swim | are swimming | is swimmed | swim ~ I … in a shop. My brother … in a bank. | work/ works+ | work/ work | works/ works | working/ work | worked/ work ~ I usually … television in the evening. | watch+ | watches | watched | watching | watchs ~ My job is very interesting. I often … a lot of interesting people. | meet+ | met | will be met | meets | meeting ~ His parents never … watch TV news. | watch+ | watches | to watch | watching | watchs ~ His friend never … television. | watches+ | watch | to watch | watching | watchs ~ It … a lot of money to stay at luxury hotels. | costs+ | cost | costing | had cost | have cost ~ Linda … in London. Her parents … in Scotland. | lives/ live+ | live/ lives | live/ live | living/ living | leaves/ leaves ~ Children usually … chocolate. | like+ | likes | like not | not like | liking ~ Julia never … breakfast. | eats+ | eat | eating | shall eat | ated ~ We stayed at a very big hotel. … 250 rooms. | There were+ | This is | These was | Those are | That is ~ We usually see each … once a week. | other+ | another | that | this | those ~... TV personalities or TV-stars did you see? | How many+ | How much | How often | How most | How a lot ~... music does your brother like? | What kind of+ | How much | How many | What kind | Which kind ~ The vegetable is … | tomato+ | lemon | ham | milk | fish ~ The fruit is … | apple | liver | egg | butter | pork ~ Chemical name for the Vitamin A is … | retinol+ | niacin | riboflavin | pantothenic acid | pyridoxine ~ He... what to do. | didn't know+ | did't known | didn't knew | don't knew | haven't known ~ How... American students are there at the school right now? | many+ | much | lot | plenty | few ~ What is his... town? | home+ | mother | city | house | father ~ Choose the correct answer. At what age do children usually leave... in your country? | kindergarten+ | park | office | neighbours | latmates ~ Choose the correct answer. What time does your sister usually get... in the evenings? | home+ | house | aim | country | town ~ Choose the correct answer. There's... to drink at home. | nothing+ | some | lots | nobody | no ~ Choose the correct answer. He has got no room, and he can't do... work. | any+ | no | some | anything | something ~ Choose the correct answer. My son... go to bed early. | doesn't+ | don't | haven't | hasn't | aren't ~ Choose the correct answer. The bedroom... a bit dirty. | is+ | are | were | look | have ~ Choose the correct answer. There's a new... at my work. | problem+ | problems | a problem | the problem | the problems ~Choose the sentence where the verb “to be” is the modal verb: | she is to start at nine tomorrow+ | she is at the office now | she is working now | she is sixteen | she is the secretary ~ Choose the correct answer. When the film started the children … in the living room. | were playing+ | play | has played | played | had playing ~ How nice … works at the lesson! | she+ | you | they | we | I ~ Choose the correct answer. …did you put it? | Where+ | Who | Whose | How much | While ~ Choose the word in a plural form: | people+ | child | tooth | foot | knife ~ Choose a verb in the present perfect tense: | has read+ | has reading | has readed | had read | have reading ~ This television …in Japan. | is made+ | make | are made | makes | is make ~ Antibiotics are drugs used to treat … | bacterial infections+ | virus infections | chronic diseases | congenital diseases | psychosomatic diseases ~ Antibiotics either kill … or keep them from reproducing. | bacteria+ | viruses | cells | neurons | nephrons ~ Colds and flu caused by … are not treated with antibiotics. | viruses+ | fungi | bacteria | microbes | worms ~ Yeast infections caused by … are not treated with antibiotics. | fungi+ | viruses | bacteria | microbes | worms ~ Bacteria can destroy …, so this can be a pretty serious problem. | tissue and organs+ | just dead cells | ligaments | joints | bones ~ Some infections, if serious enough, can lead to… | death+ | remission | recovery | no diseases | life ~ There are many classes of antibiotics, which stop the bacteria from growing or … them. | kill+ | save | feed | protect | multiply ~ Antibiotics that attack a wide range of bacteria are called “… antibiotics”. | broad-spectrum+ | narrow-spectrum | wide-spectrum | small-spectrum | large-spectrum ~ Those antibiotics that attack one type of bacteria are called “… antibiotics”. | narrow-spectrum+ | broad-spectrum | wide-spectrum | small-spectrum | large-spectrum ~ When … reach the area of infection, they attack the bacteria. | antibiotics+ | vitamins | sulfanilamides | hormones | herbs ~ The number of bacteria begins to decrease when … attack the bacteria. | antibiotics+ | ointments | hormones | vitamins | herbs ~ If you stop taking the antibiotic, the bacteria that remain in the area will begin to … again. | reproduce+ | disappear | be inactive | be passive | be destroyed ~ It is important to take antibiotics for the full time prescribed in order to get rid of all... | harmful bacteria+ | useful bacteria | microbes | viruses | worms ~ While you take antibiotics, the numbers of bacteria … until there are almost none left… | decreases+ | decreased | decrease | decreasing | is decreased ~ The bacteria that are killed off first are the … ones. | weakest+ | strongest | largest | biggest | smallest ~ Fortunately, our … system can recognize these leftover bacteria and eliminate them. | immune+ | nervous | digestive | circulatory | endocrine ~ If you stop taking the antibiotics before the prescribed time, this can lead to bacteria that... | are resistant to all known antibiotics+ | are indifferent to any antibiotics | are harmless | don’t react | are passive ~ The effects of antibiotics are to... | kill bacteria or to keep them from reproducing+ | kill various viruses | destroy the alive cells and tissues | kill fungi in the body | stop developing chronic diseases. ~ Antibiotics work against … | bacteria+ | viruses | fungi | microbes | yeast infections ~ “Narrow-spectrum” antibiotics are antibiotics that … | attack one type of bacteria+ | attack a wide range of bacteria | don’t attack any bacteria | destroy the tissues | kill the cells ~ Antibiotics are absorbed in the … system. | digestive+ | respiratory | circulatory | endocrine | excretory ~ It is essential to eat yoghurt... | to neutralize diarrhea+ | to cure a headache | to stop bleeding | to cause diarrhea | to cause vomiting ~ Complete the tag question. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, … | are they? + | aren’t they? | is they? | isn’t they? | will they? ~ Complete the sentence: … is a reproductive organ of most seed – bearing plants. | Flower+ | Leaf | Root | Stem | Bark ~… plants possess highly modified leaves that trap and digest insects to obtain needed nutrients. | Insectivorous+ | Perennial | Biennial | Annual | Flowering