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I have always been interested in Kinesio taping since I got across with that method at school. I have always thought that this type of tape can be used in different areas of Physiotherapy and not only. It is rather simple, cheap and fast technique that can perform really good results. Although, the effect of Kinesio tape is not fully studied, many physiotherapists believe in it benefits. I have met different clients during my practice in Finland and abroad and more than half of them suffered from low back pain. Low back pain is a common disease all over the world. There are different treatments for that type of impairment. Kinesio taping is one of those treatment. I got an idea to check the effectiveness of such method on clients with non-specific low back pain. After the discussion with the tutor, the topic was set in November 2015. At the beginning of December 2015, I started to search the information about low back pain and Kinesio tape. It was not very easy because the amount of information was huge but it was hard to find out the data that was needed for the research. I had to check different books, articles, web pages and compare the data, because some of it was not trustable or was too old. The next step was finding a client group for the research. Satakunnan Selkä yhdistys agreed to be a client group and the contract was signed in February 2015. After that, I had to find out what questionnaires I would use in my work, what questionnaires are reliable, fit the research and can provide important data. The search was difficult as the variety of tests and questionnaires is big and does not suit everyone. Finally, the optimal questionnaires were found and after that I've made my research with participants. There were nine participants at the beginning, but during the research three people dropped out due to the sick leave and I got only six results at the end. In my opinion, my results could be better if everyone would have taken part in the research. However, I had to analyze the data what I got. I had a break off from March till May due to the Erasmus exchange program. I didn't work on my thesis during that period of time. I have returned back to the thesis process in June and then again had a break due to the summer holidays. I continued writing theory in autumn. It was a long and a hard process. Sometimes I had motivation and sometimes not. Practice and school in autumn was loading and it was difficult to concentrate fully on the thesis. The last and the hardest step begun in February when I was trying to finish theory part. However, at the end on March I've managed it and started analyzing process at the beginning of April. This process was not easy because it included statistical part, which seemed to be problematical for me. However, after some book research I've found a method how to analyze my results and the process went smoothly. Motivation was back again. Thesis presentation was planned to be at the end of May. To sum up, the whole process went well and smoothly. I got positive results. The mean score between both groups was different as well for VAS as for the Rolland-Morris scale, but the difference was not significant. For the future, I can recommend to take more participants, so the results would be more reliable and significant. In my case, the results have improved but did not have significant effect. This could possibly be because the amount of participants was little. For the future research I would recommend to take around 30 participants or more due to Wilcoxon signed-ranks test recommendations.
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Kä rsitkö teippiallergiasta?
Kyllä En En tiedä
1. Oletko kä rsinyt selkä kivusta/jä nnityksestä? Kyllä En 2. Onko sinulla lä ä kä rin/diagnoosia selä n sairaudesta? Kyllä En Jos on, niin mikä? ________________________________________ 3. Kä ytkö oireisiisi jotain lä ä kitystä (esim kipulä ä kitys ym) tai muuta hoitoa (esim fysioterapia)?
Merkitse rastilla oheiselle janalle kipusi voimakkuus tä llä hetkellä: 0= ei kipua, 10= sietä mä tö n kipu 0__1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10
Kun selkä nne on kipeä, teidä n saattaa olla vaikea tehdä joitakin normaalitoimianne. Tä ssä luettelossa on lauseita, joilla ihmiset ovat kuvanneet itseä ä n, kun heillä on selkä kipua. Lukiessanne niitä saatatte huomata, että jotkin niistä erottuvat muista, koska ne kuvaavat teitä tä nä ä n. Kun luette niitä, ajatelkaa itseä nne tä nä ä n. Lukiessanne lauseen, joka kuvaa teitä tä nä ä n, merkitkä ä se rastilla. Jos lause ei kuvaa teitä, jä ttä kä ä kohta tyhjä ksi ja siirtykä ä seuraavaan lauseeseen. Muistakaa, että merkitsette rastin vain, jos olette varma, että lause kuvaa teitä tä nä ä n.
APPENDIX 3 Missä mä ä rin vaivanne rajoittaa/rajoittavat