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Make up a plan and retell the text.Стр 1 из 36Следующая ⇒
Chip 1. a device made up of a non-metallic semiconducting material (silicon), which contains a set of integrated circuits, with high-speed performance 2. informal name for integrated circuit
What caused the malfunctions in the first computers? What are the advantages of transistors? What was the main distinctive feature of the third generation of computers? What advanced IBM to introduce first home computer? What is the goal of the fifth-generation computing?
совершенствование технологии эффективные и надежные устройства занимать целую комнату причины сбоя транзисторы значительно превосходят вакуумные лампы подвергать компьютер повреждениям отличительная черта третьего поколения компьютеров взаимодействовать с компьютером посредством клавиатуры и монитора находиться в стадии развития искусственный интеллект
Defining a term If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like. To define a term you have to use the following words and expressions: apply to, refer to, relate with, imply, define, is used to identify, is used to describe, represent, constitute . a. Algorithm refers to a series of instructions or a step-by-step procedure for the solution of a problem. b. Byte implies a unit of information which consists of a fixed number of bits. c. The term disk is used to identify a storage device made of flat circular plates with magnetizable surfaces. d. Input represents the process of transferring information into the memory from some peripheral unit. 3. Match the terms to the definitions:
Make up a plan and retell the text. Phrasal Verbs The term phrasal verb is used to describe a combination of verb+preposition. There is a strong tendency to use phrasal verbs instead of their one-verb equivalents.