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Lt;question>Find the correct variant: Where do you take books?

< variant> At the library

< variant> At the station

< variant> At the museum

< variant> In the park

< variant> At home.


< question> Complete the sentence: What did you do … night? - I went to the cinema.

< variant> last

< variant> leave

< variant> left

< variant> love

< variant> lend


< question> Complete the sentence. In the evening I like to relax in an …

< variant> armchair

< variant> fireplace

< variant> central heating

< variant> pillows

< variant> curtains


< question> Put the sentence into the Past Simple Tense: They come to school by bus.

< variant> They came to school by bus.

< variant> They comed to school by bus.

< variant> They coming to school by bus.

< variant> They will come to school by bus.

< variant> They comes to school by bus.


< question> Find the right tense form: I … you for 2 days.

< variant> haven’t seen

< variant> didn’t see

< variant> saw

< variant> has seen

< variant> had saw


Lt; question> Choose the right variant: (Мне требуется/Мағ ан қ ажет) 2 hours to do homework.

< variant> It takes me

< variant> It takes I

< variant> It takes my

< variant> It takes mine

< variant> It takes myself


Lt; question> Choose the right variant: (Ей требуется/Оғ ан қ ажет) 2 hours to do homework.

< variant> It takes her

< variant> It takes she

< variant> It takes hers

< variant> It takes herself

< variant> It takes him


< question> Choose the negative answer in the Past Simple: She left her coat in the cloakroom.

< variant> She did not leave her coat in the cloakroom.

< variant> She did not left her coat in the cloakroom.

< variant> She does not left her coat in the cloakroom.

< variant> She does not leave her coat in the cloakroom.

< variant> She will leave her coat in the cloakroom.


< question> Find the right tense form: What …you ….at this time yesterday?

< variant> were/doing

< variant> are/doing

< variant> was/doing

< variant> were/did

< variant> did/doing


< question> Complete the sentence: …you already seen the new film?

< variant> Have

< variant> Do

< variant> Are

< variant> Does

< variant> Did


< question> Put the verb into the correct form: How fast (you/drive), when accident (happen)?

< variant> were you driving/happened

< variant> was you driving/happen

< variant> were you drove/happened

< variant> were you drived/happened

< variant> are you driving/happened


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