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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Lt;question>Complete the sentence with the verb: I _____my homework yesterday.

< variant> did

< variant> played

< variant> drove

< variant> lived

< variant> listened


< question> Choose the right variant: Do...know the young man,... name is Patrick?

< variant> you/whose

< variant> she/whose

< variant> you/that

< variant> he/which

< variant> they/whom


< question> Complete the sentence with appropriate auxiliary verb: _____they play tennis after school yesterday?

< variant> Did

< variant> Does

< variant> Have

< variant> Has

< variant> Are


< question> Choose the right variant: She likes to go shopping... Sunday mornings.

< variant> on

< variant> at

< variant> in

< variant> to

< variant> from


< question> Choose the right preposition: My father has lived in Japan... 5 years.

< variant> for

< variant> since

< variant> ago

< variant> between

< variant> at


< question> Choose the correct preposition: Nick has gone, but he will return …an hour.

< variant> in

< variant> near

< variant> to

< variant> by

< variant> after


< question> Choose the right answer: He has (никогда) been to London.

< variant> never

< variant> often

< variant> sometimes

< variant> seldom

< variant> always


< question> Find the antonym: midnight-

< variant> midday

< variant> soon

< variant> moon

< variant> midmoon

< variant> sun


< question> Put the sentence into the Future Simple: I go for a walk after supper.

< variant> I shall go for a walk after supper.

< variant> I was going for a walk after supper.

< variant> I am going for a walk after supper.

< variant> I went for a walk after supper.

< variant> I have gone for a walk after supper.


< question> Put the sentence into the Future Simple: Mr. Patrick is in the office.

< variant> Mr. Patrick will be in the office.

< variant> Mr. Patrick was in the office.

< variant> Mr. Patrick has been in the office.

< variant> Mr. Patrick is been in the office.

< variant> Mr. Patrick be in the office.


< question> Put the sentence into the Future Simple: She passes her exams successfully.

< variant> She will pass her exams successfully.

< variant> She passed her exams successfully.

< variant> She has passed her exams successfully.

< variant> She is passing her exams successfully.

< variant> She was passing her exams successfully.


< question> Choose the right variant: sixteen + twenty is ….

< variant> thirty-six

< variant> thirteen-six

< variant> thirty-one

< variant> three

< variant> threety


< question> Choose the right verb for the sentence: I invited Sue to the party, but I don’t

think she ….

< variant> will come

< variant> will pass

< variant> will look

< variant> will get wet

< variant> will live


< question> Choose the right tense form for the sentence: By the time she comes, he … dinner.

< variant> will have cooked

< variant> have cooked

< variant> cooked

< variant> is cooking

< variant> cooks


< question> Choose the right tense form for the sentence: When we get there, the film ….

< variant> will have started

< variant> will started

< variant> have started

< variant> started

< variant> starts


< question> Choose the right variant: It hasn’t rained … September

< variant> since

< variant> for

< variant> ago

< variant> already

< variant> yet


< question> Choose the right synonym: to be located -

< variant> to be situated

< variant> to be elected

< variant> to be adopted

< variant> to be separated

< variant> to be strengthened


< question> Choose the right synonym: different -

< variant> various

< variant> executive

< variant> droughty

< variant> cosy

< variant> independent


< question> Choose the right tense form: I was watching TV, when she ….

< variant> called

< variant> call

< variant> calls

< variant> is calling

< variant> will call


< question> Choose the right tense form: When the phone rang, she … a letter.

< variant> was writing

< variant> will write

< variant> wrote

< variant> writes

< variant> write


< question> Choose the right variant: I was born … September.

< variant> in

< variant> on

< variant> at

< variant> during

< variant> for


< question> Choose the right variant: I was born … the 1st of September.

< variant> on

< variant> in

< variant> at

< variant> during

< variant> for


< question> Choose the right form of the Past Perfect: Before she went to London, she … never… such a nice beach.

< variant> had/seen

< variant> has/seen

< variant> is/seen

< variant> sees

< variant> will see


< question> Choose the right tense form: They … working at the project now.

< variant> are

< variant> is

< variant> have

< variant> shall

< variant> were


< question> Choose the right tag question: Mark won’t be late, …he?

< variant> will

< variant> shall

< variant> is

< variant> was

< variant> were


< question> Choose the appropriate formula of the Present Perfect Tense:

< variant> have/has + V3

< variant> V2

< variant> had + V-3

< variant> am/is/are + V-ing

< variant> shall/will + V


< question> Choose the appropriate formula of the Present Continuous Tense:

< variant> am/is/are + V-ing

< variant> V2

< variant> had + V-3

< variant> have/has + V3

< variant> shall/will + V


< question> Choose the appropriate formula of the Present Simple Tense:

< variant> V, V-s, es

< variant> V2

< variant> had + V-3

< variant> have/has + V3

< variant> shall/will + V


< question> Choose the appropriate formula of the Future Simple Tense:

< variant> shall/will + V

< variant> V2

< variant> had + V-3

< variant> have/has + V3

< variant> V, V-s, es


< question> What tense form is the given sentence related to: He has already written eight books.

< variant> Present Perfect

< variant> Past Simple

< variant> Past Perfect

< variant> Past Continuous

< variant> Present Simple


< question> What tense form is the given sentence related to: She always helps her mother about the house.

< variant> Present Simple

< variant> Present Continuous

< variant> Past Perfect

< variant> Past Continuous

< variant> Present Perfect



< question> What tense form is the given sentence related to: They are cooking dinner now.

< variant> Present Continuous

< variant> Present Simple

< variant> Past Perfect

< variant> Past Continuous

< variant> Present Perfect


< question> Change the sentence from affirmative into negative: My uncle built a new house last year.

< variant> My uncle didn’t build a new house last year.

< variant> My uncle doesn’t build a new house last year.

< variant> My uncle isn’t built a new house last year.

< variant> My uncle hasn’t built a new house last year.

< variant> My uncle hadn’t built a new house last year.


< question> Change the sentence from affirmative into negative: At the end of the term the students pass exams.

< variant> The students don’t pass exams at the end of the year.

< variant> The students didn’t pass exams at the end of the year.

< variant> The students won’t pass exams at the end of the year.

< variant> The students aren’t pass exams at the end of the year.

< variant> The students haven’t pass exams at the end of the year.


< question> Choose the right word: He is ____. He ’d like something to eat.

< variant> hungry

< variant> thirsty

< variant> hot

< variant> angry

< variant> cold


< question> Choose the right preposition of movement: Go _____the bridge!!!

< variant> across

< variant> up

< variant> down

< variant> through

< variant> out of


< question> Choose the right indefinite pronoun: There is __________in the box.

< variant> something

< variant> anything

< variant> anybody

< variant> some

< variant> nothing


< question> Choose the right indefinite pronoun: Is ______clear?

< variant> anything

< variant> something

< variant> anybody

< variant> some

< variant> nothing


< question> Choose the right indefinite pronoun: What is happened? - _______.

< variant> nothing

< variant> some

< variant> any

< variant> no

< variant> everybody


< question> Choose the right indefinite pronoun: _______is all right.

< variant> everything

< variant> anything

< variant> anybody

< variant> some

< variant> nothing


< question> Choose the right answer: In front of the house there is a nice______.

< variant> garden

< variant> picture

< variant> TV

< variant> furniture

< variant> carpet


< question> Choose the right preposition of movement: I’m walking ____the street.

< variant> along

< variant> up

< variant> down

< variant> through

< variant> out of


< question> Choose the right variant: I have just … my sister`s sun – glasses.

< variant> broken

< variant> break

< variant> ate

< variant> broke

< variant> done


< question> Choose the right variant: There is a sofa (между/ортасында) two armchairs.

< variant> between

< variant> under

< variant> on

< variant> behind

< variant> down

< question> Choose the right form of “to have”: We____ our diploma in 4 years.

< variant> shall have

< variant> having

< variant> have

< variant> had

< variant> has


< question> Find the right variant: … ice-cream is made of milk and sugar.

< variant> --

< variant> An

< variant> A

< variant> The

< variant> At


< question> Choose the right answer: This is … book.

< variant> a

< variant> -

< variant> some

< variant> an

< variant> are


< question> Choose the right answer: Look at…. picture.

< variant> the

< variant> an

< variant> in

< variant> some

< variant> these


< question> … Ishym is the longest river in our country.

< variant> The

< variant> An

< variant> A

< variant> Of

< variant> -


< question> Choose the right answer: Barbara thinks the shops... expensive.

< variant> are

< variant> is

< variant> will

< variant> shall

< variant> a


< question> Choose the right variant: My friends... to school by bus.

< variant> go

< variant> study

< variant> love

< variant> watch

< variant> listen


< question> Choose the right variant: My parents... at 7: 30 a.m.

< variant> get up

< variant> study

< variant> love

< variant> watch

< variant> listen


< question> Choose the right variant: My cousin lives in France and he … French.

< variant> speaks

< variant> works

< variant> loves

< variant> watches

< variant> listens


< question> Choose the right variant: In... we learn about the past.

< variant> history

< variant> geography

< variant> music

< variant> biology

< variant> physical training


< question> Choose the right variant: In... we learn different sports.

< variant> physical training

< variant> geography

< variant> music

< variant> biology

< variant> history


< question> Choose the right variant: In... we learn about different countries.

< variant> geography

< variant> physical training

< variant> music

< variant> biology

< variant> history


< question> Choose the right variant: Is there... sugar in the bowl?

< variant> any

< variant> some

< variant> no

< variant> every

< variant> none



< question> Choose the right variant: I haven’t got... books about Africa.

< variant> any

< variant> some

< variant> no

< variant> every

< variant> none


< question> Choose the right variant: Please buy... apples when you go shopping.

< variant> some

< variant> any

< variant> no

< variant> every

< variant> none


< question> Choose the right article: … new restaurant opened in High Street.

< variant> a

< variant> an

< variant> -

< variant> the

< variant> this


< question> Choose the right article: The restaurant has... interesting menu.

< variant> an

< variant> a

< variant> -

< variant> the

< variant> this


< question> Choose the right article: In my opinion, it’s... best place to eat vegetarian food in town.

< variant> the

< variant> a

< variant> -

< variant> an

< variant> this


< question> Choose the right indefinite pronoun: How... money did you spend on the new car?

< variant> much

< variant> many

< variant> a few

< variant> few

< variant> a lot of


< question> Choose the right indefinite pronoun: How... people were there in the party?

< variant> many

< variant> much

< variant> a few

< variant> few

< variant> a lot of


< question> Choose the right variant: My mother has a lot of work to do about the....

< variant> house

< variant> job

< variant> study

< variant> lesson

< variant> roof


< question> Choose the right variant: By... my father is a modest, cheerful and well-bred man.

< variant> character

< variant> appearance

< variant> face

< variant> type

< variant> gender


< question> Choose the right variant: My parents have different... on music, film, sport.

< variant> views

< variant> characters

< variant> faces

< variant> types

< variant> genders


< question> Choose the right variant: Our flat is on the third....

< variant> floor

< variant> flat

< variant> house

< variant> garden

< variant> street


< question> Choose the right degree of comparison: You are... person in our class.

< variant> the tallest

< variant> taller

< variant> tall

< variant> more tallest

< variant> more taller


< question> Choose the right article: I am... English teacher.

< variant> an

< variant> a

< variant> the

< variant> so

< variant> -


< question> Choose the right pronoun: Your brother is so rude. I don’t like....

< variant> him

< variant> her

< variant> he

< variant> his

< variant> himself


< question> Choose the right pronoun: May I take... umbrella?

< variant> your

< variant> yours

< variant> you are

< variant> you

< variant> yourself


< question> Choose the right pronoun: Whose car is this? - This car is....

< variant> ours

< variant> ourselves

< variant> we

< variant> him

< variant> you


< question> Choose the right pronoun: Who are these people? I don’t remember....

< variant> them

< variant> they

< variant> their

< variant> themselves

< variant> us


< question> Choose the right preposition: I go to work... car every morning.

< variant> by

< variant> at

< variant> in

< variant> on

< variant> to


< question> Choose the right preposition: John gets up... 9 o’clock every day.

< variant> at

< variant> in

< variant> on

< variant> for

< variant> ago


< question> Choose the right preposition: Many animals are... danger.

< variant> in

< variant> by

< variant> at

< variant> on

< variant> to


< question> Choose the sentence with the right word order:

< variant> Tom plays the guitar very well.

< variant> Tom the guitar plays very well.

< variant> Tom very well the guitar plays

< variant> Tom the plays guitar very well.

< variant> Tom guitar very well the plays.


< question> Choose the sentence with the right word order:

< variant> I study at the University.

< variant> I study the University at.

< variant> I at the University study.

< variant> I the study at University.

< variant> Study I at the University


< question> Choose the sentence with the right word order:

< variant> What is your favourite color?

< variant> What favourite color is your?

< variant> What is your color favourite?

< variant> What your is favourite color?

< variant> What your favourite color is?


< question> Choose the right article: Have you got... pen?

< variant> a

< variant> an

< variant> the

< variant> -

< variant> so


< question> Choose the right variant: Tom... reading a newspaper now.

< variant> is

< variant> are

< variant> am

< variant> were

< variant> shall


< question> Choose the right Present Perfect: I... my car keys 2 days ago.

< variant> have lost

< variant> has lost

< variant> was loosing

< variant> will lose

< variant> shall lose



< question> Choose the right plural form of the noun: bus-

< variant> buses

< variant> buss

< variant> bus

< variant> busys

< variant> busies


< question> Choose the right plural form of the noun: family-

< variant> families

< variant> familys

< variant> familyes

< variant> familyies

< variant> family


< question> Choose the right plural form of noun: book-

< variant> books

< variant> bookes

< variant> bookses

< variant> book

< variant> bookies


< question> Choose the right plural form of noun: baby-

< variant> babies

< variant> babys

< variant> babyes

< variant> baby

< variant> babyeses


< question> Choose the right plural form of noun: man-

< variant> men

< variant> mans

< variant> mens

< variant> man

< variant> menes


< question> Choose the right possessive case of noun:... is Mike.

< variant> My friend’s name

< variant> My name’s friend

< variant> My friend names

< variant> My friend’s names’

< variant> My friends’ names


< question> Choose the right variant:... is warm and light.

< variant> Her son’s room

< variant> Her son’s pen

< variant> Her son’s bag

< variant> Her son’s desk

< variant> Her son’s camera


< question> Choose the right variant: This... husband is a worker.

< variant> woman’s

< variant> women’s

< variant> womans’

< variant> womens’

< variant> women


< question> Choose the Past Perfect Tense: Why did he feel so upset? - Because he... his job.

< variant> had lost

< variant> have lost

< variant> will have lost

< variant> has lost

< variant> shall have lost


< question> Choose the Past Continuous Tense: Yesterday at 8 o ‘clock she... supper.

< variant> was having

< variant> were having

< variant> is having

< variant> will be having

< variant> are having


< question> Choose the right preposition for the tense form: I haven't spoken to Mary... Christmas.

< variant> since

< variant> ago

< variant> for

< variant> while

< variant> during

< variant> I’ve finished

… Ishym is the longest river in our country.< variant> The

Cha nge the sentence from affirmative into negative:

He writes books every year.< variant> He doesn’t write books every year.

Chang e the sentence from affirmative into negative: My uncle built a new house last year.< variant> My uncle didn’t build a new house last year.

Change the sentence from affirmative into negative: At the end of the term the students pass exams.< variant> The students don’t pass exams at the end of the year.

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