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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

E) 17 mln

2. Put the sentence into the Future Simple: She passes her exams successfully.

E) She will pass her exams successfully.

3. Choose the right answer: I’m looking for … my ring.

E) -

4. Find the correct answer: Where are the coal fields located in Kazakhstan?

C) In the Centre of Kazakhstan

5. Change the sentence from affirmative into negative: My uncle built a new house last year.

E) My uncle didn’t build a new house last year.

6. Give 2 forms of the verb: to do -----/------.

D) did-done

7. Choose the right variant: sixteen + twenty is ….

B) thirty-six

8. Choose the right variant: (Ей требуется/Оғ ан қ ажет) 2 hours to do homework.

D) It takes her

9. Choose the right noun in plural: That woman has three __________.

A) children

10. Choose the right preposition: The train is standing … platform 5.

E) on the

11. Choose the right variant: When did Kazakhstan become independent?

D) 1991

12. What tense form is the given sentence related to: They are cooking dinner now.

D) Present Continuous

13. Choose the appropriate formula of the Future Simple Tense:

D) shall/will + V

14. Choose the definite article: We often go to___cinema on weekdays.

B) the

15. Choose the right answer: He doesn’t like (самоуверенный/ө зімшіл) people.

C) selfish

16. Choose the right degree of comparison: This text is (difficult) than that one.

D) more difficult

17. Complete the sentence with appropriate auxiliary verb: _____they play tennis after school?

E) Do

18. Find the right variant: My uncle’s daughter is my ____.

B) cousin

19. Choose the right variant: Last Friday everybody …at the meeting, but you….

E) was/weren’t

20. Give 2 forms of the verb: to speak ---- /-----.

E) spoke-spoken

21. Choose the right variant: (Мне требуется/Мағ ан қ ажет) 2 hours to do homework.

E) It takes me

22. Choose the correct special word for the question: …does his working day begin?

A) When

23. Choose the right variant for the statement: I don’t feel very well. ___________

A) I’ve got a headache.

24. Choose the right answer: What is the lower chamber in Kazakhstan’s Parliament?

A) the Mazhilis

25. Write the time: It’s five a.m.

B) 05.00.

26. Choose the right word: He is ____. He ’d like something to eat.

B) hungry

27. Choose the right answer: My sister has 200 stamps.

B) two hundred

28. Choose the right pronoun: Tell (ему/оғ ан) about your story.

B) him

29. Choose the right tag question: Mike wasn’t sleeping, ____?

E) was he

30. Find the right variant in plural: This is my child’s toys.

A) These are my children’s toys.

31. Choose the right variant: I was born … the 1st of September.

B) on

32. Put the sentence into the Future Simple: Mr. Patrick is in the office.

D) Mr. Patrick will be in the office.

33. Choose the right tag question: Mark won’t be late, …he?

D) will

34. Choose the right preposition: I saw Jack …. the concert last Saturday.

B) at

35. Complete the sentence, using right tense form: He _____to the University by bus every day.

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