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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

C) comes

36. Choose the right answer: My mother’s husband is my _____.

D) father

37. What tense form is the given sentence related to: She always helps her mother about the house.

E) Present Simple

38. Complete the sentence: Does …. know him?

E) anybody

39. Choose the correct article if it is necessary: It is in ___Broadway.

C) -----

40. Choose the negative answer in the Past Simple: She left her coat in the cloakroom.

E) She did not leave her coat in the cloakroom.

41. Choose the right answer: What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

C) China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

42. Find the right possessive case: The name of my friend

B) My friend’s name

43. Put the sentence into the Future Simple: I go for a walk after supper..

D) I shall go for a walk after supper.

44. Choose the right form of “to be”: Don’t buy that coat! It __expensive.

C) is

45. Choose the right article, if it is necessary: …London is the capital of Great Britain.

A) -

46. Choose the right article: England is on ___river Thames.

A) the

47. Choose question using these words: When/you/do your homework?

D) When do you do your homework?

48. Choose the right variant: I hate when people interrupt, because it is _______to talk with them.

D) impossible

49. Choose the right tense form: They … working at the project now.

C) are

50. Choose the question for this answer: _____________? - Fine, thanks.

A) How are you?

51. Choose the synonym to the word-combination: free time-

A) spare time

52. Write the time: It is quarter to twelve.

A) 11.45.

53. Choose the right pronoun: Tell (им/оларғ а) about your story.

A) them

54. What tense form is the given sentence related to: He has already written eight books.

A) Present Perfect

55. Choose the right form of “to have”: ____you got a camera?

E) have

56. Complete the sentence: … nearly 11 o’clock

B) It is

57. Choose the right answer: I don’t respect (глупый/ақ ымақ) people.

D) foolish

58. Find the right variant: My brother designs flats and buildings. He is an _____

C) architect

59. Choose the right variant: What is the climate of Kazakhstan?

E) sharply-continental

60. Choose the right synonym: to be located –

C) to be situated

61. Find the right variant: He... playing tennis at 5 o'clock yesterday.

E) was


62. Choose the word that does not belong to clothes:

D) Sweet

63. Choose the right form of “to have”: Everybody likes Annie. She ____many friends.

B) has

64. Choose the right variant: seventeen + twenty-three is ______.

E) forty

65. Choose the appropriate formula of the Present Perfect Tense:

C) have/has + V3

66. Put special question to the underlined word: He goes to school.

E) where

67. Find the antonym: expensive-

D) cheap

68. Complete the sentence: …you already seen the new film?

B) Have

69. Choose the right special question: ____kind of films do you like?

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