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The Open University

The Open University (1)........ in 1968 to give people who (2) …… afford to attend regular courses of study, the opportunity of studying and obtaining a university diploma or degree. They study at home and their academic performance (3) …….. by means of written examinations or project work. Most Open University students (4) …….. in study while also holding down a job or coping with a busy home life. They (5) ………… in order to update their job skills or personal satisfaction.

At the heart of most courses is a set of specially written and professionally printed textbooks and workbooks which students (6) ……… by post. On many of the courses, students (7) ……….. to watch television programmes on the BBC network, which (8)........... in the early hours of the morning. The aim of these programmes (9) is ………. and broaden the study experience, so that students (10) ……….. only on the printed materials they are sent.

1. a) is created b) creates c) was created d) is to create

2. a) cannot b) might c) must d) were to

3. a) is assessing b) assessed c) assesses d) is assessed

4. a) are fitted b) fit c) cannot fit d) were fitting

5. a) studying b) study c) were studying d) shall study

6. a) may receive b) were receiving c) have received d) receive

7. a) are expecting b) expect c) might expect d) are expected

8. a) broadcast b) must broadcast c) are broadcast d) have broadcast

9. a) may develop b) develop c) to develop d) have to develop

10. a) are to rely b) are relied c) are relying d) do not have to rely


Задание № 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Стихотворение было выучено наизусть.

2. В будущем году построят много новых школ.

3. Лекции этого знаменитого профессора всегда слушают с большим вниманием.

4. Не могли бы Вы повторить свой вопрос еще раз?

5. Завтра мы пишем тест по английскому языку, поэтому я должен к нему готовится сегодня.

6. Каждый день студенты посещают 3 лекции, которые начинаются в 8 утра и заканчиваются в 2 дня.

7. Мне пришлось прочесть много книг, когда я готовилась к докладу.

8. Я не могу смотреть телевизор с тобой, потому что я не сделал домашнюю работу.

9. Он может знать ответ на этот вопрос, но я не уверенна.

10. Вам следует работать усерднее, тогда вам удастся сдать экзамен хорошо.

Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами:

I always wanted to be a great (1) (science) I had these dreams of discovering a (2) (revolution) new drug that would save the lives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was never very good at (3) (chemist) at school and I kept producing these horrible smells and the teacher used to get very cross with me.

After a while, I decided I would become an (4) (invent) and design an amazing new (5) (produce) which would become a household name. My parents were quite encouraging, but told me to be a little more (6) (real) and not quite so (7) (ambition). A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for a pen that, at least (8) (theory), would write upside down. To my (9) (disappoint) a friend of mine pointed out that it was not a new (10) (discover).



Задание № 1. Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык:

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