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The man who wanted to see it all

Heinz Stucke is the most extraordinary man. For the past 16 years he has been cycling round the world, not to get mentioned in The Guinness Book of Records, but simply to see the world.

So far he has seen 105 countries and pedalled 95, 000 miles. In Brazil, he met Pele. In Iran, he got typhoid. He has been robbed and knocked down by cars. Sometimes he has been driven mad by questions from curious onlookers, at other times driven deep into depression by loneliness.

He has emerged from it all with remarkable sanity. Last month he was in London, living in a hotel and planning to cover the parts of the world he has not seen yet: Scotland, Ireland, Iceland and a trans-Sahara crossing to West Africa.

Stucke was born and brought up in a small town in eastern Westphalia, the son of a carpenter. At school he read an inspiring volume called A German Cyclist Around the World. At 18, he cycled around Europe. At 20, he struck East overland to Ceylon, by ship to the eastern terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway and then back by train and bicycle to Germany, to settle for two years as apprentice toolmaker.

Stucke has seen the world change and shrink. Today you’re regarded as just another hippie on a bicycle. Jumbo jets and mass tourism are to blame. “at one time I’d cycle into some remote village and be greeted as a messenger of goodwill. The people would give me food, and they’d be curious and talk.

Stucke once wanted to settle down as a tour operator, now he is unsure. After 16 years on the road, on the bicycle much repaired and reinforced, he is a sore of practical knowledge and advice. Japan is the best place for a traveler to find a friendly woman, Europe is the worst. If you have to deal with the military, deal with officers, policemen are much the same in all ranks.


Задание № 2. Прочтите текст снова, выберите подходящие слова или выражения, чтобы завершить предложения или ответить на вопросы.

1. …was not mentioned in this text.

A. А meeting with Pele

B. А car accident

C. А serious disease

D. А talk with a madman

2. Аccording to Stucke, the world has changed because of

A. hippies

B. mass tourism

C. messengers of good will

D. curious people

3. according to the text, Stucke now

A. wants to settle down

B. has a new bicycle

C. knows a lot about the world

D. is sure to become a tour operator

4. Which of the following is contrary to the text?

A. the most friendly women live in Japan

B. the behavior of a policeman depends on his rank

C. common soldiers are more ignorant than officers

D. in Europe a man on a bicycle looks like an ordinary poor man


Задание № 3. Выберите правильную форму глагола. Выделите правильный вариант.

Пример: Paul: What have you done/ did you do last night?

Mary: Well, I have hoped/had been hoping to go out, but I had had/ had too much work.

1. Mark: For a long time Tom was/were very angry with me.

Pete: Why? What have you done/did you do?


2. Mark: Is your hairdresser really good?

Pete: Yes, he is. I recommend/is recommending. I think/am thinking you’d like him.

3. Pete: Is yoga easy?

Mark: I don’t know. I’ve never done/never did it.

4. Mark: How long have you had/did you have your computer?

Pete: Just a few months. Sally gave/give me her old one.

5. Mark: Oh, no! I have burnt/have been burning rice!

Pete: We can’t eat any of it.

6. Pete: We are trying/try to save for a trip to Egypt next year. We really want to go there.

7. Mark: Did you use to go/were you used to going fishing when you were little?

8. Pete: I don’t usually feel/am not usually feeling tired in the mornings. I have/am having plenty of energy then.

Задание № 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, применяя правильную форму герундия, инфинитива:

1.Ты слышал, что я сказал тебе, или ты хочешь, чтобы я повторил еще раз?

2. Я могу идти теперь или вы хотите, чтобы я остался?

3. Никто не заметил, как он спокойно уснул.

4. Он хочет, чтобы его послали на конференцию в Москву.

5. Он почувствовал, как ветер ворвался сквозь окно и смешал бумаги на его столе.

6. Ты можешь попрактиковаться в произнесении этого трудного звука?

7. Лучше избежать путешествовать по Нью-Йорку в часы пик. Вы можете попасть в пробку.

8. Мне хочется съесть чего-нибудь вкусного. Ты не возражаешь, если я приготовлю десерт?

9. Джон старался отложить на потом выполнение домашнего задания. Но мама настояла на том, чтобы он сделал его немедленно.

10. Мама привыкла украшать блюда, когда она накрывает на стол. Все выглядит очень красиво.

11. Ничего не зная об опасности, мы продолжали путь.

12. Выяснив, что он все еще в Москве, я позвонил ему.

13. Прочитав много книг по этому вопросу, он был способен говорить об этом часами.

14. Секретарь отправила письма, подписанные директором.

15. Работая, я всегда слушаю музыку.


Задание № 5. Раскройте скобки, применяя правильную форму герундия или инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Would you like to ride on my bike with me? I promise not … too fast. (go)

2. I didn’t agree with Ted but I didn’t dare… with him in front of everyone. (argue)

3. Someone rang my doorbell last night but I pretended … out.(be)

4. Can you imagine … your own birthday? I always remember mine.(forget)

5. Tom seems … a lot of people at this party. (know)

6. I put off … Jessica last night because I didn’t want to talk. (phone)

7. When I am tired, I enjoy … television. It’s relaxing! (watch)

8. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy … for a walk? (go)

9. I wish that dog would stop …. It’s driving me mad. (bark)

10. Our neighbor threatens … the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call)

Задание № 6. Выберите правильную форму причастия, подчеркните ее. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Пример: A word (spoken, speaking) in time may have very important results.

1. He walked out of the room without (saying, said) goodbye.

2. We took a taxi after (leaving, left) the party.

3. Everything what is (spoken, speaking) here is extremely important.

4. The girl (buying, bought) those books is my wife.

5. I think that tall man (walking, walked) there is his brother.

6. “How did you like the food? ” asked Paul, (paid, paying) the bill.

7. The bus (driven, driving) by Tom Smith drove past them without stopping

8. The car moved forward and crashed into a shop window, (causing, caused) thousands of pounds of damage.

9. The fish (cooking, cooked) by my granny is always very delicious.

10. Here is the key (taking, taken) at the receptionist.


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